Auxois (horse) – Wikipedia



L’ Auxois Listen is a breed of French draft horses which was born on February 22, 1913 in France. Sometimes considered a variety of the Ardennes and the northern line, large, its dress is generally Baie or Rouanne. It is created for agricultural work, by crossing between the local male of Yonne, Saône-et-Loire and northern Nièvre, with stallions of these two races.

Traditionally raised in the Burgundy region, this heavy tensile horse becomes the auxiliary of farmers for their field work at the start of XX It is century, before the generalization of motorization. Having become a butcher’s animal and weighing down for the production of meat like other races of draft horses, it narrowly escaped the disappearance in the 1970s.

Initiatives have been put in place to find other outlets since the 1990s. The Auxois finds a certain place in ecological and leisure activities, such as the culture of the vine, the skidding and the hitch of leisure, or even the production of mare’s milk. There remains one of the French line races with the lowest enrollment, with the Poitevin Mulassier and the Northern Trait, and one of the most threatened with consanguinity.

Photo noir et blanc d'un cheval costaud vu de profil et tenu en main.

Admiral, auxois foal of 30 months no and 1920, 2 It is in the Pouilly-en-auxois foal competition.

The history of the auxois draft horse is intimately linked to its region of origin, the Auxois, including the whole southwest part of the Côte d’Or, the southwest of the Yonne, the northwest of Saône-et-Loire and northeast of Nièvre. This particularly fertile region of rich pastures, is conducive to the breeding of a large horse [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] . The breed is relatively recent, since its development and recognition date from the beginning of XX It is century [ 4 ] .


Origins [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Cab International’s reference work (2016) classifies the Auxois in the Ardennes family, a breed of which it is largely derived [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , and of which he forms a variety [ 7 ] . Amélie Tsaag Valren (Agricultural France) attaches it to “Rameau Ardenno-Flamand” [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] . Genetic distance analysis between 21 races Horses led by J. Jordana and his team, published in 1995, shows that the Auxois is most genetically close to the races of the Ardennes and the Brabançon (0.23), followed by the Breton line and the Comtois (0, 30) [ ten ] . This led to classifying it in a cluster of races also including Breton, Comtois, Brabançon and Ardennes [ ten ] . The genetic study of Grégoire Leroy and colleagues, published in 2009, shows that the Auxois is not genetically distinct from the North trait, and very close to the Ardennes, these three breeds being the same cluster [ 11 ] .

The Auxois is presented as a distant descendant of the Burgundian horse of the Middle Ages [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] , small robust and enduring horse used both under the saddle and as a bodybuilder [ 15 ] . An obsolete theory [ 16 ] , [ Note 1 ] saw him in him a descendant of the Solutré horse, whose bones were found not far from his original cradle [ 17 ] .

Originally, the Morvan horse was raised on the Auxois land, but completely disappeared as a result of absorptions and crosses. During the 1840s, Percheron horses were introduced, followed by Boulonnais around 1860, and Ardennes (or Nivernais [ 17 ] ) at the end of XIX It is century [ 18 ] , but without the desire to set a race, so that the livestock turns out to be very heterogeneous [ 19 ] .

Breeders introduce good foreign stallions before selecting reproducers on site and claiming the creation of a local breed, like what happened for the Nivernais a few years earlier. The breed takes the name of the “Rich Auxois valley” , where the crossings and selections took place [ 20 ] . The Auxois breed is therefore born from the cross between the local juniorie of Burgundian horses and the Ardennes stallions and trait of the north [ 21 ] , [ 22 ] , sought after for their power and large size which make them precious agricultural auxiliaries [ first ] , [ 21 ] . The Ardennes transmits its traction power, and the northern line its high size [ 17 ] . A first attempt to recognize a breed union failed in 1903 and 1904. In 1911 [ 23 ] or 1912 [ 19 ] , the union of the aid horse of the Auxois opens in Dijon under the impulse of the Chauveau senator who becomes the president, and only authorizes the Ardennes stallions (and therefore also the lines of the North since the two races are confused at that time) to reproduction [ 23 ] , [ 19 ] .

