Mange, Prae, Aime — Wikipedia


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Eat Pray Love ( Eat Pray Love ) is an American drama written and directed by Ryan Murphy and released in 2010. On the script co -written with Jennifer Salt according to the book of the same name of Elizabeth Gilbert, featuring Julia Roberts in the role of Elizabeth Gilbert, Richard Jenkins , Javier Bardem and James Franco. Produced among others by Brad Pitt.

This film retraces the experience of the novelist Elizabeth Gilbert who, at thirty-two, left husband and house, before fleeing on vacation in Bali where she meets a healer predicting her that she would come back and work with him. After her divorce, she spends four months in Italy to eat , four months in India for pray In order to find his spirituality and completes the year in Bali, in Indonesia, in search of the love . During the trip, she wrote her stories that will have the title Eat, pray, love .

Elizabeth Gilbert, a 28-year-old New York author, has everything to be happy: a husband, a big apartment, a great professional career … But one day, she realizes that she is no longer in her life, She is empty of emotion, that she has lost her appetite for life. After a painful divorce, then an unsatisfactory relationship with a young actor, she undertook a trip of a year first in Rome, then in an Ashram in India and finally in Bali. Elizabeth regains a taste for life and finds her emotions away from the pretenses of her life before. [ first ]

  • Title : Eat Pray Love
  • Original title : Eat Pray Love
  • Realization: Ryan Murphy
  • Scenario: Ryan Murphy and Jennifer Salt after book Eat Pray Love d’Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Deckurs: Andrew bashem: Raffaella Giovannetti and bedeide faceig
  • Costumes : Michael Dennison
  • Photography: Robert Richardson
  • Montage : Bradley Buecker
  • Music: Dario Marianelli
  • Production: Stan Wlodkowski, Jeremy Kleiner, Dede Gardner et Brad Pitt
  • Production companies: Columbia Pictures, Plan B Entertainment, India Take One Productions, Red Om Films, Syzygy Productions
  • Distribution companies: Sony/Columbia, Sony Pictures Rereshing
  • Budget : 60 000 000  dollars [ 2 ]
  • Country of origin: United States
  • English language
  • Format : Couleur – 1.85:1 • 35mm- son SDDS • DTS • Dolby Digital
  • Genre: drama
  • Release date :

Source and legend : French version ( VF ) on RS Dubbing [ 3 ] and Quebec version (VQ) on [ 4 ]

Music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Eddie Vedder – Better Days – from the OST to Eat Pray Love
  • Neil Young – Heart of gold
  • Neil Young – Harvest Moon
  • Eddie Vedder and Nusrat Ali Fateh Khan – The Long Road
  • Bebel Gilberto – Samba da Benção

Reception [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Critique [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The film obtained a press note of 1.7/5 and a rating spectators of 2.6/5 on the reference site Allociné [ 5 ] .

Divers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The title of the film is parodied in the episode of the series South Park : “Eat, pray and crazy”.

  1. Eat, pray, like: change our life, we all dreamed of it … She dared! » , on Babelio (consulted the )
  2. (in) Ben Fritz, Movie projector: Stallone’s ‘Expendables’ to blow away ‘Eat Pray Love’ and ‘Scott Pilgrim’ » , on Los Angeles Times , (consulted the )
  3.,-prie,-aime.html Film dubbing cardboard
  4. Film dubbing cardboard
  5. Eat Pray Love on Allociné Accessed May 2, 2020.
  • (in) Official site
  • Audiovisual resources Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
  • Resource relating to several areas Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
