Joseph Torres Hurted — Wikipedia


José Torres Hurtado , born the In Píñar, is a Spanish politician member of the People’s Party (PP).


He was mayor of Grenada between 2003 and 2016.

A quick election to cortes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After having followed a training in agronomy, he became an agricultural technical engineer. In 1979, he was elected to the rural body of Grenada.

On the occasion of the anticipated legislative elections of October 28, 1982, he was invested in second position in the list of the AP-PDP coalition in the province of Grenada [ first ] . Elected at the Congress of Deputies, he sits on the popular group and the Commission for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. He was appointed second vice-president in [ 2 ] .

For the anticipated general elections of June 22, 1986, he is a candidate for one of the four seats of senator in the province of Granada, under the colors of the popular coalition (CP) [ 3 ] . He won a total of 97,231 votes, the fourth best result, and is thus elected in the Senate [ 4 ] .

In the Upper House, he is a member of the Commission for Agriculture and Fisheries throughout his mandate, held the position of second vice-president of the Commission of Inquiry on Forest Fires between And , headquarters to the Bicameral Commission for European Communities from [ 5 ] . He does not represent himself after his mandate.


MP for Andalusia Parliament [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

There is little time outside the parliamentary game. He is indeed elected deputy of the province of Grenada in the Parliament of Andalusia during the regional election of June 23, 1990. For this first mandate, it belongs to the Commission of territorial policy, to the Commission of Agriculture, breeding and fishing, and the Coordination and Administrative Organization Commission [ 6 ] .

Re -elected during the regional election of June 12, 1994, he continued to participate in the Agriculture Committee, the Coordination Commission, and joined the Commerce, Tourism and Transport Committee. In , he took over the chairmanship of the public company monitoring and control commission Radio y televisión de Andalucía (RTVA) [ 7 ] .

Following the anticipated regional election of March 3, 1996, he was chosen to chair the Economy, Finance and Budget Commission, while sitting on the Agriculture of Agriculture [ 8 ] .

Government delegate [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the Council of Ministers appoints José Torres Hurtado Government delegate in Andalusia [ 9 ] . He took office five days later, and explains on this occasion that the Minister of the Interior Jaime Mayor Oreja, the Minister of Defense Eduardo Serra and himself had, the , escaped an attack on the car trapped orchestrated by ETA [ ten ] . After the new victory of the People’s Party in the legislative elections of March 12, 2000, he was confirmed in his functions [ 11 ] .

Mayor of Granada [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the summer of 2002, the secretary general of PP Javier Arenas, a party’s figure in Andalusia, slices in his favor and appointed him head of the list for the municipal elections of the municipal elections of in Granada [ twelfth ] . It is therefore noted from its functions the Sugurating, the benefit of Juan Ignacio Zoido [ 13 ] .

On the day of the election, his list produces a score of 58,985 votes, or 48.08% of the votes cast and 14 municipal councilors out of 27 [ 14 ] . Consequently, the According to, he is invested mayor of the city. Candidate for his succession , it totals 60,310 votes, which is 53.33% and 16 elected officials [ 15 ] . The ballot of confirms the domination of the People’s Party, which garnered 60,519 votes in its favor, or 51.87% of the expressed and still 16 seats out of 27 on the municipal council [ 16 ] .

It is admitted to intensive care on , after being the victim of a cerebral infarction, which will require a long period of convalescence and rehabilitation [ 17 ] . His first deputy Juan Antonio Mérida then exercised the temporary worker until his return, the following [ 18 ] .

On the occasion of the municipal elections of , the People’s Party, from which he leads the list, loses his absolute majority with 36% of the votes cast and 11 out of 27 advisers within the Assembly [ 19 ] . Six days later, the center party Ciudadanos, which has four elected officials, agrees to support the PP, provided Torres Hurtado retires to promote renewal [ 20 ] . After this veto was lifted [ 21 ] , José Torres Hurtado Est Investi Le Mayor of Grenada for a fourth term: he obtains 11 votes, as much as the socialist Francisco Cuenca, but represents the list having received the most votes [ 22 ] .

It is placed in police custody for a few hours the By the unity of economic and financial delinquency (Udef), suspected of having committed the crimes of subornation, contractual fraud, illicit association, prevarication, influence traffic, embezzlement of public funds, scam, false in commercial writing and administration unfair, following two complaints concerning constructions of private equipment intended for the public [ 23 ] . Consequently, Ciudadanos announces that it is ready to file a motion of censorship and contacts the other political parties of the municipal council [ 24 ] And the People’s Party suspends on its militant rights [ 25 ] .

