Archdiocese of Maribor – Wikipedia


L’Antica Cattedral di St. Andrä in the Lavanttal in Austria.
The Basilica of Maria Mother of Mercy in Maribor.
La Basilica di Santa Maria A Ptujska Gora.

L’ Archdiocese of Maribor (in latino: Archdiocese mariborensis ) is a metropolitan headquarters of the Catholic Church in Slovenia. In 2021 it had 341,950 baptized out of 416,280 inhabitants. It is lined up by Archbishop Alojzij Cvikl, S.I.


The Archdiocese includes approximately the regions of Omedrava and Carinthia.

Archbishop’s seat is the city of Maribor, where the Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista is located. In Ptuj there is the historic church of San Giorgio, built on the remains of an early century early Christian basilica. Two minor basilicas also arise in the archdiocese: the Basilica of Santa Maria a Ptujska Gora (Municipality of Majšperk); And the Basilica of Maria Mother of Mercy in Maribor.

The territory extends over an area of ​​3,682 km² and is divided into 144 parishes.

Ecclesiastical province [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The ecclesiastical province of Maribor, established in 2006, includes the following suffragans:

The erection of the diocese of Lavant fits into the context of the pastoral efforts put in place by the Archbishop Eberardo of Salzburg (1200-1246) to revitalize the pastoral action in this distant part of his archdiocese so as to combine it more strictly with the episcopal center .

Lavant’s diocese was erected on 10 May 1228 by Archbishop Eberardo with the consent of Pope Gregory IX, obtaining the territory from the Archdiocese of Salzburg itself. This diocese, such as those of Gurk, Chiemsee and Seckau, were “proper” diocese of the archbishop of Salzburg (in German: Salzburg self -bistumer [first] ), i.e. diocese founded by the salisburg archbishops within the vast territory of their archdiocese, who named the bishops without election by the respective chapters of the canons and introted them in their respective locations. This special privilege forgiven until the publication of the Code of Canon Law in 1917. [2]

The headquarters of the diocese was placed in St. Andrä im lavantal, where the local parish church was erected on a cathedral. Since 1212 this church was lined up by a college of canons that followed the rule of Sant’Agostino; Once the diocese was erected, the Canonical College became the new chapter of the Cathedral, which continued to follow the Augustinian rule until 1825.


Unlike the others Stoves , the bishop of Lavant had to subscribe to one Surrender With which he renounced to exercise the jurisdiction of an Diocesan ordinary: appointed and consecrated by the archbishop of Salzburg, the bishop of Lavant in fact was only a vicar general of the archbishop for this part of the archdiocese.

On the explicit request of the pontiff, Eberardo established, but only in 1244, the borders of the diocese, which included territories in part in Stiria (Remsnik, St. Florian, St. Peter Bei Lindenberg, St. Martin an der Sulm and Speeneller) and in He starts in Carinthia (St. Andrä and Lavamünd).

Bishop Dietrich Wolfhauer (1317-1332) had the title of Prince-Besco, and with TheObald Schweinpeck (1446-1463) the title was the prerogative of Lavant’s bishops until the end of the Second World War.

Lavant’s bishops, not infrequently chosen from the canons of the Salzburg cathedral, were often in charge of diplomatic or political missions by the emperor or other principles of the Empire. In other cases they occupied places within other dioceses. For example, Bishop Leonhard Peurl (1508-1533) was the vicar general of the Patriarchate of Aquileia for that part of the patriarchate that fell into the Habsburg domains.

In 1598 Georg Stobäus (1584-1618) sent to Archduke Ferdinand, future emperor, a Memorandum In which he asked him to pursue, in accordance with Augusta’s peace, the blackmailing of those Habsburg territories fallen into the hands of Protestants. Georg Stobäus, together with Thomas Chrön of Ljubljana and Martin Brenner of Seckau, was one of the architects of Catholic renewal at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The Lutheran writings were given on fire and Protestants was asked or to convert or emigrate.

