Hermet wood – Wikipedia



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The big – and the little hermet form wood located in the municipalities of Mézangers, Deux-Evailles and Jublains in Mayenne. The Roman road of Jublain in Angers crossed the Etang d’Hermet.

  • Armetz’s wood , 1220 [ first ]
  • Hermez boys , 1292 [ 2 ]
  • Hime , 1457 [ 3 ]
  • Hermez , 1498 [ 4 ]
  • Hime , 1559 [ 5 ]
  • Hermez , 1580 [ 6 ]
  • The main road tending from Neau to Hermet , 1585 [ 7 ]
  • Hime , 1588 [ 8 ]
  • Hermet , 1610 [ 3 ] . This spelling prevailed.
  • Hermet: wood, manor, pond, forge, chapel of Sainte-Anne. (Jaillot and Cassini cards).

hermet : “Fallow land”.

The whole domain with its fief was in the movement of Sainte-Suzanne and that of Mayenne by Montgiroux . The river of the Bonde Bonde and quagmire was sharing (1751).

Lords of Hermet [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Brée weapons: silver with two fascia of sand in the necklace of gueulles broaching on the whole

The Brée family [ 9 ] Born in a league from Évron in the country of Maine, taking its origin and its name of Brée from the old châtellenie of this name, which it has always possessed with the lands of Montsûrs and Hermet, that we Note to be entered by alliance on the end of the century… in the house of Beaumont-au-Maine. Indeed, the Châtellenies of Brée, Montsûrs and d’Hermet were given in dowry the year 1270, to Jeanne de Beaumont, daughter of Louis de Brienne, who took the name of Beaumont because of Agnès de Beaumont-au-Maine , his wife.


ARETS DE BEAUMONT: experienced with gold and gules of VIII pieces
  • Guillaume you part concedes the right of use to the religious of Évron for their priory of vine in his hermet wood, Lange and of Bois-Robert , in 1220.
  • But most belonged, at the end of XIII It is century, at the Maison de Laval as a result of its alliance with that of Beaumont-Brienne.
  • Jean Girard , lord of Barenton , 1457, 1463
  • René Girard , knight, lord of Bazeille , 1473, great of Jeanne Tibergeau , which married with François de la Chapelle , Lord of Saint-Christophe.
  • René Girard , 1498; He had given mezangers, before 1530, a banner to his arms.
  • René Girard Make his will the And ask to be worn in Colombiers by thirteen poor.
  • Nicolas de Launay , lord of Wavering , widower of Bouillé Renée , heiress of the previous one, 1559.
  • Jean de Launay , knight of the king’s order, husband of Louise de Villiers ; He buys from the king of Navarre the woods and moors of Lange , 1575.
  • Pierre de Launay , lord of Moncor, Malindrière, Monnée , 1610, 1621.
  • Nicolas de Sainte-Marthe , lieutenant-general in Poitiers, husband of Urban of Launay , widow in 1648.
  • Louis-François Lefebvre de Caumartin , State Councilor, master of requests, married in 1652 to Marie-Urbaine de Sainte-Marthe , widower in 1654, died in 1687.
  • Louis-Urbain Lefebvre de Caumartin , Marquis of Boissy , finance steward; He yawns in 1699 [ ten ] The fiefs, land, lordship and forge of Hermet, to Maître Louis Chapelle, lawyer in parliament, and tax prosecutor of the county and parliament of Laval, residing in the said Laval, parish of the Holy Trinity; In 1701, he gave to the land rent, the fiefs, land and lordship of Hermet in Benjamin Maudit , sieur du Bignon , big of Jeanne Loiseau . From now on, the iron industry prevails the feudal domain.
  • Jacques Pavy , sieur du Mound , son of’ Olivier Pavy and of Marie BeunaUNIE , married in 1708 to Jeanne-Anne Maudi , and in second marriage to Joséphine-Louise Frin , daughter of Charles Frin , sieur des Touches , merchant in Laval, and Jacquine-Marie Moraine , died in 1736.
  • Joseph Pouyvet de la Belinière , request commissioner, lord of Bourgon , by acquisition of of Jacques Pavy , son of the previous one.

