Brontis Jodorowsky – Wikipedia


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Brontis Jodorowsky , born the In Mexico City, is an actor and director of the theater of Franco-Chilean origin.

Brontis Jodorowsky is the eldest son of the author and Chilean director Alejandro Jodorowsky and Bernadette Landru. Born in Mexico, he moved to France in the late 1970s.

His actor training is mainly done with Ryszard Cieślak, an emblematic figure of the laboratory theater of Jerzy Grotowski, in Wroclaw (Poland), then of Ariane Mnouchkine, at the Théâtre du Soleil, of which he joined the troop in 1989, that He left after seven seasons in 1995. He will play among other things in the cycle of Atrides [ first ] , and will play the role of Orgon in the Tartuff [ 2 ] .

As an actor, he notably worked with Irina Brook, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Simon Abkarian, Bernard Sobel or Jorge Lavelli. His father planned to give him the role of Paul Atreids in the adaptation of Frank Herbert’s novel, Dune . The film will never be made. This adventure is told in 2013 in the documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune .

At the same time, Brontis Jodorowsky is also theater and opera director. Finally, we also owe him various translations from Spanish [ 3 ] , including that of the text of Moebius’s comic strip: Angel claws [ 4 ] .


Actor [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, m. in s. by Jean-Daniel Laval
  • My poor fiedia According to Dostoyevski, m. in s. from Ryszard Cieslak, at the Théâtre de l’Évée de Bois (in Paris)
  • The Gospel according to Judas according to the Bible , m. in s. D’Egor persan
  • 1990: Atrides: Iphigenia in Alis D’Euripides, mr. in s. by Ariane Mnouchkine, at the Théâtre du Soleil
  • 1990: Les atrides: Agamemnon D’eschyle, m. in s. by Ariane Mnouchkine, at the Théâtre du Soleil
  • 1991: Les atide: Les Choephores D’eschyle, m. in s. by Ariane Mnouchkine, at the Théâtre du Soleil
  • 1992: Les atide: Les Bump D’eschyle, m. in s. by Ariane Mnouchkine, at the Théâtre du Soleil
  • 1994: The city perjury or the awakening of the Erinyes d’Hélène Cixous, m. in s. by Ariane Mnouchkine, at the Théâtre du Soleil
  • 1995: Tartuffe de Molière, mr. in s. d’Ariane Mnouchkine, at the Avignon Festival and the Théâtre du Soleil
  • 1996: Anthropologies by Pablo Abad, m. To us. by Ricardo Lopez-Munoz
  • 1996 : Pierre and the Wolf of Prokofiev, m. To us. by Ricardo Lopez Munoz
  • 1997: A Midsummer Night’s dream of Shakespeare, m. in s. of Paul Golub
  • 1997: Macbeth of Shakespeare, m. in s. of Paul Golub
  • 1997: Manhattan’s good god from Ingéborg Bachmann, m. in s. de Jarg Pataki, at the Théâtre du Grütli (Geneva)
  • 1998: Giacomo the tyrannical by Giuseppe Manfrid, m. en s. d’Athna Arena, other theater of the French the cooft-point
  • 1998: Lost love pains de Shakespeare, m. in s. from Simon Abkarian, at the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord
  • 1999 : Danser from Lughnasa de Brian Friel, m. in s. from Irina Brook, to the MC93 Bobigny
  • 2000: Trojan’s last song According to Euripides, Eschyle, Seneca and manage Sévak, m. in s. from Simon Abkarian, to the MC93 Bobigny
  • 2001: Panic opera , mr. in s. And text by Alejandro Jodorowsky, at the MC93 Bobigny
  • 2001: Juliette and Romeo after Shakespeare, m. in SN. Irina Brook, Vidy theater, Chaillot National Theater
  • 2003: Richard II , the Shakespeare, m. and sn. Jacques Osinski
  • 2003: Titus Andronicus , de Shakespeare, m. en sn. Simon Abkarian
  • 2004: A man is a man de Brecht, mr. in s. by Bernard Sobel, at the Avignon Festival
  • 2005: Trotis and Cressida the Shakespeare, m. and p. The Bernard Sobel
  • 2005: Merlin or devastated land of Tankred DORST, m. in s. by Jorge Lavelli, at the Festival Les Nuits de Fourvière and at the MC93 Bobigny
  • 2006: A century of industry De Marc Dugowson, m. en sn. Paul Golub
  • 2006: Tragedy: a tragedy de Will Eno, m. in s. from Monica Espina, General Paris
  • 2006: The endless dream by Alejandro Jodorowsky, m. In SN. of l’Uteur
  • 2006: The Marquise d’O D’Heinrich von Kleist, staging Lukas Hemleb, comedy of Valencia, Crater Alès
  • 2007: The Marquise d’O D’Heinrich von Kleist, staging Lukas Hemleb, Maison de la Culture de Bourges, Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Theater Gérard Philipe, tour
  • 2008: Nights in Baghdad There are more more girls to scicit, . And ts. Paul will go to theell
  • 2009: Flea in the ear Degeorges Feydeau, m. in SN. Paul Golub
  • 2009: The gorilla According to Franz Kafka, mr. in s. D’Alejandro and B. Jodorowsky, in Brussels, then in 2010 at the Théâtre du Lucernaire (in Paris)
  • 2009: Antigone , from Sophocles, m. in SN. Jean Liermier. Carouge theater
  • 2010-2013 : The gorilla According to Franz Kafka, mr. in s. D’Alejandro and B. Jodorowsky, Petit-Montparnasse theater then Avignon off and shot in France, in Santiago de Chile and Buenos-Aires.
  • 2015: Macbeth , by William Shakespeare, m. in SN. Ariane Mnouchkine, Théâtre du Soleil (resumption of role, OCT-NOV-DEC)
  • 2016: The game of love and chance de Marivaux directed by Laurent Laffargue.

Director [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 2000: The flying doctor de Molière, at the Théâtre du Lucernaire (in Paris)
  • What can it do , musical show by Christian Ferrari, at the Auditorium des Halles (in Paris)
  • High surveillance From Jean Genet, to phonographic establishments of the East (in Paris)
  • 2006: Unexpected by Fabrice Melquiot, at the Charenton-le-Pont studio-theater
  • 2009: Pelléas and Mélisande by Maeterlinck, at the Besançon musical theater
  • 2009: The gorilla According to Franz Kafka, co-m. in s. With Alejandro, Brussels, then in 2010 at the Lucernaire Théâtre (in Paris)
  • 2011: Rigoletto de Verdi, at the Besançon musical theater
  • 2011: Unexpected by Fabrice Melquiot, at the Théâtre Les Déchauseurs (in Paris)
  • 2012: Carmen Bizet, Au Festival Musica Nigella
  • Audiovisual resources Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
  • Resource relating to the show Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
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