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Jules Philippe , born the In Annecy and died on In Paris, is a Savoyard then French politician, journalist and historian, from Haute-Savoie [ 2 ] .

Origins and family [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jules Pierre Joseph Philippe was born on , in Annecy [ 3 ] , then in the Duchy of Savoy, part of the Kingdom of Sardinia. He is the son of Alexandre Philippe, lawyer, and Marie-Louise Périn [ 3 ] .

It belongs to a family of notables, originally from La Roche, including the great-grandfather, Claude-Marie-Joseph Philippe, was deputy for Mont-Blanc and member of the Council of five hundred [ 3 ] .

He marries the , in Annecy, Louise-Péronne Chaumontel, of whom they will have two sons and four daughters [ 3 ] . One of the brothers of Louise-Péronne, Louis Chaumontel, is mayor of Annecy (1870-1874 and 1875-1884), president of the General Council (1871–1892) and senator of Haute-Savoie (1876–1892) [ 3 ] .


Career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jules Philippe is a journalist at National savoisien , from 1848 to 1853 [ 3 ] . He bought the Sallet printing house (founded in 1836) in 1850 which will now bear his name until his resale in 1859 [ 4 ] . Presses will get the SAVOISIEN monitor of 1853-1857 [ 3 ] , [ 2 ] , which he will also be director [ 4 ] .

He is one of the local personalities who reactivate the Florimontane Academy in 1851 [ 5 ] . He will be successively under-secretary, secretary and vice-president.

He entered politics in 1854 by becoming a municipal councilor of Annecy, where he remained until 1870. During the period preceding the annexation of Savoy, he did not take sides for the annexationist party, nor for the Conservative Party, But accepts the union of the former duchy to France [ 2 ] .

In 1859, he joined the Lodge of the Grand Orient Savoisien which became Allobrogy [ 3 ] , [ 2 ] .

He founded the Republican newspaper The Alps In 1868 [ 3 ] . He wrote a pamphlet entitled that year that year Savoyard patriot of faith Considered by the author and local historian Michel Amoudry as “the purest exaltation of Savoyard feeling” [ 6 ] . He is elected the at the Academy of Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Savoie, with the academic title corresponding [ 7 ] .

The , he becomes a prefect of Haute-Savoie, when he has just been freshly elected deputy. He renounces his mandate [ 4 ] . Mac Mahon revokes it [ 8 ] .

Unlike a major part of France which brings conservative elected officials to the National Assembly, Haute-Savoie allows this elected Republican elected official and his comrades (Alfred Chardon, François Duparc) to come first [ 2 ] , [ 9 ] . In 1876, he was again elected deputy. In May 1877, he was one of the signatories of the 363 manifesto. Re -elected in October, he kept his seat until his death.

In the fall of 1872, he was at the origin of the arrival of Léon Gambetta in Savoy for the celebrations of 80 It is Anniversary of the first Savoy meeting in France [ 9 ] .

He also chaired the teachers’ mutual rescue society in 1880.

Jules Philippe dies the in Paris and he is buried in the Loverchy of Annecy cemetery [ 2 ] .

List Non -exhaustive List of Jules Philippe’s publications:

  • Guillaume Fichet, his life, his works. Introduction of printing in Paris , 1892 (edited after his death [ 2 ] )
  • Origin of the printing in Paris, according to unpublished documents , 1885
  • Savoy’s science men , 1884
  • Mont-Blanc or Simplon? Indisputable advantages of an international railroad by Mont-Blanc from a political and strategic point of view , 1880
  • Xavier de Maistre’s first tests , brochures published in 1784 and reissued for the first time in 1874
  • Popular history of Savoy, from the most remote times to the present day , 1873
  • Almanac of Savoy glories for 1868-1870
  • Chronological manual containing the main dates of political, municipal, ecclesiastical and literary history of Savoy, until the end of 1849 , 1868
  • Annecy and its surroundings , 1867
  • A Savoyard moralist in the 16th century: Jean Menen , 1867
  • Savoy’s princes-wolf; Letter to Mr. Thiers , 1867
  • Savoy poets , Annecy, Jules Philippe, bookseller-publisher, , 337 p. ( read online )
  • Savoy glories , Paris, J.-B. Clarey, , 313 p. ( read online )
  • Biographical manual of Haute-Savoie and Savoy , 1863
  • Annecy and its surroundings , 1852
  • Poetic Savoy , 1849
  • Jules Philippe gave his name to a Quai Jules-Philippe route and a primary school, in the city of Annecy.
  1. http://www.siv.archives-nationales.culture.gouv.fr/siv/ud/fran_ir_001514/d_1545 »
  2. a b c d e f and g Germain 2007, p. 446.
  3. a b c d e f g h and 1 Vincent Wright , Éric Anceau , Jean Pierre Machelon and Sudhir Hazareesingh , Gambetta prefects , Paris, Presses Paris Sorbonne, , 482 p. (ISBN  978-2-84050-504-4 , read online ) , p. 352-354 .
  4. A B and C Auguste From the oven and François Rapid , Printing, printers and booksellers in Savoy: XV It is in the 19th century It is , vol. 16, sweets, coll. Memories and documents of the Savory Society of History and Archeology ”, , 415 p. (ISBN  978-2-05-101667-4 , read online ) , p. 263-264 .
  5. Paul Guichonnet, Annecy story , Private, , 336 p. (ISBN  978-2-7089-8244-4 ) , p. 238 .
  6. Michel Amoudry, What future for Savoy? , Yen, Cabédita, coll. “Space and horizon”, , 156 p. (ISBN  2-88295-368-2 ) , p. 91 .
  7. State of the members of the Academy of Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Savoie from its foundation (1820) until 1909 » , on The site of the Academy of Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Savoie And Academy of Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Savoie » , on The site of the Historical and Scientific Works Committee – CTHS.fr .
  8. Dictionary of Amboise. Pays de Savoie , Chambéry, Amboise edition, , 430 p. (ISBN  2-903795-13-4 ) , p. 292 .
  9. a et b Paul Guichonnet, New Haute-Savoie encyclopedia: yesterday and today , Montmélian, La Fontaine de Siloé, , 399 p. (ISBN  978-2-84206-374-0 , read online ) , p. 25 .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Michel Germain , Personnages illustrious des Savoie: “Men” , Lyon, other view, , 619 p. (ISBN  978-2-915688-15-3 ) .
  • Vincent Wright, Éric Anceau, Jean-Pierre Machelon and Sudhir Hazareesingh, Gambetta prefects , Paris, Presses Paris Sorbonne, , 482 p. (ISBN  978-2-84050-504-4 , read online ) , p. 352-354, file .
  • Pierre Soudan, A witness from Savoy at XIX It is century, Jules Philippe , Curandra editions, , 63 p.
  • Louis Dépollier, Regionalism and politics in Savoy: Jules Philippe (1827-1888) , Chambéry, Librairie Dardel, .
  • “Jules Philippe” , in Adolphe Robert and Gaston Cougny, French parliamentary dictionary , Edgar Bourloton, 1889-1891 [Edition detail]

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