Assalt on Myth Dannor — Wikipedia


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Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor is a type video game dungeon crawler Developed and edited by Strategic Simulations, Inc. in 1993 on PC. He is the latest born of the legendary trilogy “Eye of the Beholder”. We often refer to it thanks to the acronym “EOB” followed by the episode number ( ex:EOB2 ).

As for its predecessors, it is a game very similar to one of the ancestors of the same category, Dungeon Master . The goal of the game is simple ; Using a group made up of a maximum of six adventurers of breeds and various classes, it is necessary to explore interior and external environments in order to fight evil creatures, to solve puzzles, to pick up Treasures and magic objects that will improve the group’s capacities and ultimately resolve the main plot. To do this, the game uses the Advanced Dungeons & Dragon Second Edition rules.

The game offers to create a new group of adventurers or import its group from Eye of The Beholder II . Freshly created adventurers begin according to their classes around the level of experience ten.

Notable differences compared to its predecessors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Some levels of the game are located in external environments (forests, cemeteries, ruined cities, aquatic levels …) unlike previous opus which understood very little ( Eye of The Beholder II ), or even none ( Eye of The Beholder ) [ first ] .
  • It provides the player with new spells, a large quantity of new magic objects and also offers him various meetings with new creatures [ 2 ] .
  • It contains many more kinematic sequences than its predecessors [ 3 ] .
  • Its lifespan is approximately fifty hours for a confirmed player and therefore much higher than that of the previous opus [ 3 ] .
  • It offers the possibility of attacking all the characters in the group of adventurers at the same time through a function ” All Attack [ first ] .
  • While his predecessors were known to offer original puzzles, this opus offers only more basic puzzles of the style “find the right object” or “find the right combination”. However, these puzzles offer an appropriate challenge [ 3 ] .

Apart from these few points, the game remains similar to Eye of The Beholder And Eye of The Beholder II .

“The adventurers, while spending a quiet evening at the corner of a very hot fire in a good inn, are accosted by an enigmatic individual who will offer them to measure themselves in one of the greatest mystery of Féérune: L ‘Ancient Elven City of myth Drannor, currently plagued by powerful evil force.


This is where the little troop will have to go to destroy this evil for good but of course to raise richness and glory! ”

The scenario is quite similar to that of the second opus and a little more extensive than that of the first, but has weaknesses that the two previous opuses did not have. This could explain the more mixed success of this third opus. Series games Eye of the Beholder never proposed rich scenario but rather short introductions which gave way to action.

In total, 50,664 copies of the game are sold by Strategic Simulations [ 4 ] .

Retrospectively, the magazine scorpia journalist Computer Gaming World judge that Eye of the Beholder III Clot the series disappointingly. She believes that if her combat system has finally been corrected, by adding an order to order all the characters to attack, the game is rather « morne » With its graphics often “Too dark” , its sound effects “Monotones” And a disappointing final fight. She therefore believes that it is to be reserved for the biggest fans in the series [ 5 ] .

  1. a et b (fr) Genseric, Eye of The Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor » , on , .
  2. (in) Eye of The Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor » , on .
  3. A B and C (in) Michael L. House, Eye of The Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor » , on AllGame .
  4. (in) Jimmy Maher, Opening the Gold Box, Part 5: All That Glitters is Not Gold» , on , .
  5. (in) Scorpia, Scorpia’s Magic Scroll of Games: A Survey of Computer Role-Playing Games» , Computer Gaming World , n O 111, , p. 36 .
