Nîmes court of appeal – Wikipedia


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The Nîmes Court of Appeal knows the affairs coming from the courts of his constituency which extends over the departments of the Ardèche, Gard, Lozère and Vaucluse.

Witting to “imperial court” under the first empire, then “royal court” under the restoration and the monarchy of July, it resumed its original name in 1848.

This court of appeal presents the characteristic of having a spring dependent on three different administrative regions: Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Vaucluse), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Ardèche) and Occitanie (Gard and Lozère). This little rational situation is the product of history and was mentioned in 2008 during the reform of the judicial card, but at the request of the Bar of Nîmes and the political representatives of the Department of Gard, of which Étienne Mourrut, the court D ‘Call was not dissolved.

The call courses being the heirs of the parliaments of ancient regime, their distribution and their springs are marked by historical considerations. [Doubtful information]

First presidents [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The first president, magistrate of the siege, is one of the two heads of court.

General Prosecutors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Attorney General, magistrate of the prosecution, is one of the two chiefs.

  1. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  2. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  3. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  4. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  5. a et b Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  6. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  7. a et b Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  8. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  9. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  10. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  11. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  12. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  13. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  14. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  15. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  16. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  17. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  18. https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichtexte.do?cidtexte=jorftext0000537879
  19. https://nimes.maville.com/actu/actudet_-justice-un-nouveau-president-a-la-cour-d-Appel-de-nimes_dep-1508831_actu.htm
  20. Stéphanie Marin, Nîmes. Bernard Keime Robert-Houdin, new first president of the Court of Appeal » , on objectifgard.com , (consulted the ) .
  21. Michel Allaix takes office at the head of the Nîmes Court of Appeal » , on The South Awakening (consulted the ) .
  22. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  23. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  24. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  25. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  26. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  27. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  28. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  29. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  30. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  31. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  32. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  33. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  34. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  35. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  36. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  37. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  38. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  39. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  40. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  41. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  42. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  43. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  44. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  45. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  46. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  47. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  48. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  49. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  50. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  51. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  52. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  53. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  54. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  55. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  56. Retrospective directory of the judiciary – » , on Annuaire-magistrature.fr (consulted the ) .
  57. Cathy Unac and Hocine Rouagdia, ” Nîmes: exclusive interview with the Attorney General Michel Desplan promoted to the Court of Cassation », Midi Libre , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  58. Ms. Françoise PIERI -GAUTHIER – General prosecutor near the Nîmes Court of Appeal – Biography updated on June 24, 2021 – Lesbiographies.com » , on lesbiography (consulted the ) .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