The earth then understood “Manor, blacksmith houses, forges, stove, affinery, splitting, boiler room, hermet and field ponds, location of the mill, Landes de Champ-de-Vigne, chapel, fief and lordship of Bois-Marteau “” and eight farms.

The heirs of Pouyvet de la Blinière sold by contracts in 1768 before Bronod and Maigret [ 11 ] , to Pierre Le Nicolais: 1. The land of Neuvillette, in Jublain, 2. The land of Hermet, in Mezangers, and Bourgnouvel, 3. La Terre de Bourgon, in Loiron, 4. The land of Bourgon, in Montourtier . The goods included, among other things, the big forges, stoves and bench houses of Aron, the householder’s residential house, the courses and gardens, the buildings used for the workers …, and the ponds.

The forges of hermet were reported from 1588 [ twelfth ] . We also cooked lime. Before 1760, they were united to those of Aron, where the Fonts d’Hermet was transported.

The pond of the forges of hermet

The stoves then consumed 160 18 -year -old wood arpents each year. The iron, which was brittle, sold to Mayenne, Angers and Chanu. During chouannerie, the forges, united to those of Aron, are requisitioned for the factory of small arms , with obligation to farmers neighboring the ore ( ). The , the insurgents gathered in the wood put the pond dry. THE , Gaultier, director of the Forges d’Aron, writes that the insurgents sank 112 balls at the Forges d’Hermet. “They had a deking tank. It is believed, however, that the melted balls were too big for their cannons” , writes Father Angot. “They caused 2,600 pounds of cast iron in balls” , said Margeret, commander in Mayenne, the .
Recovered later, the forges of Hermet were extinguished around 1859.
“Mr. Gaston de Hercé, a wolf of the department, had set up a modest house in the dependencies of the deleted forge, and the kennels of his pack are still there as a memory of another era of life and movement for this corner of forest “( Father Angot ).

Chapel [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Chapelle d'Hermet (Sainte-Anne).jpg

Forges masters [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The masters of forges [ twelfth ] :

  • Jacques thirteen , 1634, 1637
  • Marguerite Moutardeau du Cerisier , buried in mezangers, 1655
  • Thomas Angot, Sieur de Vaubourgel , husband of Marie Bavoust , 1688, 1690
  • Benjamin Maudit , master and owner of the forges, 1701
  • Jacques Pavy , son -in -law
  • Etienne Blin , son of Jacques Blin , receiver of the King’s estate in Séez; He married in Livet in 1735 Jeanne Pommier , daughter of Jean pommier , notary.

MM. de Choiseul and Estrées, Barons de Sainte-Suzanne, had asked to make feudal withdrawal to prevent the lord of Bourgon, Joseph Pouyet de la Belinière , to be master of dropping the price of wood, which could only be sold alone if he had all the forges, but this project did not take place.

  1. Cartulary of Évron.
  2. Maison de Laval, t. II, p.96.
  3. a et b Chart. Bourgon.
  4. Bibl. Nat., Origine pieces. at the word girard6.
  5. Tit. Fab. of Colombiers.
  6. Tit. of the FAB. of mézangers.
  7. Tit. from Fab. of Neau.
  8. Tit. of the FAB. of Jublains.
  9. Robert de Brée who, according to the Paige, lived around 1010 and who married N … de Goué, daughter of Edmond, widow of Marie de la Vauguyon, of the house of Laval, would he be one of the lords of the name of Brée Who owned this lordship before she became the prerogative of the De Beaumont and the Cadets de Laval?
  10. Seine-et-Marne Departmental Archives: Minutes of Maître Antoine Bratel, notary in Villecerf (77), rating 1051e2
  11. Notaries at the Châtelet de Paris.
  12. a et b Angot (Abbé). Dictionary of Mayenne. (1962), t. 2, p. 431.

“Hermet wood”, in Alphonse-Victor Angot and Ferdinand Gaugain, Historical, topographic and biographical dictionary of Mayenne , Laval, Goupil, 1900-1910 [Detail of editions] ( read online )