Its breeding cradle is located around the national stud farm in Cluny [ first ] . In 1913, the stud-book of the draft horse of the Auxois ” is open [ 24 ] , [ 18 ] . A breed standard is published in stride, establishing among the selection criteria a size of at least 1.60 m and a bay dress [ 23 ] . It also defines the breeding cradle of the breed [ 25 ] .

Four years later, the type of horses remains hardly fixed, and arouses astonishment and then the criticisms of Haras officers, who wonder if the Auxois is a full -fledged breed or a branch of the Ardennes, and S ‘It is good to accept the recognition of an additional regional race [ 26 ] . The First World War interrupts efforts to fix a breed standard [ 19 ] .

Between two wars [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Charrue bleue dans un musée.

A Brabant plow, a model often towed by draft horses to plow the fields until the Second World War, before the generalization of tractors which allow to maneuver much heavier plows.

During the interwar period, the Auxois horse is the pride of farmers in its region [ 27 ] . The selection tests resumed in 1920. A few years later, the type of horse was fixed at a size of around 1.60 m , and its breeding spread throughout the region of the Auxois, even the neighboring regions [ 19 ] . In 1929, on the other hand, the fixing of the bay dress remains non-attempt [ 28 ] .

Before the arrival of the motorization, the auxois is the auxiliary as well as the engine of the farmers who prefer it to the Nivernais beef, even for the slow traction work [ first ] . It is only intended for agricultural use, and raised exclusively for this purpose [ 29 ] . The strongest horses are intended to tow heavy tackles on the plains and grain trays. Verifies horses are used to tug or tracing grooves [ 27 ] .

The Auxois competes with the Nivernais: it is not uncommon for breeders in the Nivernaise region to both have horses “Of the black breed” Nivernaise, and “From the red breed” Ardennaise and Auxise, in order to satisfy all potential buyers [ 30 ] . The intercantonal breed competition organized in September 1929 in Pouilly-en-auxois attracted around 200 participants as well as a visit to the Minister of Agriculture [ thirty first ] . The administration of national stud farms is acquiring two horses [ 32 ] .

It was in the early 1930s that these draft horses reached the peak of their physical development [ 33 ] . The Auxois is then often described, like the Ardennes and the North trait, as a “Laboureur-né” with the neckline in the alignment of the back, even lower, and a muzzle shame the ground [ 34 ] . It is entirely built for traction, this conformation allowing it to move huge weights over short distances [ 34 ] . At the same time, at the same time, he took up the ascendancy over the Nivernais by his popularity, and represents “The southern extension of the Ardennes” [ 35 ] . He fascinates merchants who go to Burgundian fairs [ 35 ] . Its dress color is reputed to be less dirty than those of Percheron (light gray) and Nivernais (black [ 35 ] ).

The foals traditionally arise between January and March on the farms; Weaned at six months, they are then sold to large breeders. The latter largely contribute to fixing the race. Bought from September to November, the foals are put to the meadow ( “At the mouth” ) then returned from the first snow, and put on a job with cattle when spring arrives [ 19 ] . This cycle generally lasts up to the eighteen months of the foal, which is then sold. If necessary, the foal redids a game season. The tenth of them, only the best, is kept as a stallion, the Ardennes stallions ensuring the rest of the reproduction. They are put to work at the age of three up to seven or eight years, age at which they are sold. The best stallions are negotiated from 10,000 to 20,000 FRANCS In 1929 [ 36 ] .

The use of auxois and by extension of draft horses for agriculture, is short, because it ceases quickly with the generalization of combine harvesters and tractors, during the 1960s [ 37 ] .

