Butane-1,2-DILOL — Wikipedia


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UICPA name Butane-1,2-diol

A-Butylène Glycol

N O CAS 584-03-2 ( R , S )
40348-66-1 ( R )-(+)
73522-17-5 ( S )-(-)
N O Echa 100.008.663
N O THIS 209-527-2
Appearance colorless viscous liquid [ first ]
Formula C 4 H ten O 2 [Isomers]
Molar mass [ 2 ] 90.121 ± 0.004 5 g/mol
C 53,31 %, H 11,18 %, O 35,51 %,
Physical properties
fusion −114 °C [ first ]
boiling 192 °C [ first ]
Solubility water -soluble [ first ]
Solubility parameter Δ 27.2 J 1/2 · cm -3/2 ( 25 °C ) [ 3 ]
Volumic mass 1.01 g · cm -3 ( 20 °C ) [ first ]
Flash point 90 °C , closed cup [ first ]
Explosiveness limits in the air 1,8 Vol.-% sixty seven g · m -3
15,7 Vol.-% 585 g · m -3 [ first ]
Saturating steam pressure 0.1 mbar To 20 °C [ first ]
Directive 67/548/EEC [ first ]
DL 50 4 192 mg · kg -first (Mouse, I.P.) [ 4 ]

IS units and CNTP , unless otherwise stated.

The butane-1,2-diol is an organic compound of the family of vicinal diols. It was described for the first time by Charles Adolphe Wurtz in 1859 [ 5 ] . The carbon 2 atom with an alcohol function is chiral. Butane-1,2-Diol therefore exists in the form of two enantiomers.

Butane-1,2-Diol is a viscous, colorless and unfinished liquid (flash point between 55 and 100 °C ). Its vapors can form explosive mixtures with the air when it is heated beyond its flash point. It is soluble to water, and slightly volatile.

Butane-1,2-Diol is produced industrially as a by-product of the production of butane-1,4-diol from the Butadiene [ 6 ] And is also a by-product of the catalytic vapoccage of starchs and sugars, such as sorbitol, in ethylene glycol and propylene glycol [ 7 ] (However, the catalytic vapoccling of starchs and sugars is not currently one of the main synthesis processes of glycol ethylene and propylene glycol, partly because of the complexity of mixtures of polyhydritic alcohols formed).

It is used to produce polyester resins and plasticizers [ 8 ] , [ 6 ] And can be a potential source for industrial production of α-cetoButyrique acid, a pioneer of many amino acids [ 9 ] .

  1. A b c d e f g h i and j “1.2-Butanediol” input in the chemical product database Achievement IFA (German organization responsible for occupational safety and health) ( German , English ), Access on 12/19/2010 (Javascript required)
  2. Molar mass calculated after Atomic weights of the elements 2007 » , on www.chem.qmul.ac.uk .
  3. (in) Yitzhak Marcus, The Properties of Solvents , vol.  4, England, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, , 239 p. (ISBN  0-471-98369-1 )
  4. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. Vol. 49, Pg. 385, 1979 PMID
  5. A. Wurtz Dans Ann. Chim. Phys. ,1859, volume 55 page 400
  6. a et b HaseGawa, Ryuichi & Kohji Hayashi, Polyester containing impure 1,2-butanediol , US patent 4596886
  7. Berg, Lloyd, “Recovery of ethylene glycol from butanediol isomers by azeotropic distillation”, US patent 4966658. Berg, Lloyd, “Separation of propylene glycol from 1,2-butanediol by azeotropic distillation”, US patent 5423955
  8. 1,2-Butanediol , SIDS Initial Assessment Report, Geneva: United Nations Environment Programme, February 1995.
  9. Imanari, makoto; HIROSHI Iwane & Masashi Suzuki et al.
