Catalonia vineyard – Wikipedia


Image illustrative de l’article Vignoble de Catalogne
Catalan denominations area

Designation (s) Catalonia
Appellation(s) principale(s) Penedès, Terra Alta, Catalonia, Tarragona, Conca de Barberà, Costers del Segre, Empordà, Montsant, Priorat, Alella, Pla de Bages.
Type d’appellation(s) Protected name name
Pays Drapeau de l'Espagne Spain
Parent region Drapeau de la Catalogne Catalonia
Climate Mediterranean
Planted area 61 405  hectares
Dominant grape varieties Carignan N, Grenache Noir n, Mourvèdre n
Macabeo B, Parellada B, Xarel-lo B
Production 3 232 740 hectoliters
Pieds to the hectare 2,000 to 4 5 500 CHEPERS BY HECTARE

The Catalonia vineyard is a Spanish wine region corresponding to the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. The vineyard of French Catalonia belongs to the vineyard of Languedoc-Roussillon.


It owes its variety to its very contrasting relief, creating many local climates. This wide range is found in wines. In addition to the notoriety Cava established by its volumes and its export success, this vineyard produces white, rosé and red wines, but also natural mild wines.

antiquity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

La photographie couleur représente une coupole peinte dans un mausolée. Les restes abîmés des peintures rupestres laissent voir un jeune homme portant trois grappes de raisin.

Grape carrier on a Roman vestige of Tarragona.

Viticulture is very old in Catalonia. The vine was introduced there 3,000 years ago by the Greeks and the Phoenicians. The wine trade then developed there thanks to Roman peace. The commercial ships came to charge in the port of Tarragona. This city was capital of Tarraconaise, Roman province which included all northern Spain current [ first ] .

Middle Ages [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula, Catalonia is included in the vast areas of Al-Andalus.

When Christians regain power after the conquest of Charlemagne, it is included in the march of Spain and Gothie. This episode will be important for viticulture, since it is the monasteries that will develop the culture of the vine. The monks adopt new techniques which are at the origin of the wine tradition in the region [ first ] .


Modern and contemporary era [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At XIX It is century, the profession is structured according to an industrial mode. Winegrowers produce grapes they sell to cooperative cellars or bodegas . This organization promotes mass production, making it possible to have large volumes for marketing, especially for export.

Since the end of XX It is century, a return to small private areas has started [ first ] .

Situation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Catalonia is located in the northeast of Spain, border of France and bordered to the east by the Mediterranean Sea. It is crossed by the Ebre, a river which accesses the sea by a delta.

Geology and Orography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

La carte en couleur représente les ensembles du relief de Catalogne

Catalonia is separated from France to the north, by the Pyrenean massif. The high peaks of the western part diminish east, but the slopes are strong and diving in the sea is steep. This area houses the empordia vineyard.

A cordillera separates the marine coast and a central depression zone drained by the Sègre. The Catalan coastal cordillera is not linear, it spares low zones surrounded by mountains. These areas are sheltered from violent climatic effects and still benefit from the moderating effect of thermal inertia of the sea through the sea wind; They offer a local climate particularly conducive to quality viticulture.

The relief is used with profit for the development of aromatic white wines. The culture of the vine up to 800 meters above sea level gives a freshness which directly influences the conservation of a refreshing acidity and the synthesis of fine and light aromas, as opposed to heavy wines due to the grapes matured faster [ a 1 ] .

Climatology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

La carte en couleur montre les zones climatiques ; le climat méditerranéen subit diverses inflences.

Catalonia climate map

Catalonia has a global Mediterranean climate. In detail, the relief creates strong local influences, leading to significant variability of climates.

The northwest has a really mountain influence because of its altitude. The vine is almost not implanted there.

The northeast is dominated by the winds. Tramontane in particular takes cryptogamic diseases away by its drying and refreshing effect. Its action is often accompanied by Foehn’s effect; This is the case of the empordia vineyard, behind the relief of the Pyrenees [ 2 ] . It is a climate particularly well suited to viticulture, allowing both to cultivate grapes intended for balanced dry wines, and natural natural wines [ 3 ] .

The western-central area, far from the sea, undergoes a continental influence. The wines are strong in alcohol and marked by overmaturity.

The southern coastal area is frankly Mediterranean, undergoing little major influence. (However, there are valley or exposure microclimates) However, the relief of the influences coastal cordillera blocking the sea wind and its action: humidity intake and reduction of daily thermal amplitudes. It allows the development of high quality white wines whether it is quiet or effervescent.

Grape varieties [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Red grape varieties combine a secular tradition with regional grape varieties: Grenache n [ 4 ] , Lledoner Pelut N, Mourvèdre n, Carignan n …, but since the end of XX It is century, exogenous, mainly French grape varieties were introduced: Cabernet Sauvignon N, Merlot N, Pinot Noir N or Syrah N.

For white grape varieties, history is significantly the same: traditional regional grape varieties (Macabeu B, Parellada B, Xarel-Lo B …) were joined by French grape varieties: Chardonnay B, Sauvignon B or Chenin B.

Mode of culture and vinification linked to the terroir [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Appellations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The spelling arbitrarily resumes that of Catalan, sometimes a little different from Spanish, especially in terms of accentuation.

La carte couleur montre en vert les communes viticoles. L'essentiel du vignoble est situé au sud-ouest

Municipalities of more than 50 hectares of vineyards.

The Catalonian vineyard has experienced a large restructuring. The surface has decreased by 88 404 hectares in 1988 at 61 405 hectares in 2005, while production went from 2 699 100 hectoliters in 1989 at 3 232 740 Hectoliters of average between 1999 and 2003. This metamorphosis was partly done by abandoning part of the terrace vines, expensive to maintain. The vineyard is mainly concentrated on the provinces of Barcelona and Tarragona which represent two 84% of the vineyard in [ a 2 ] .

Museums [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Architecture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Catalonia, homeland of Antoni Gaudí, gave a craze for modernism that has not spared the wine architecture. Lluís Domènech I Montaner produced the chai of the Francolí espluga cooperative.

Caesar Martinell i Brunet (shift) , (1888-1973), meanwhile, made several buildings. He was a pupil of Gaudí and his trademark is a concrete frame recalling the Gothic churches and coated with exposed bricks. Its cooperative cellars of Gandesa and El Pinell de Brai were even nicknamed “wine cathedrals” [ 5 ] .

Ancient or more recent buildings perpetuate an image of art combined with functional. This regional architectural movement even operated across border, in Roussillon (French Catalonia). The byrrh cellar, in Thuir, has a chai whose frame was made by the Gustave Eiffel workshops.

Wine tourism [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
