West German Federal Elections of 1957-Wikipedia


THE German federal elections of (in German : Bundestag election 1957 ) Be held on Sunday , in order to elect the 494 deputies of the 3 It is Bundestag legislature. Due to the results and in application of the electoral law, 497 deputies are finally elected.


This ballot produces a unique result throughout the history of the German democratic elections, since the CDU/CSU alliance wins the absolute majority of voices and seats. Chancellor Adenauer thus begins a third term, after having maintained his coalition with the DP.

During the federal elections of , the CDU/CSU Alliance of the Christian Democratic Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer is clearly essential. Conquerful more than 45% of the vote, she obtained 243 deputies out of 487, lacking a seat with the absolute majority. It clearly is ahead of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) of Erich Ollenhauer, which flirts with the 29%, sending 151 elected officials to the Bundestag.

Remaining the third party of the young Federal Republic, the Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) of the Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of Affairs of the Marshall Franz Blücher Plan totals 9.5% of the vote and 48 deputies. It is followed by the Pan-German block/Federation of refugees and expelled (GB/BHE), an extreme right party which intends to represent the Germans expelled from Eastern Europe and which garnered 5.9%, obtaining 27 parliamentarians.

The German Party (DP) of the Federal Minister for Bundesrat Heinrich Hellwege fails to cross the new federal electoral threshold of 5%, but its agreements with the CDU allow it to have several district deputies elected, guaranteeing it with 3.3% Expressed a group of 15 elected officials. The German center party (DZP) also wins a uninominal mandate, but its extremely low score does not allow it to have more than three seats.

Finally, the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and the Bavarian Party (BP) come out of the Assembly, failing to have obtained at least 5% of the votes throughout Western Germany. The BP is thus the victim of this change of electoral law, since it reaches 9% in Bavaria, which would have guaranteed it to enter the Bundestag under the empire of electoral law of .

The , after having formed a very large majority including the Christians Democrats, the Liberals, the GB/BHE and the DP, Adenauer begins a second term after being invested chancellor by 305 votes out of 467. Less than a year later, the Federal President Theodor Heuss is largely re -elected by the Federal Assembly . Supported by all the Bundestag parties, he received 871 votes out of 920, or 94.7% of voters and 85.6% of registrants.


In the first half of the year , the GB/BHE then the FDP pass through the opposition. However, eight deputies of the refugee block join the Christian Democratic Union, while 17 liberal parliamentarians constitute the Liberal People’s Party (FVP) in order to continue to sit in the federal government. An important ministerial reshuffle then allows the Chancellor to translate the new balances of his majority at the ministerial level.

By the Luxembourg agreements, signed the Of that same year, the German and French authorities agreed on the return of the Saar Protectorate in Western Germany. THE , the Land de Sarre is officially constituted and integrated into the FRG.

The Bundestag is made up of 494 deputies (in German: Member of the German Bundestag , CIS ), elected for a four -year legislature by direct universal suffrage and according to the proportional ballot of Hondt.

Each voter has two voices: the first ( First voice ) allows him to vote for a candidate of his constituency according to the modalities of the majority uninominal election in a turn, the country with a total of 247 constituencies distributed between the ten Countries ; the second ( Second voice ) allows him to vote for a list of candidates proposed by a political party at the level of the land.

During the counting, all of the attributed seats are distributed in proportional, provided that a party has won 5% of the votes at the national level or three uninominal mandates, then distributed between the Länder. If a party has won mandates by uninominal ballot, its seats are first provided by them.

In the event that a party obtains more mandates in the uninominal election that proportional does not attribute it, these mandates are preserved.

Main parties [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Party Ideology Leader Score a 1953
Christian Democratic Union of Germany
Christian Democratic Union of Germany
Christian democracy, liberal-conservatism
Konrad Adenauer
(Federal Chancellor)
45.2% of votes
243 deputies
Christian-Social Union in Bavaria
Christian-social Union in Bavaria
Social Democratic Party of Germany
Social Democratic Party of Germany
Left -back
Democratic socialism, socialism
Erich Ollenhauer 28.8% of votes
151 deputies
Liberal Democratic Party
Free Democratic Party
Classical liberalism, economic liberalism
Reinhold Maier 9.5% of votes
48 deputies
Pan-German block/Refugee and expelled block
Overall German Block/Confederation of Displaced Persons and Denated
Far right
Nationalism, conservatism, irredentism
Johannes Brockmann (of) 3.1% of votes
10 deputies
German party
German party
National-conservatism, national-liberalism
Heinrich Hellwege
(Minister-President of Basse-Saxe)
4.0% of votes
17 deputies

Voices and seats [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At the federal level [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Results of German federal elections of 1957
Gone Constituencies List Total seats
Votes % Seats +/- Votes % Seats Total +/-
CDU/CSU 15 161 550 50.28 194 en augmentation22 15 008 399 50.19 76 270 en augmentation27
Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) 11 975 400 39.71 147 en augmentation17 11 875 339 39.71 68 215 en augmentation24
Christian-Social Union in Bavaria (CSU) 3 186 150 10.57 47 en augmentation5 3 133 060 10.48 8 55 en augmentation3
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) 9 651 669 32,01 forty six en augmentationfirst 9 495 571 31.75 123 169 en augmentation18
Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) 2 276 234 7.55 first en diminution13 2 307 135 7.71 40 41 en diminution7
Pan-German block/Federation of refugees and expelled (GB/BHE) 1 324 636 4.39 0 en stagnation 1 374 066 4.59 0 0 en diminution27
German party (DP) 1 062 293 3.52 6 en diminution4 1 007 282 3.37 11 17 en augmentation2
Others 679 832 2.25 0 en diminutionfirst 712 975 2.38 0 0 en diminution3
Votes by selecting 30 156 214 97.05 29 905 428 96.24
White and draw 916 680 3.37 1 167 466 3.26
Total 31 072 894 100 247 en augmentation5 31 072 894 100 252 497 en augmentationten
Abstentions 4 328 029 12.23 4 328 029 12.23
Number of registrants / Participation 35 400 923 87.77 35 400 923 87.77

Dance les countries [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Analyse [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This election has no equivalent in the history of German politics. It is indeed the only democratic ballot in which a party obtains an absolute majority alone, a performance never repeated since. The Christian democratic block CDU/CSU, with 50.2% of the votes cast, indeed obtains 270 seats out of a total of 497. Passing under the 5% threshold and carrying no direct mandate, the GB/BHE leaves the Bundestag after only a legislature of presence, while the DP is maintained there thanks to its agreements with the CDU which allow it to take several districts in Basse-Saxe and Hesse.

Consequences [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Konrad Adenauer subsequently engaged in a third term at the head of a coalition government between the CDU, the CSU and the DP with 274 votes for 476.

With the passage in the opposition of the DP in Christians-democrats governed alone until the end of the legislature. This is also a unique case in the history of post-war Germany: all the following and preceding governments are indeed coalition governments combining several parties.

Annexes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