End of use at work [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the Second World War, fuel stocks were used by armies; The draft horse remains an indispensable engine for transport as well as field work to the surrender of the Germans in 1945 [ 38 ] . After the end of the conflict, the farmers get richer quickly, which allows them to equip themselves with tractors and combine harvesters. Like all draft races, the Auxois is more and more abandoned in favor of machines [ 21 ] . The decline in farming was palpable from the early 1950s, and especially during the 1960s, where there was a collapse of the workforce [ 39 ] , to the point that the race has almost disappeared in the 1970s [ 21 ] .

Most of the boroughs of the Auxois nevertheless retain, by tradition, their annual competition of Poulinières mares (who see less and less animals pass), some of these competitions being organized in an uninterrupted manner for decades [ 27 ] .

Bouchère recovery [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the early 1970s, while draft horses have dropped sharply [ 40 ] , the auxoise breed is narrowly saved [ 21 ] .

Henry Blanc, in the direction of the national stud farms, organizes the conversion of French races of draft horses into butcher animals [ 40 ] . Until 1982, it slowed downhore and financed an INRA search, near Clermont-Ferrand, on the fattening of draft foals [ 40 ] . He encourages breeders, who no longer manage to find buyers for their animals, to fatten them to resell them with weights with slaughterhouses [ 40 ] . Breeding for the butcher’s shop ensures part of the safeguard of the Auxois by keeping its genetic capital intact, at the cost of a transformation of the model, formerly powerful and sporting, in that of “Meat beast” [ 40 ] . Between the middle of XX It is century and the 1980s, the weight of an Auxois horse went from an average of 650 to 800 kg an average of 800 to 1,000 kg , or even more [ 41 ] .

This conversion for meat is very unfavorable to the Auxois, the Percheron being much more renowned for its work qualities, while the Ardennes (and therefore the Auxois, which is close to it) is renowned for being “The one who has the least qualities in butcher’s shop” [ 42 ] . The horse meat market does not follow, French breeders being exceeded by imports of low -cost horses from the American continent and Eastern Europe. For lack of profitability [ 43 ] , the workforce of most races of draft horses continue to drop until 1994 [ 44 ] . The collapse of the price of meat pushes national stud farms to redirect activities related to the draft horse [ 45 ] .

Renewal of leisure and work riding [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Deux grands chevaux massifs, bruns et noirs sont montés par des cavaliers costumés en rouge et noir.

In the early 1990s, leisure riding experienced a new breath, while consumption of horse meat continues to decrease [ forty six ] . In 1991, the agricultural high school of Semur-en-auxois embarked on the production of milk from Auxise mares in Bierre-lès-Semur, on the Hameau farm [ 47 ] , [ 48 ] . The , the Official Journal publishes a decree giving back to “Heavy horse” His old name of ” a workhorse ” ; In 1996, another decree prohibited caudectomy (tail cut) in all draft horses born in France [ forty six ] . In 1997, the Auxois was one of the breeds of horses whose breeders can benefit from the “premium with races threatened with abandonment” (Prme), in the amount of 100 to 150 € € [ 49 ] .

Since 1999, Auxois breeders have developed new activities with their horses, including work in the vineyards [ 48 ] . The same year, the Auxois was the subject of a study which concluded that the breeders of this horse opposed changes in the breed. It recommends developing the standard, in order to open new outlets and save this horse from an inevitable disappearance [ 50 ] . In 2001, the Auxois remained one of the French draft horses with the lowest enrollment [ 51 ] .
Half of the foals go to the butchery, but the birth curve has reversed, the crazy cow crisis offering a outlet to their breeders [ 51 ] .

