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Guy Pion , born the In Lessines (Belgium), is a Belgian actor.

He is the father of the actor David Pion and the graphic designer Thomas Pion.

He is the co -founder and co -director, with Béatrix Ferauge, of the Awakening Theater since 1982.

Graduated from the Institute of Diffusion Arts (1968-1971) where he worked under the direction of Henri Chanal, Pierre Debauche, Armand Delcampe, Horazio Costa and Pierre Laroche.

After an internship in Milan at Dario Fo he plays at the National Theater (Direction Jacques Huisman) under the direction of Jean Meyer, William Gaskill, Robert Gironès, Maurice Vaneau … then at the Théâtre des Parvis under the direction of André Steiger and joined Marc Liebens with mobile theatrical sets for various creations.


It was then at the theatrical workshop of Louvain la Neuve-Théâtre Jean Vilar (direction Armand Delcampe) that he continues his journey under the artistic direction of Ottomar Krejca.

He will then found the Théâtre de l’Eveil and produce many shows in co -production with the new Belgian theater (Henri Ronse), the Hainuyer Dramatic Center (Michel Tanner), the theater the public (Michel Kacenelnebogen) and the royal theater of Park (Thierry Debroux).

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

TV shows [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Telefilms [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1993 my struggle de G. Tabori
  • 1993 Belgium by Anita Van Belle
  • 1993 26 bis Impasse by Colonel Apoisy de R.D. Dubois
  • 1993 Marat said de Peter Weiss
  • 1994 The diary of Sally Mara by Raymond Queneau
  • 1994 The son of the three truck musketeers
  • 1994 The West The True of Sam Shepard
  • 1995 Yasha de Jasmina Reza
  • 1995 W. Shakespeare’s Venice merchant
  • 1996 Variations on David Mamet duck and squirrels
  • 1996 Les Fourberies de Scapin de Molière
  • 1997: Arlequin in Arlequin servant of two masters [ 2 ] from Goldoni, my in Scène de Boso;
  • 1997 Death of an Arthur Miller traveler clerk
  • 1998 The de Goldoni innkeeper
  • 1998 l’Operange the 4 SEUS THE BEETPIL BRIVING
  • 1999 Fin the game the Samuel Becket
  • 2000 The Dragon’s song by Claire Lejeune
  • 2000 red, black and ignorant of Edward Bond
  • 2001 Anton Czechov Cerisaie
  • 2001 The giants of the mountain of Luigi Pirandello
  • 2001 Othello de William Shakespeare
  • 2002 le lieutenant d’ Inishmore
  • 2003 Venetian twins [ 3 ] De Carlo Goldoni
  • 2003 Moscow Nuit Blanche by Thierry Debroux
  • 2003 accidental dead of an anarchist [ 4 ] de Darius advised
  • 2002 if it’s sung it’s not lost [ 5 ] concert
  • 2005 The wedding among the petty bourgeois of Bertold Brecht
  • 2006 The affairs of Mr. Julius César de Bertold Brecht
  • 2006 Bouvard and Pécuchet de Gustave Flaubert
  • 2006 L’Atelier of Jean-Claude Gummberg
  • 2007: Arlequin in The green bird of Gozzi, my in Scène Par Carlo Boso;
  • 2008 Le Mariage de Figaro de Beaumarchais
  • 2008 FAUST by Jean Louvet
  • 2009 A party for Boris by Thomas Bernhardt
  • 2009 do not pay Dario Fo
  • 2010 Intox de Michel Huisman
  • 2011 The sexual neuroses of our parents of Lukas Barfuss
  • 2011 a g.feydeau’s paw thread
  • 2012 The Spring Worse of Frank Wedekind
  • 2014 Joe Masteroff cabaret
  • : Richard III of Shakespeare, staging of Isabelle Pousseur [ 6 ] ;
  • 2015 Ubu’s after Alfred Jarry
  • 2015 Ay! Carmela of Jose Sanchis Sinisterra
  • : The stingy [ 7 ] Molière [ 8 ] .
  • 2017: the Christmas of Mr Scrooge [ 9 ] According to Dickens
  • 2017 MEPHISTO DE THIERRY Debroux after Goethe
  • 2018 party de th. Vinterberg
  • 2018 Sunset Boulevard de Andrew Lloyd Weber
  • 2019: 1984 [ ten ] According to G. Orwell
  • 2019: Ruy Blas de Victor Hugo
  • 2022: The Women’s School [ 11 ] Molière
  • 2000: Theater prize for the best actor for the role of Clov (end of game)
  • 2014: nominated best actor for the role of Richard III
