Yves Lambert — Wikipedia


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Yves Lambert , born the in Marsais (Charente-Maritime) and died on , is a French sociologist, specialized in the sociology of religions.

An agricultural engineer, a graduate in sociology, Yves Lambert began his career in 1971 by leaning on the sociology of the rural world at the National Institute of Agronomic Research. He became director of research there in 1985. The same year, he published a thesis under the title “God changes in Brittany” which has become a classic of the sociology of religions, showing the importance of religious phenomena and their changes during the second half of the XX It is century through an “ethnosociology of ordinary Catholicism” applied to a Breton locality.

Following this work, Yves Lambert more systematically deepens the beliefs and practices of young generations, becoming the undisputed French specialist in European surveys on values. Combining qualitative analysis and quantitativist expertise, he compares simultaneous developments in different countries. Now devoting himself essentially to the sociology of religions, he chaired the French Association of Religious Sociology (AFSR) from 1992 to 1998. He joined the CNRS in 1993 and, in 1995, linked to the mixed EPHE-CNRS research group in Sociology of religions and secularism founded by Jean Baubérot (the GSRL laboratory). He specializes in the evolution of religious beliefs and practices and establishes research and comparison tools in order to measure this evolution.


Trainer of many researchers in his discipline, author of numerous articles in both specialized journals ( French Sociology Review , Social Compass  (in) , Journal of Contemporary Religion  (in) , Sociology of Religion (journal)  (in) …) That general public ( Futuribles , Social science ), we owe him several reference works: God changes in Brittany. Religion in Limerzel from 1900 to the present day (1985) and The birth of religions. From prehistory to universalist religions [ first ] , sum of comparative sociology of religions to which he devoted himself after the announcement of bone marrow cancer which will prevail 12 years later. Yves Lambert lived in the Hilailate.

  1. Daniel Vidal, “Yves Lambert, the birth of religions. From prehistory to universalist religions ”, in Religion Social Sciences Archives , n O  148, 2009, document 148-74, Online review

Works [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Yves Lambert , God changes in Brittany: religion in Limerzel from 1900 to the present day , Paris, Cerf, , 451 p. (ISBN  978-2-204-08539-7 )
  • Yves Lambert , The birth of religions: from prehistory to universalist religions , Paris, Armand Colin, , 508 p. (ISBN  978-2-200-26346-1 )

Collective works [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Yves Lambert ( you. ) And Guy Michelat ( you. ), Twilight of religions among young people? Young and religions in France , Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. “Social logics”, (ISBN  978-2-7384-1582-0 )
  • Olivier Galland And Yves Lambert , Young rural people , Paris, National Institute of Agronomic Research, L’Harmattan, , 253 p. (ISBN  978-2-7384-2315-3 , read online )
  • Guy Michelat , Yves Lambert it albert Piette , The religious of sociologists personal trajectories and scientific debates: conference of the French Association of Religious Sociology, Paris, February 3-4, 1997 , Paris Montreal, L’Harmattan, coll. “Religion and human sciences”, , 254 p. (ISBN  978-2-7384-5561-1 , read online )
  • (in) Roland Bells ( you. ), Young cultures and religions in Europe , Paris, Cerf, coll. “Human sciences and religions”, , 386 p. (ISBN  978-2-204-05722-6 )
  • Pierre Browthoes ( you. ), French values , Armand Colin, coll. “U”, , 351 p. (ISBN  978-2-200-26607-3 )

Articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • ” The Babel Tower definitions of religion ”, in Social Compass , 1991, vol. 38, n O first, p. 73-85
  • “Age, generations and Christianity in France and Europe”, in French Sociology Review , 1993, n O 34, 4, p. 525-555
  • “Believe without belonging”, in Olivier Galland and Bernard Roudet (dirs.), The values ​​of young people. Trends in France for 20 years , ed. L’Harmattan, 2001, p. 79-97
  • “Religion: Europe at a turning point”, in Futuribles , n O 277, 2002, p. 129-159
  • “Changes in the religious evolution of Europe and Russia”, in French Sociology Review , 2004, n O 45, 2, p. 307-338
  • “A religious revival among young people from Western and East Europe”, in Olivier Galland and Bernard Roudet (dirs.), Young Europeans and their values. Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe , ed. La Découverte, 2005, p. 65-91
  • Encyclopaedia universal , ed. 2010
  • Pierre Bréchon, In Memorial. Yves Lambert , in OPHRYS, Revue Française de Sociologie , 2006/4, vol.47, p. 969 at 973, online article
  • Jean-Paul Willaime, « In memoriam Yves Lambert (1946-2006) », in Religion Social Sciences Archives , n O 136, online article