Auxois trait promotion center [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In July 1998, a Trait Auxois promotion center opened in Bierre-lès-Semur, thanks to regional and departmental subsidies, and using national stud farms, in order to promote the race. He mainly takes care of the breakage of young horses [ 51 ] , participate in the safeguarding of the breed, and offers animals erected for the fee of sale [ 21 ] . Aiming to “Value and promote the auxois draft horse” As a Burgundian heritage, it supports the development of the leisure team by educating horses and forming leaders, on herbages of 25 hectares and an exercise area of ​​5,000 m 2 [ 52 ] . The opening of a new building in 2007 allows it to develop and offer the breakage of saddle and coupling horses, various shows and marshalie services. The center proposes to assist the breeders at the birth of their foals or to ensure the follow -up of the stallions [ 52 ] .

In 2013, he encountered great financial difficulties, as well as the breed union [ 53 ] .

Un cheval vu de profil, massif, à la tête dans les tons marrons et au orps plus blanc, près d'une balle de foin.

Auxois near a hay ball in Port-Aubry, Nièvre, Burgundy, France.

Height and weight [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Auxois is a tall horse, larger than the Ardennes [ 54 ] , and almost as much as the northern line. It remains less massive and more leste than the Ardennes [ 15 ] .
The average size goes from 1.60 m at 1.70 m [ 54 ] , the ideal size sought is 1.65 m at 1.72 m For males and 1.63 m at 1.70 m for females [ 55 ] . The weight varies from 700 kg more than a ton [ 56 ] , or even 1,100 kg [ 54 ] , depending on the selection of the horse (butcher or work and leisure). The median weight indicated in the DAD-IS database is 900 kg [ 18 ] .

Standard morphological [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

General printing is that of a horse with frame, magnitude and extent [ 55 ] . Massive, very bréviligne , he is cut for heavy traction.

Head [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tête d'un cheval portant sa bride d'attelage, vue de profil.

Although the Czech author Helena Kholova Kholová describes a large head and long ears (1997) [ 15 ] , according to the official association of the race, the head of the Auxois is relatively short [ 57 ] , [ 18 ] and light, with a straight profile and a wide forehead [ 57 ] , [ 54 ] , surmounted by small mobile ears [ 57 ] , [ 58 ] , [ 18 ] .

Handmanding, body and great-awkward [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The neck, quite short and massive [ 15 ] , is muscular [ 54 ] , well grafted to a tournted witch and a wide chest [ 18 ] , [ 54 ] . The shoulder, extremely powerful [ 15 ] , is long and tilted [ 58 ] , [ 57 ] , [ 55 ] . The chest is deep [ 15 ] . The Auxois has a solid body, and a wide back and short [ 58 ] , [ 57 ] , [ 55 ] with rounded ribs. Its backline is straight [ 59 ] .
The back and the kidneys are wide and short [ 54 ] , [ 18 ] , the long awakening has a double, tilted rump [ 15 ] and strongly muscular, to which is attached a low -rated tail [ 58 ] , [ 57 ] , [ 55 ] , [ 15 ] .

Members [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The members are robust and powerful [ 15 ] , although they seem fine in comparison with the mass of the horse [ 60 ] . They generally have less abundant baleen than in other lines of the same mass [ 13 ] , [ 15 ] , these barters being desired little supplied. The arms and forearms are muscular, the knees wide and the jarrets powerful, attached to short, clear cannons [ 18 ] , [ 57 ] .

Robe [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Auxois on the farm of Port Aubry, showing the Rouan Vinée dress typical of the race.

The auxois dress is generally bay or rouanne, more rarely Aubère or Alezane [ 21 ] , [ 29 ] , [ 54 ] , as with the Ardennes [ 24 ] . Possibly, the gray iron and the bai-brun (named “black pangaré” in France) can be tolerated, but all the other dresses are excluded [ 55 ] . The typical and characteristic dress of the breed is the Rouan Vineux [ 15 ] .

Temperament and maintenance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Renowned for its power and docility [ 21 ] , the Auxois has a calm and soft nature. He is also courageous for work [ first ] . Its gaits are sought after and flexible, despite its large mass [ 57 ] . Like his ancestor the Ardennes, the Auxois is rustic and of good maintenance, which can be left to the meadow regardless of the season, even under the harsh climatic conditions of the Morvan and Nièvre [ 17 ] .

