Fernind Guillemardet — Wikipedia


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Ferdinand Pierre Marie Dorothée Guillemardet is a French politician, born the diaper [ first ] , and dead the in Paris (old twelfth It is arrondissement) [ 2 ] . He is a deputy for the Saône et Loire under the Revolution, under the Empire, he became a prefect and ambassador to Spain.

Doctor by training, Guillemardet exercised in Autun in 1787-1790. He marries Lazarette Lamarre. From their union are born (at least) two sons:

– Louis Philippe Guillemardet (1790-1865) who will be secretary general at the Ministry of Finance and Knight of the Legion of Honor in 1838 [ 3 ]

– Louis Félix Guillemardet (1796-1842), youthful friend of the painter Delacroix [ 4 ]

Active member of the company Jacobin d’Autun [ 5 ] , Guillemardet is elected mayor of the city, a function he occupies of At .


He was elected deputy for Saône-et-Loire to the Convention. He voted as such the death of Louis XVI On January 17, 1793, with this appreciation: “As a judge, I vote for the death penalty; As a statesman, the maintenance of freedom forces me to pronounce the same penalty. »»

At the head of an anti-Jacobin group, he made Auxerre a very anticlerical speech.

He was elected elected deputy to the council of five hundred where he sits from October 16, 1795 on May 1, 1798. He is one of the friends of Charles François Delacroix, father of the painter Eugène Delacroix whose birth he declares him [ 6 ] .

Then he is appointed as an ambassador to Spain. Goya is his portrait.

Talleyrand reminded him in 1800 for incompetence and because of the grievances of Charles IV . He was then appointed prefect of Charente-Inférieur (today Charente-Maritime); It is he who takes the prefectural decree of which will disfigure the Saint-Eutrope basilica of Saintes. He is also a member of the Academy of Belles-Lettres, Sciences and Arts in La Rochelle.

It was made knight of the Legion of Honor on June 14, 1804 [ 7 ] .

Of At , he is a prefect of Allier.

He was made knight of the Empire on October 5, 1808. His mental health deteriorated, he died in 1809 in Paris.

  1. Saône-et-Loire departmental archives, Baptism register and layers of diapers, 1761-1768 (view 103)
  2. Paris Archives, Reconstituted civil status sheet
  3. National Archives, Base Leonore, Legion of Honor file LH/1237/1 , with baptism extract.
  4. Index Nominum – Guillemardet – Documents – Eugène Delacroix Correspondences » , on Correspondance-Delacroix.fr (consulted the ) .
  5. Lucien Taupenot (alias Luc Hopneau), “two doctors in the Revolution”, Images of Saône-et-Loire , n ° 102, September 1995, pages 7 to 9.
  6. « Saint-Maurice », State of municipalities at the end of XIX It is century , Montévrain, 1903, p. 16 .
  7. National Archives, Base Leonore, Legion of Honor file, LH/2786/117 .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • « Ferdinand Guillemardet » , in Adolphe Robert and Gaston Cougny, French parliamentary dictionary , Edgar Bourloton, 1889-1891 [Edition detail]
  • Denis Grivot, Autun , Lescuyer, 1967, Lyon, p. 164 , 168 and 303.

Iconography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Exhibitions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Rolin Museum in Autun, From Goya to Delacroix, the artistic relations of the Guillemardet family From June 21 to . A collective catalog of 184 p. is published by the city and carries the same title as that of the exhibition. (ISBN  978-2-912950-09-3 )

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