Resignation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After the PP left him until , date of his hearing before the judge, to put his resignation, the spokesperson for Ciudadanos, Luis Salvador, announces the that he breaks with the conservatives and says he is ready to support a censorship motion to form an executive “Released from the shadow of corruption” , while specifying that he will not support the constitution of a municipal team in which Vamos Granada, close to Podemos, explains, who explains that he does not have this intention [ 26 ] .

He finally announced his resignation a few hours later, but Ciudadanos confirms his desire to initiate a change of executive [ 27 ] . The JUAN GARCía Montero Culture and Sports Advisor will therefore be responsible for the interim of the town hall [ 28 ] . His departure is formalized the During an extraordinary session of the municipal council, following which the PP announces that he proposes to his succession the councilor to tourism Rocío Díaz while the whole opposition proclaims his support for the socialist Francisco Cuenca [ 29 ] .

  1. (is) «Candidacies proclaimed for the elections to the Congress of Deputies and the Senate convened by Royal Decree 2057/1982, of August 27. ” , Official Bulletin of the State of
  2. (is) «Torres Hurtado, José» , biographical sheet of the II It is Legislature, site of the Congress of Deputies
  3. (is) «Proclaimed candidates for the elections to the Congress of Deputies and the Senate, convened by Royal Decree 794/1986, of April 22. ” , Official Bulletin of the State of
  4. (is) «Summary of the results of the elections for the Congress of Deputies held on June 22, 1986, according to the data listed in the Minutes of General Scrutiny sent by each of the provincial electoral boards. ” , Official Bulletin of the State of
  5. (is) «Torres Hurtado, José» , biographical sheet of the III It is Legislature, Senate site
  6. (is) «Torres Hurtado, José» , biographical sheet of the III It is Legislature, Site of the Andalusian Parliament
  7. (is) «Torres Hurtado, José» , biographical sheet of the IV It is Legislature, Site of the Andalusian Parliament
  8. (is) «Torres Hurtado, José» , biographical sheet of the IN It is Legislature, site of the Andalusian Parliament]
  9. (is) «Royal Decree 1042/1996, of May 17, which is appointed delegate of the Government in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia to Mr. José Torres Hurtado. ” , Official Bulletin of the State of
  10. (is) «Major and Serra were walking among the Córdoba bomb cars» , The country,
  11. (is) “Torres Hurtado will continue as a government delegate” , The country,
  12. (is) “Arenas makes Torres Hurtado a candidate of the PP to Mayor of Granada” , The country,
  13. (is) «Royal Decree 919/2002, of September 6, which provides for the cessation of Mr. José Torres Hurtado as Government Delegate in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. ” , Official Bulletin of the State of
  14. (is) «Municipal / May 2003 – Granada» , website of the Interior Ministry
  15. (is) «Municipal / May 2007 – Granada» , website of the Interior Ministry
  16. (is) «Municipal / May 2011 – Granada» , website of the Interior Ministry
  17. (is) “The mayor of Granada, admitted to the UCI after suffering a cerebellum infarction” , The country,
  18. (is) «Torres Hurtado returns to his office this Friday» , ABC,
  19. (is) «Municipal / May 2015 – Granada» , website of the Interior Ministry
  20. (is) «Citizens conditions their support to the PP to the withdrawal of Torres Hurtado» , The country,
  21. (is) «Citizens withdraw their veto to Torres Hurtado and will facilitate his investiture» , The world,
  22. (is) «Torres Hurtado begins his fourth term with calls to the collaboration of all groups» , The world,
  23. (is) “The judge investigates a” corrupt plot “in the City of Granada” , The country,
  24. (is) «Citizens, willing to a motion of censure against Torres Hurtado» , The country,
  25. (is) «The PP suspends José Torres Hurtado, mayor of Granada» militancy , El Huffington Post, le
  26. (is) «Citizens break with the PP and support a motion of censure in Granada» , The country,
  27. (is) “Dimit the mayor of Granada and the Councilor for Urban Planning” , The country,
  28. (is) «Juan García Montero, acting mayor» , Ideal, the
  29. (is) “The opposition starts the change in Granada after the departure of Torres Hurtado” , The country,

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