Selection [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Syndicate of the Auxois draft horse managed the stud-book, the orientation of the breeding, and the communication around this horse [ sixty one ] . Put in great difficulty in 2013 [ 53 ] , it was replaced in 2014 by the National Union of the Auxois draft horse, now an official national association of the race [ 62 ] .

Since the beginning of XX It is The crossroads of the auxoise mare was only allowed with the large Ardennes stallion, and the northern line stallion, in order to guarantee the selection and homogeneity of the breed [ 57 ] . This specificity, specific to the French races with low enrollment, is rare among farming practices, a foal from an Ardennes father or northern trait that can be recognized as an auxis of right if the parent has been seen by a judges commission and recognized “auxois factor” [ 63 ] . This horse is now sought after lighter and more active [ first ] . Artificial insemination and embryos transfer are authorized for its reproduction in the breed, but not cloning [ 55 ] .

The Auxoise race competition is held every year in September in Semur-en-auxois [ 21 ] . Horses registered in stud-book of the breed can wear a brand printed with a red iron on the left side of the neck, with the letters « TX » [ first ] , affixed after the age of two, most often during breed competitions [ 55 ] .

Got of garbage with an Auxois horse in Cluny.

Auxois is essentially high for meat and traction [ 18 ] . The majority of the livestock remains with a traffic jam [ 22 ] . In 2001, 50% of animals were intended for butcher’s shop [ 51 ] . However, the power and the gaits of this horse are valued in the hitch of competition and leisure, such as green tourism, and traction of trailers in the Morvan [ 21 ] . His pleasant character makes him a good equestrian tourist companion [ first ] . The lightest models give milk [ 17 ] , a product then transformed for many uses, including cosmetics [ 59 ] .

Auxois is always asked for parties (wedding …) and folk popular reconstructions [ 17 ] . The most popular subjects for this ceremonial end are those of dress Rouan Vineux [ 15 ] . It is used for dusk in the forests [ 21 ] , [ 54 ] . He finds a place in certain specialized agriculture works, such as the cultivation of the vine, market gardening, and organic farming [ 29 ] , [ 18 ] . The work of the vine with these horses has developed [ 54 ] : Since 2004, an auxois has been used built in a Burgundian vineyard labeled organic [ sixty four ] . Opportunities are envisaged in rural maintenance work (roads …). This horse was distinguished during various demonstrations, such as the world record and the French carousel championship [ 65 ] .

General view of Semur-en-auxois, where the breed competition takes place every year.

Auxois is classified, as a race of local native horses in France in critical danger of extinction, and being the subject of protective measures, in the international DAD-IS database [ 18 ] . The study by the University of Uppsala, published in For FAO, logically signals as a race of local European horses in danger of extinction [ 66 ] . However, its genetic proximity confirmed with the Ardennes and the North trait does not justify the implementation of safeguard measures that are specific to it [ sixty seven ] .

There has long been a very low workforce breed, one of the rarest among the nine breeds of French draft horses [ 21 ] , [ 54 ] . In 2001, the Auxois was in the eighth row of the nine races of French lines in terms of staff, which made the threat of consanguinity and very present disappearance [ 51 ] . In 2006, 250 mares are projected to give cheaps inscribable in the genealogical register, by 32 stalls in activity. We count 125 breeders of this horse [ 68 ] , the term “breeder” applying to anyone in possession of at least one broodmare. In 2014, 289 horses are recorded in the genealogical register (Stud-Book) of the breed, with a trend towards the stability of the workforce [ 18 ] . The D r veterinarian Paul Dechambre quotes the canton of Pouilly-en-auxois as being the cradle of the race [ 69 ] .