The reforms in the ecclesiastical field introduced by Emperor Joseph II at the end of the eighteenth century led in 1788 to a reorganization of the ecclesiastical geography of the southern part of the Habsburg territories. New boundaries were set among the dioceses, which led to the diocese of Lavant a remarkable magnification, extending to the civil districts of Volkermarkt (Carinthia) and Celje (Stiria). To the primitive parishes of 1244, another 137 were added: 25 from the archdiocese of Salzburg, 85 from the suppressed Archdiocese of Gorizia and 27 by the Archdiocese of Ljubljana. At the same time the Surrender , who had so far limited the rights of Lavant’s bishops on his diocese, who remained suffragan of Salzburg, whose archbishops retained the right to appoint and consecrate the Bishops of Lavant.

With these changes, the diocese was in fact a new creation, divided into 20 decanates, 6 in Carinthia and 14 in Stiria. But the seat remained in St. Andrä im lavanttal, who was now at the northern margins of the diocese.

On 20 May 1857 the Holy See gave its assent to a project to modify the territories of the dioceses of this part of the Empire, already conceived by Bishop Leopold Maximilian von Firmian (1800-1822), but made only by Anton Martin Slomšek. Lavant’s parishes in Carinthia were sold to the diocese of Gurk, while the parishes of the Slovenian district of Maribor passed from Seckau to the diocese of Lavant. At the same time, Slomšek transferred the headquarters of his diocese from St. Andrä im lavattal to Maribor. These changes were introduced, among other things, also to solve the problem of bilingualism (German and Slovenian) in which the dioceses of Seckau and Lavant had come to find themselves after the changes of 1788.

Slomšek continued in his work by establishing the episcopal seminary in Maribor, promoting the use of the Slovenian language and instituting several parish schools. Mihael Napotnik (1899-1922) convened five diocesan synods.

The boundaries between the dioceses established in 1857 coincided almost perfectly with the borders between Austria and Yugoslavia defined after the First World War. Some small adjustments were introduced on September 27, 1923: Lavant ceded the parish of Soboth in Storia to Seckau, and received two parishes in exchange (APA and Kapla) and two fractions of parishes (Cmurek and Sv. Duh). On 1 December of the same year, the parishes of the diocese of Gurk in Austria and the diocese of Szombathely were given to the Bishops of Lavant to administration bishops in Hungary which after the war were in Yugoslav territory, for a total of 34 parishes.

On May 1, 1924, the diocese, which despite all the changes followed after 1788 had still remained suffrages of Salzburg, immediately became subject to the Holy See. On June 6, 1923, the Pope had appointed Bishop Andrej Karlin, who was the first bishop named directly by a Pope by the creation of the diocese in the thirteenth century.

During the Second World War the clergy of the diocese underwent a heavy persecution by the Nazi authorities. 284 diocesan priests were expelled and 16 of them put to death. The same fate suffered many religious in the diocese. [3]

On March 5, 1962 he took the name of the diocese of Maribor, by virtue of the decree To an adequate souls of the Consistorial Congregation. At the same time, the bishops were allowed to add to their title, the ancient one Lavantinus . [4]

In 1964 the parishes of the dioceses of Gurk and Szombathely, administered by the bishops of Maribor since 1923, became part full of right of the diocese. At the same time, some small territorial changes lead the boundaries of the diocese to coincide with those of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia.

On November 22, 1968 the diocese became part of the ecclesiastical province of Ljubljana, a metropolitan headquarters of all Slovenia.

On April 7, 2006 the headquarters were elevated to the rank of metropolitan archdiocese with the bubble Sacramento by Pope Benedict XVI, and his two suffragan dioceses were created from his territory, Celje and Murska Sobota.

The periods of vacancies not exceeding 2 years or not historically ascertained are omitted.

