Philips numan — Wikipedia


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Philips Numan , born around 1550 in Brussels and died on In the same city, is a historian, a poet and a clerk and secretary of Brussels. He wrote in Dutch, Latin and French.

In 1583, he published his The mirror under the pseudonym Hippophilus Neander .

The Leydtsman there the Sondaer , published by Christophe Plantin in Antwerp, is a translation according to that, in French, of a work by Luís de Granada, originally in Spanish,

The description of the shows and the games on the occasion of the advent of the Archduke Ernest of Austria, as well as the panegyric praise that Numan made for the Archdukes Albert and Isabelle, are works of circumstance.

He wrote the history of Notre Dame’s miracles, who had come to Montaigu.


Reception of the poetic work in Dutch [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Foppens praised his talents: he would be a graceful and elegant poet. This opinion was shared by Kantelaar and Siegenbeek who nevertheless regret that the multitude of bastard words disfigure his language. However, Numans defended themselves in the preface to his Strijt Des Moods [ first ] by making fun of the great pride that some people have with regard to the originality and seniority of their language, contemptuous everything that is borrowed from others [ 2 ] . Kalff, on the other hand, finds that his original works in Dutch, The mirror And Den Strijt , are edifying but devoid of poetry [ 3 ]

An example of the moralizing and edifying qualities of this poetry:

Extract from Strijt Des Moods , 1590
Original Version: Free translation in French:
What baet food and drincken versa,
Is there the blood of the poor suypt, alst dickwils happens?
What is they in the kercke Schreyt, Sucht and mourning,
If one does not buy and then Vilonnye [ 4 ] ?
What good is to give up meals and drinks,
When we suck the blood of the poor, as often happens?
What is it for crying, sighing and lamenting inside the church,
If, outside, we only show nothing but baseness?
  • Varia (poems dispersed and transmitted by separate leaves);
  • (nl) The Spieghel of the Menschen, the generals are standing and the call of t ‘Menschelijck gheslacht. Now on an Easycx made by Hispophilus Neander van Bruessele , Antwerp, 1583;
  • (nl) Den Leydtsman der Sondaeren: Waer in Gheleert all the t’gene that a Kersten man can be debted by t’beghintsel sijnder converting to the Eynde van Sijnder Volmaecktheydt , Publié Chez Christoffel Plantijn, Anvers, 1588;
  • (nl) Den Strijt des Gemoets in the Wech der Deuchden: by Philips Numan van Bruessele , Brussels, 1590;
  • (the) Map of the Spectacles and Games on the arrival of Sereniss. Prince Ernest Austrian Brussels published , Printed Plant., 1595;
  • (the) Panegyric in the arrival of Sereniss. Princes Albert and Isabel in the city of Bruxellensem , ibid., 1602 ;
  • (fr) Miracles of ours-Dame Advinz at Mont-Aigu (followed by two dialogues on miracles) , Brussels, 1603;
  • (nl) History of the miracles of Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe van Scherpenheuvel , Brussels, 1604 (Dutch version of the previous work);
  • (nl) Filling , Brussels, 1606;
  • (nl) Other miracles from Onser Lieve Vrouwe on the Scherpenheuvel, gheschiet in part sedert the Lesten Druck van den Jare 1613, meeting by Philips Numan, Secretary of the Stadt of Bruessele , Brussels, 1617
  • AA, A.J. of the, Biographical Dictionary of the Netherlands , Volume 13, J.J. Van Brederode, Haarlem, 1868, p. 344 -345
  • Witsen Geysbeek, P.G., Biographical Anthological and Critical Dictionary of the Nederduitsche Poets , volume 4, JAC-NYV, C.L. Schleijer, Amsterdam, 1822, p. 520
  1. Jacobus Kantelaar, Matthijs Siegenbeek, Euterpe: a magazine for the promotion of beautiful arts and sciences , volume 1, Allart, 1810, p. 127
  2. «[…] The great party that some are making the eye -getting stupid and outheyt of heure tale and the spelling all tghene delck vuyt vuyt spoke of other languages ​​or is derived if added.” ; Citing D’AP aprS G.S. Overdiep, History of Literature of the Netherlands , Volume 3, Standard Boekhandel, Anvers/Bruxelles/Teulings’ Uitgevers-Maatschappij, Bois-le-Duc, S.D. [1944], p. 148 -149
  3. G. Kalff, History of Dutch Literature , Volume 3, J.B. Wolters, Groningen, 1907, p. 266
  4. Extract of The battle of mind Quoted by F.A.SNELLAERT, in: Treatise on Dutch poetry in Belgium , Memoirs crowned by the Royal Academy of Sciences and Beautiful Letters of Brussels , Royal Academy, 1838, p. 230