The Auxois represents 1% of the total registrations of French draft horses in 2017 [ 57 ] . Burgundy-Franche-Comté, including the cradle of breed, constitutes by far the main region of breeding, with 80 births of foals in 2018 [ 57 ] . Some horses are in the Rhône-Alpes and Auvergne region [ 57 ] .

There is no nipple breeding, so this horse remains almost unknown outside its region of origin [ 51 ] . Furthermore, the work Equine Science ( 4 It is 2012 edition) class among the races of draft horses little known at the international level [ 70 ] .

Year 1983 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2014 2016 2018
Number of Poulinages in France [ 57 ] , [ 71 ] 80 146 144 125 118 126 112 100
Number of horses belonging to the breed [ 18 ] 199 289

Nine races of French draft horses, the Auxois is the only one that is not at all exported [ 72 ] . He suffers from a lack of media coverage outside his original cradle [ seventy three ] . It is especially the Burgundian region which celebrates this horse and highlights it, in places such as the Hameau farm of Bierre-lès-Semur (which proposed an eco-museum dedicated to the draft horse), or during the race of three glorious in Semur-en-auxois, which has existed since the XVII It is century [ 47 ] . The annual breed competition is an opportunity to admire the most beautiful specimens. This horse is regularly present at the Paris International Agriculture Fair in Paris [ 74 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. The so-called “solid horsepower” entity is neither a species, nor a subspecies, nor a race, the bones designated under this name belonging to differences and subspecies of horses.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a b c d e f g and h Battle 2008, p. 136.
  2. Sourdillat 1929, p. 330.
  3. Dechambre 1923, p. 15-17.
  4. Sourdillat 1929, p. 332.
  5. (in) Valerie Porter, Lawrence Alderson, Stephen J. G. Hall et Dan Phillip Sponenberg, Mason’s World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding , CAB International, , 6 e ed. , 1 107 p. (ISBN  1-84593-466-0, OCLC  948839453) Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata.
  6. Dechambre 1923, p. 19.
  7. Battle 2008, p. 135.
  8. Amélie ride Valen, « Understand the Ardenno-Flamand branch », KNOW ,, n O 31, ( read online , consulted the ) .
  9. Bataille Et rangaging Valve 2019, p. 161.
  10. a et b (in) J. Jordana , P. M. Peers and A. Sanchez , Analysis of genetic relationships in horse breeds » , Journal of Equine Veterinary Science , vol. 15, n O 7, , p. 320–328 (ISSN  0737-0806 , DOI  10.1016/S0737-0806 (06) 81738-7 , read online , consulted the )
  11. (in) Grégoire Leroy , Lucille Called , Etienne Glassmaker and Jean-Claude Meriials , Genetic diversity of a large set of horse breeds raised in France assessed by microsatellite polymorphism » , Genetics Selection Evolution , vol. 41, n O 1, , p. 5 (ISSN  1297-9686 , PMID  19284689 , PMCID  PMC3225878 , DOI  10.1186/1297-9686-41-5 , read online , consulted the )
  12. Large Larousse Encyclopedic in ten volumes , vol. I, Larousse bookstore, , 960 p. ( read online ) , p. 773 .
  13. a et b Silver 1993, p. 198.
  14. (in) Daphne Machin Goodall , Horses of the world : an illustrated survey… of breeds of horses and ponies , David and Charles, , 3 It is ed. , 272 p. ( Online presentation ) , p. 134 .
  15. a b c d e f g h i j k l and m KHOLOVÁ 1997, p. 75.
  16. Bataille Et rangaging Valve 2019, p.  XI.
  17. a b c d e and f Bernard et al. 2002, p. 108.
  18. a b c d e f g h i j k l and m DAD-IS.
  19. a b c d e and f Sourdillat 1929, p. 336.
