Sergueï Viktorovitch Kochardoubeï — Wikipedia


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Sergei Viktorovitch Kotchoubeï (in cyrillic alphabet: Sergey Viktorovich Kochubey ), born the , died . Titled count in 1831, then prince. Marshal of the nobility of the Oblast of Poltava. Honorary member of the Imperial Public Library of Saint Petersburg. State Councilor (1854). Member of the Imperial Club of Saint Petersburg.

Sofia Alexandrovna von Benckendorff wife of Prince Sergei Viktorovitch Kotchoubeï. (1841).

Cadet son of Prince Viktor Pavlovitch Kotchoubeï and his wife Maria Vassilievna Vassiltchikova.

In 1859, Sergei Vikotorovitch Kotchoubeï married Sofia Alexandrovna von Benckendorff (1824-1879), daughter of Count Alexandre von Benckendorff and his wife Ielizaveta Andreïevna Donets-Zakharjevskaïa (1788-1857) and widow 1738-1821).

Two children were born from this union:


Sergei Viktorovitch Kotchoubeï had ascendant Küçük, a Bey Tartare de Crimea. Born in a Ukrainian family [ 2 ] . His noble cosache family were the owners of the Dikanka (Oblast de Poltava Oblasts today in Ukraine. Fourth son of Count Viktor Pavlovitch Kotchoubeï.

In 1841, the young Sergei graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics from the University of Saint Petersburg. Then, he occupied a function in the Department of Principalities (State Institution of the Russian Empire which is responsible for management (prerogative and until 1863 peasants residing on the land of the Imperial family of Russia). During his Stay in the regions of the Caucasus then of Transcaucasie, he took an active part in the prospecting and the development of coal. In 1847, his research work was rewarded, he was decorated with the order of Saint-Vladimir ( 4 It is class) [ 3 ] .

A few years later, as a civil servant, he fulfilled certain special missions for the Ministry of the Interior.

Sergei Viktorovitch Kotchoubeï was one of the first members of the Imperial Club of Saint Petersburg [ 4 ] . Between 1849 and 1850, aboard his yacht, he undertook a trip to Europe, who left Kronstadt he sailed to the Black Sea.

Associated with his brother Mikhaïl, he created joint -stock companies, in addition, he signed a contract with the Imperial Government of Russia in which he undertook to build a factory in Iekaterinoslav, factory intended for the manufacture of rail rail . In 1869, for a sum of 24,000 pounds sterling, he gave this concession to the English engineer and metallurgist John James Hughes (1814-1889). According to certain testimonies, the count received 980 shares for an amount of 240,000 pounds sterling and was appointed director of the company of coal and industry of iron and rail novorossiskoïe [ 5 ] .

On the death of his father that occurred in 1834, Sergei Viktorovitch Kotchoubeï inherited the paternal library, it was made up of 30,000 works. In 1876, under certain conditions (exhibition of a part of the collection of books and a portrait of Viktor Pavlovitch Kotchoubeï in one of the rooms of the library), Count Kotchoubeï said a part of the collection of Books at the Imperial Public Library of Saint Petersburg, and another part was offered at the University of Kharkov.

The Imperial Public Library of Saint Petersburg selected 2,429 literary works, some of which are of great rarity. In 1878, he was an honorary member of this library [ 6 ] .

Prince Sergei Viktorovitch Kotchoubeï died the .
