Atletico Clube de Portugal – Wikipedia


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L’ Atletico Clube de Portugal is a Portuguese football club based in Lisbon. The club is evolving for the 2012-2013 season in Ligapro (D2).

The club spends 24 seasons in Call us ( first re  division).

He obtained his best results in D1 in 1944 then in 1950, where he ranked 3 It is of the championship. The last presence in first re Division of the Athletic Club of Portugal dates back to the 1976-1977 season.

The club reached the final of the Portugal Cup in 1946, then again in 1949.

The , in the Portugal Cup, Atlético, which evolves in 3 It is Division, achieved a magnificent victory in Porto against FC Porto. Atlético’s victory is a lot of talk in Lisbon, including a penalty from FC Porto to the 90 It is Pulled by Ricardo Quaresma which touches the outgoing post.

I II III IV IN Points Days IN N D B.M. B.P. Diff.
1942-1943 2 24 pts 14 11 2 first 66 27 +39
1943-1944 3 24 pts 18 9 6 3 51 28 +23
1944-1945 first 16 pts 8 8 0 0 60 4 +56
1945-1946 5 21 pts 22 8 5 9 38 55 -17
1946-1947 7 25 pts 26 11 3 twelfth 56 sixty one -5
1947-1948 6 26 pts 26 11 4 11 69 62 +7
1948-1949 ten 21 pts 26 8 5 13 44 68 -24
1949-1950 3 30 pts 26 11 8 7 53 42 +11
1950-1951 4 30 pts 26 twelfth 6 8 62 49 +13
1951-1952 twelfth 20 pts 26 7 6 13 53 48 +5
1952-1953 twelfth 19 pts 26 6 7 13 33 52 -19
1953-1954 6 28 pts 26 ten 8 8 49 43 +6
1954-1955 9 22 pts 26 9 4 13 42 52 -ten
1955-1956 twelfth 19 pts 26 6 7 13 47 62 -15
1956-1957 14 16 pts 26 6 4 16 32 62 -30
1959-1960 11 21 pts 26 7 7 twelfth 34 forty six -twelfth
1960-1961 ten 21 pts 26 8 5 13 35 54 -19
1961-1962 6 26 pts 26 11 4 11 41 42 -first
1962-1963 13 17 pts 26 8 first 17 33 65 -32
1966-1967 13 14 pts 26 5 4 17 29 55 -26
1968-1969 13 12 pts 26 5 2 19 26 49 -23
1969-1970 3 32 pts 26 13 6 7 38 21 +17
1971-1972 ten 25 pts 30 8 9 13 35 52 -17
1972-1973 15 17 pts 30 4 9 17 27 52 -25
1974-1975 ten 26 pts 30 ten 6 14 38 69 -thirty first
1975-1976 ten 23 pts 30 9 5 16 26 49 -23
1976-1977 16 15 pts 30 3 9 18 23 80 -57
1995-1996 8 45 pts 34 13 6 15 44 47 -3
1997-1998 11 46 pts 34 13 7 14 41 41 0
1998-1999 13 41 pts 34 ten 11 13 thirty first 48 -17
2003-2004 first 76 pts 34 22 ten 2 57 22 +35
2004-2005 17 47 pts 38 twelfth 11 15 47 58 -11
2005-2006 first 71 pts 34 22 5 7 82 thirty first +51
2006-2007 3 45 pts 26 twelfth 9 5 43 24 +19
2007-2008 4 41 pts 26 11 8 7 27 19 +8
2008-2009 6 31 pts 22 9 4 9 thirty first 33 -2

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. In Portuguese Portuguese Championship . In a format resembling that of the Cup of current Portugal, it is considered by many as its ancestor.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Only the main titles in official competitions are indicated here.