  20. Lizet 1989, p. 232.
  21. A b c d e f g h i j k and l From seac 2006, p. 15.
  22. a et b Hendricks 2007, p. 55.
  23. A B and C Dechambre 1923, p. 18.
  24. a et b The breeding review , vol. VI, breeding review, ( read online ) , p. 151-152 .
  25. Dechambre 1923, p. 18-19.
  26. Lizet 1989, p. 233.
  27. A B and C Jean Philippe Lecat , Burgundy , Bonechi publishing house, , 126 p. (ISBN  978-88-7009-220-2 , Online presentation ) , p. 29 .
  28. Dechambre 1923, p. 20.
  29. A B and C Battle 2008, p. 137.
  30. Lizet 1989, p. 234-236.
  31. Dechambre 1923, p. 22.
  32. Dechambre 1923, p. 23.
  33. Mavré 2004, p. 38.
  34. a et b Mavré 2004, p. 42.
  35. A B and C Lizet 1989, p. 260.
  36. Sourdillat 1929, p. 337.
  37. Mavré 2004, p. 43.
  38. Mavré 2004, p. 66.
  39. Mavré 2004, p. 34-35.
  40. A B C D and E Mavré 2004, p. thirty first.
  41. Mavré 2004, p. 150.
  42. Lizet 1989, p. 263.
  43. Mavré 2004, p. 108.
  44. Mavré 2004, p. 34.
  45. Bernard et al. 2002, p. 106-107.
  46. a et b [PDF] Sylvie Brunel and Bénédicte Durand, ” The horse, an energy of the future? », Report of a conference of the International Geography Festival in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 2007.
  47. a et b Dominique Auzias, Caroline Michelot, Jean-Paul Labourdette et Delphine Cohen, France on horseback: Equestrian tourism guide , Paris, Small Futé, , 227 p. (ISBN  978-2-7469-2782-7 ) , p. 70 .
  48. a et b Pilley-Mirande 2001, p. 54.
  49. Our heavy at the zoo? » , on , Cheval Magazine, (consulted the ) .
  50. Sylvie Sense and Véronique Soriano , Tell me about breeding: analysis of breeders’ representations , Dijon, Educagri Éditions, , 164 p. (ISBN  978-2-84444-187-4 , Online presentation ) , p. 149 .
  51. a b c d e and f Pilley-Mirande 2001, p. 53.
  52. a et b Auxois draft horse promotion center » , Breeding union of the auxois draft horse (consulted the ) .
  53. a et b The Auxois line union in great financial difficulty » , Good public, (consulted the ) .
  54. A b c d e f g h i j and k Rousseau 2016, p. 180.
  55. a b c d e f g and h François Roche-Bruyn, Rules of the Auxois Horse Stud-Book » , national stud farms, (consulted the ) .
  56. Julie German « Auxois », Star horse , n O 149, .
  57. a b c d e f g h i j k l and m Center for the Promotion of the Radding Horse Race 2019.
  58. A B C and D Standard and stud-book of the auxois draft horse » , Breeding union of the auxois draft horse (consulted the ) .
  59. a et b Nathalie van der Schoor, Draft horse » , the saboteur (consulted the ) .
  60. Bongianhanni 1988, p. 91.
  61. The syndicate » , Syndicat of the auxois draft horse (consulted the ) .
  62. Bataille Et rangaging Valve 2019, p. 162.
  63. Florence 2014, p. 30.
  64. Mavré 2004, p. 207.
  65. Bernard et al. 2002, p. 109.
  66. (in) Rupak Khadka, Global Horse Population with respect to Breeds and Risk Status » , Uppsala, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science – Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, , p. 58; 65.
  67. Florence 2014, p. 33.
  68. Battle 2008, p. 138.
  69. Dechambre 1923, p. 16.
  70. (in) Rick Parker, Equine Science, Cengage Learning, , 4 e ed. , 608 p. (ISBN  1-111-13877-X) , p. 63 Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata.
  71. Stats and cards , [French Institute of Horse and Horse riding], accessed December 24, 2019.
  72. Nathalie Pilley-Mirande, ” French features in the world », Cheval Magazine , n O 371, , p. 62-65 .
  73. Pilley-Mirande 2001, p. 55.
  74. The Côte d’Or is revealed at the International Agriculture Fair in Paris » , News Press, (consulted the ) .