  • Ulrich von Haus † (10 May 1228 – 25 September 1257 deceased)
  • Karl von Friesach † (1257 – 1260)
  • Otto von Mörnstein † (1260 – about 1264 deceased)
  • Almerich Graphendorfer, O.Cist. † (1265 – Circa 1267 Deceduto)
  • Herbord † (1268 – 1275 deceased)
  • Berhard vest † (1275 – 1284 Deceduto)
  • Konrad von Fohnsdorf (also von Breitenfurt) † (1284 – 11 February 1291 appointed archbishop of Salzburg)
  • Heinrich von Helfenberg † (February 26, 1291 -? Deceased)
  • Wulfing von Stubenberg, O.P. † (about 1303 – 31 January 1304 appointed bishop of Bamberg)
  • Werner † (before 20 July 1305 – about 1317 deceased)
  • Dietrich Wolfhauer † (1 October 1317 consecrated – before December 21, 1332 deceased)
  • Heinrich Krafft † (before 4 October 1333 – 27 July 1342 deceased)
  • Heinrich II von Leis † (about 1343 – 15 July 1356 deceased)
  • Peter Kröll von Hall † (26 May 1357 – September/December 1362 deceased)
  • Heinrich IV Krapff † (24 March 1363 – 29 November 1387 deceased)
  • Nikolaus von Unahorst † (11 January 1391 – 1397 discharged)
  • Konrad II Torer von Törlein † (12 aprile 1397 -?)
  • Ulrich II † (11 March 1408 – 8 March 1411 deceased)
  • Wolfhard von Ehrenfels † (1º Aprile 1411 – 5 Maggio 1421 Deceduto)
  • Friedrich Theis von Thesingen † (April 16, 1422 – April 1424 appointed bishop of Chiemsee)
    • Lorenz von Lichtenberg † (1424 – 1432 appointed bishop of Gurk) (intruder)
  • Hermann von Gnas † (about 1434 – about 1438 deceased)
  • Lorenz von Lichtenberg † (4 July 1438 – 8 November 1446 deceased) (for the second time)
  • Theobald Schweinpeck † (24 November 1446 – 1463 deceased)
  • Rudolf von Rüdesheim † (26 September 1463 – April 27, 1468 appointed bishop of Breslavia)
  • Johann I von Roth † (17 May 1468 – March 4, 1482 appointed bishop of Breslavia)
  • Georg † (about 1483 – 1486 deceased)
  • Erhard Paumgartner † (January 5, 1487 – 1508 deceased)
  • Leonhard Peurl † (November 26, 1508 – 2 September 1533 Dimesse)
  • Philliph Renner † (5 November 1536 – 5 April 1555 deceased)
  • Martin Herkules Rettinger von Wiespach † (1556 – 21 February 1570 deceased)
  • Georg II von Agricola † (7 May 1570 consecrated – March 16, 1584 deceased)
  • Georg III Stobäus von Palmburg † (19 October 1584 – 23 October 1618 deceased)
  • Leonhard II von Götz † (21 January 1619 – 28 November 1640 deceased)
  • Albert von Priamis † (29 December 1640 – 8 September 1654 deceased)
  • Maximilian Gandolf von Kuenburg † (8 October 1654 – 3 March 1665 appointed bishop of Seckau)
  • Sebastian von Pötting -Persing † (April 3, 1665 – 11 March 1673 appointed bishop of Passavia)
  • Franz Caspar von Stadion † (21 October 1673 – 13 February 1704 deceased)
  • Johann Sigmund von Kuenburg † (February 22, 1704 – April 1, 1708 appointed bishop of Chiemsee)
  • Philipp Carl von Fürstenberg † (11 April 1708 – 14 February 1718 deceased)
  • Leopold Anton Eleutherius von Firmian † (11 March 1718 – 1724 nomination vescovo di seckau)
  • Joseph Oswald von Certiems † (February 20, 1724 – May 4, 1744 deceased)
  • Vigilias Augustin Maria Von Firmian † (26 Maggio 1744 – 15 July 1753 sanded)
  • Johann Baptist von Thurn und Taxis † (February 4, 1754 – 3 June 1762 deceased)
  • Joseph Franz Anton von Auersperg † (31 January 1763 – 4 January 1764 discharged)
  • Franz de Paula Xaver Ludwig Jakob von Breuner † (30 September 1773 – 1st May 1777 Dimesse [6] )
  • Vinzenz Joseph Franz Sales von Schrattenbach † (31 Maggio 1777 – 29 Gennaio 1790 Dimesso)
  • Joseph Ernest Gandolph von Kuenburg † (February 20, 1790 – 12 December 1793 deceased)
  • Vinzen Joucesn France SchRattefach † (269thJO 1795 – 4 Jugno 1800’FTORD DIFFiner)
  • Leopold Maximilian von Firmian † (23 November 1800 – 25 January 1822 appointed Archbishop of Vienna)
  • Ignaz Franz Sales Zimmermann † (19 May 1824 – 28 September 1843 deceased)
  • Franz Xaver Kuttnar † (23 November 1843 – 8 March 1846 deceased)
  • Blessed Anton Martin Slomšek † (30 May 1846 – September 24, 1862 deceased)
  • Jakob Ignaz Maximilian Stepischnegg † (21 December 1862 – 28 June 1889 deceased)
  • Mihael Napotnik † (27 September 1889 – 28 March 1922 deceased)
  • Andrej Karlin † (6 June 1923 – 6 March 1933 deceased)
  • Ivan Jožef Tomažič † (27 Giugn 1933 – 27 Febbraio 1949 Deceduto)
  • Maksimilijan Držečnik † (15 June 1960 – 13 May 1978 deceased)
  • Franc Kramberger (November 6, 1980 – February 3, 2011 Dimesse)
  • Marjan Turnšek (3 February 2011 succeeded – 31 July 2013 Dimesse) [7]
  • Alojzij Cvikl, S.I., Dal 14 Marzo 2015

