Philippe Fourastié – Wikipedia


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Philippe FOURASTIE , born the in Cabourg in Calvados and died In Tréguier in the Côtes-du-Nord, is a French director and screenwriter.

He learns the profession by starting as a assistant. He starts with Pierre Schoendoerffer on The 317 It is Section (Prize for best scenario, 1965 Cannes Film Festival). He rework with him on Objective 500 million , where he meets actor Bruno Cremer with whom he will collaborate later. He still assists Claude Chabrol for Marie-Chantal against Doctor Kha , Jean-Luc Godard for Pierrot le fou and Jacques Rivette, on another film prohibited by censorship, Suzanne Simonin, Diderot’s nun .

In 1966, he made his first feature film: A choice of assassins , adaptation of William McGivern, the author of Odds against tomorrow (adapted in 1959 by Robert Wise) [ first ] . The film tells the story of a designer of comics leaving for the death of his wife, who crosses to Tangier Trafigents of arms, Beatniks and Gangsters

The band in Bonnot is Philippe Fourasti’s second and last film, the best known. He relates the life and the tragic fate of Jules Bonnot, an anarchist from the beginning of the century. Fourastié, assisted by Claude Miller, directs Bruno Cremer (in the role of Bonnot), Jacques Brel and Annie Girardot. The political speech of the film, deemed radical, leads to a ban on under 18s. The film, released in 1968, is cold and hard. Cremer plays a withdrawn, determined and ruthless bonnot. Fourastié refuses all psychologism and mixes not without skill the sympathy inspired by anarchist ideology with the cold violence of the acts [ 2 ] .

Fourastié then developed various film projects, including with Maurice rubs a modern transposition of the life of Saint-François d’Assise with Léo Ferré in the main role. The latter even participates in the writing of certain scenes, but the project aborts [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] And Fourastié then works for television.


In 1972, he signed the six episodes of the mini-series Mandrel , on the famous brigand of XVIII It is century. This historic soap opera is supposed to take place in the Dauphiné, which then experienced violent peasant demonstrations. The ORTF, fearing that the filming of this revolt against the excesses of royal taxation would more exacerbate passions, moves filming in Yugoslavia. French television officials feared a priori that an analogy was made between Mandrin and Gérard Nicoud, unionist of Cidunati, at the origin of movements of protests and demonstrations. This filming location also has advantages. In addition to the possibility of filming campaign landscapes preserved from modernity, the Yugoslav army provides this production with significant figuration. The distribution includes Pierre Fabre in particular in the main role of the beloved brigand, François Dyrek, in the role of Manot youth , Jean Martin, Armand Mestral, Malka Ribowska and the popular singer Monique Morelli, who interprets the faithful Carline And also sings some complaints commenting on the action [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

Fourastié dies from a brain tumor In Tréguier in the Côtes-du-Nord, at 42 years old.

Director and screenwriter
Assistant director
  1. Yvonne Baby, ” Four summer films », The world , ( read online )
  2. Jean de Baronelli, « The band in Bonnot », The world , ( read online )
  3. Jacques Vassal, Léo Ferré, the voice without master , Look for noon, ( read online )
  4. Rail will draw the long monologue There is nothing left Released in the album of the same name in 1973.
  5. M. M., «  “Mandrel” has arrived », The world , ( read online )
  6. Jean-JACQUES SKIET, « The brigand with a big heart », The world , ( read online )