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Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

Generalist works on the horse [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [Battle 2008] Lætitia Bataille, Equine races of France , Éditions France Agricole, , 286 p. (ISBN  978-2-85557-154-6 , BNF  41374805 ) Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Bat Carille Et Yangag Valer 2017] Lætitia Bataille et Amélie rame Valen, Equine races of France , Paris, Éditions France Agricole, , 2 It is ed. ( first re ed. 2008), 304 p. (ISBN  2-85557-481-1 , OCLC  971243118 , BNF  45194192 ) Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Bernard et al. 2002] Isabelle Bernard, Myriam Corn, Pierre Miriski and Françoise Racic, Horses and ponies , Artémis editions, , 128 p. (ISBN  2-84416-025-5 ) Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Banganni 1988] (in) Maurizio Bongian ( trad. of the Italian by Ardèle Dejey), “Auxois” , In Simon & Schuster’s guide to horses & ponies of the world , Simon & Schuster, Inc., , 255 p. (ISBN  0-671-66068-3 And 9780671660680 , OCLC  16755485 , read online ) , p. 91 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • [From the seac 2006] Emmanuelle D’Icco, Draft horses , Artémis editions, , 120 p. (ISBN  2-84416-459-5 , Online presentation ) , “The Auxois: a rare pearl” . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'articleVoir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Hendricks 2007] (in) Bonnie Lou Hendricks, International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds , Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, , 2 It is ed. , 486 p. (ISBN  0-8061-3884-X , OCLC  154690199 ) Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [KHOLOVÁ 1997] Helena Kholová ( trad. Marie-Jo Dubourg-Savage, ill. Jan Hošek), Horses , Gründ, (ISBN  2-7000-1832-X ) , “L’Asois”, p. 75 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'articleVoir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Mavré 2004] Marcel Mevar , Handcuffs and harness: a century of use of the draft horse , France Agricole Éditions, , 223 p. (ISBN  978-2-85557-115-7 , Online presentation ) , p. 207 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • [Rousseau 2016] Élise Rousseau ( ill. Yann le Bris), European Horse Guide , Delachaux and Niestlé, (ISBN  978-2-603-02437-9 ) , “Auxois”, p. 180 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'articleVoir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Silver 1993] (in) Caroline Silver , Illustrated Guide to Horses of the World , Longmeadow Press, , 224 p. (ISBN  978-0-681-41894-3 )

Studies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [Baudeau 1934] Henri Baudeau , The draft horse of the Auxois , Bosc brothers, M. and L. Riou, , 56 p. ( Online presentation )
  • [Dechambre 1923] Paul Of room « The draft horse of the Auxois », Veterinary medicine collection , Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, , p. 15-24 ( read online )
  • [Florence 2014] (in) Sarah Florence , Genetic endangerment and sustainability of French draft horses , Budapest, doctoral thesis in animal sciences,
  • [Renewed 1985] Pascal Renew , The Ardennes trait of the Auxois: conditions of existence of a breed of Lourrd horse in France today , National Veterinary School of Toulouse, ( read online )
  • [Lizet 1989] Bernadette Lizet , La bane noir: looking for the perfect horse: France Mission of ethnological heritage , Paris, MSH editions, , 341 p. (ISBN  2-7351-0317-X , BNF  35027847 , Online presentation ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • [Sourdillat 1929] Jean Marie Deaf « A country of breeding: the Auxois », Geography annals , t. 3, n O 214, , p. 330-338 (DOI  10.3406/geo.1929.9760 , read online , consulted the ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article

Articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [Pilley-Mirande 2001] Natalie Pilley-Mirande « Auxois, a second breath », Cheval Magazine , n O 358, , p. 52-55 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article

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