The archdiocese in 2021 on a population of 416,280 people counted 341,950 baptized, corresponding to 82.1% of the total.

year population Presbyteri deacons religious parishes
baptized total % number secular regular baptized for presbyter men women
1950 531.958 583.884 91.1 356 299 57 1.494 48 16 225
1970 711.925 768.343 92.7 288 288 2.471 274
1980 733.033 827.245 88.6 420 326 ninety four 1.745 2 160 216 282
1990 718,660 832.503 86.3 401 317 84 1.792 first 123 170 285
1999 711.898 839.814 84.8 393 306 eighty seven 1.811 3 113 144 289
2000 711.398 839.814 84.7 400 313 eighty seven 1.778 3 117 134 289
2001 708.540 843.150 84.0 404 317 eighty seven 1.753 3 107 141 290
2002 707.531 842,450 84.0 405 310 95 1.746 4 117 139 290
2003 706.383 841.360 84.0 408 314 ninety four 1.731 4 114 145 290
2004 704.384 826.229 85.3 404 311 93 1.743 4 109 134 290
two thousand and thirteen 354.087 418,087 84.7 189 134 55 1.873 4 62 55 143
2016 353.055 416,870 84.7 168 120 48 2.101 4 55 44 143
2019 346,780 416,550 83.3 163 115 48 2.127 5 53 44 144
2021 341,950 416,280 82.1 155 110 45 2.206 11 50 37 144
  1. ^ Manfred Heim, Salzburg self -bistumer , Historical Lexicon Bavaria, Edizione Online.
  2. ^ Amon, Dictionary of ecclesiastical history and geography , vol. XXI, Coll. 1319.
  3. ^ Church and society in the Gorizia
  4. ^ ( THE ) Decree To an adequate souls , AAS 54, 1962, PP. 471-472.
  5. ^ In 1391 Agostino, bishop of Concordia, was appointed, who renounced the assignment in Concordia.
  6. ^ On June 15, 1786 he was appointed bishop of Chiemsee.
  7. ^ From 31 July 2013 to 26 April 2015 he was apostolic administrator Stanislav Lipovšek, bishop of Celje.
