Laure Junot of Abraham


Laure Adelaide Constance Junot, Duchess d’Abrés [ first ] , born Armon the in Montpellier and dead the In Paris, is a French memorialist.


Childhood and family life [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Daughter of Charles Martin Permon, provider of food for the American army [ 2 ] and Civil Administrator in Corsica, and of Panoria Comnène, Laure Permon claimed by her mother from a fallen branch of the Byzantine emperors [ 3 ] .

Laure d’Abranteès reported in her Memoirs That the young Napoleon Bonaparte had asked for his mother in marriage after his widowhood. If the information seems somewhat doubtful, it is nevertheless certain that he has frequented his family a lot once she, after various vicissitudes, installed in Paris after the fall of the Jacobins on 9 Thermidor year II.

Married General Jean-Andoche Junot, who will go crazy and ended up committing suicide in 1813, she began a literary career to overcome her multiple loss of fortune, thanks to the collaboration of a young writer Honoré de Balzac, then still unknown [ 3 ] .

Social life in Paris and travel in Europe [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Her marriage takes place at the beginning of the consulate, a period at which she enters the animation of Parisian life where her beauty, her caustic spirit and her extravagance do not take long to point out. If the first consul nicknames it at petite over , it is affectionately because he treats it, as well as Junot, with the greatest generosity (his big sister who was then twelve to thirteen baptized Napoleon The Botté cat ) A feeling that nevertheless will never be divided by the interested party, the duchess does not hesitate to spread in sarcasm and slander in her place in her Historical Memoirs on Napoleon I is . She shows, during the diplomatic mission of her husband in Lisbon, of such a prodigality that he found himself on his return to Paris, in 1806, overloaded with debts that her own intrigues do nothing to arrange. In Paris, she receives the lessons of Piano from Daniel Steibelt, who dedicates two works to her, The bouquet , for his party in , and a large play in honor of the peace of Tilsit. She joined her husband again to Lisbon after her victorious entry into this city, at the end of 1807, but even the liberalities and the loot acquired in Lisbon do not meet her requirements. She then accompanies Junot during part of the Spanish War.

Opposition to the emperor Napoleon [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Back in France in , the liveliness of his remarks and the reception of executed guests of the emperor arouse the dissatisfaction of Napoleon. She also becomes the mistress of the Count of Metternich, Austrian ambassador to France. The worsening of the mental disorders of Junot then threatens the ruin, which may explain why she dipped in the intrigues aimed at restoring the bourbon in the throne in 1814. She will not join Napoleon during the hundred days.


She owned n O 34 avenue de Madrid in Neuilly-sur-Seine Le Château de Saint-James [ 4 ] .

Sentimental connection with Honoré de Balzac and beginning of writer’s work [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After 1815, she spent most of her time in Rome, in the artistic world which she animates by the liveliness of her conversation. Back in Paris, under the Restoration, she becomes a monarchist and deals with Napoleon Bonaparte de monstrous usurper , then tries to fill his debts and regain his rank by selling furniture and jewelry. But above all, she dreams of writing to add copyright to her meager income [ 5 ] . This is how she became the mistress of the young Honoré de Balzac around 1828, after having long refused to him. The author of The Human Comedy He serves him first to advise, corrector and handyman [ 6 ] . It is he who pushes her to write her Memoirs that he will tirelessly correct and whose success acquired, she will impudently deny that he had got hold of it [ 7 ] .

Financial and literary difficulties [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

However, the Duchess is experiencing a sad end of life, dotted with financial and literary difficulties. The publication of his Memoirs It is not enough to clean up your financial situation. She had to resign herself to sell the hotel of Abrés, residence of the Junot couple, as well as their furniture, the cellar and a rich library [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] . After a few years of success, failures follow one another: Balzac no longer works for her, she loses it as a lover and she must rent a ground floor on rue de la Rochefoucauld where she tries to reconstruct a living room with friends loyal to memories of the Empire. Juliette Récamier, Théophile Gautier (who nicknamed her “The Duchess of Abracadabrantès”), social actors and the dowries are one of them. The newspapers speak of the Société des Polichinelles about worldly actors. But the worst is to come: the Ladvocat bookseller refusing his manuscripts, the duchess falls into the need, must sell her furniture [ ten ] .

Dead [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

She and ends her life in a hospital where, for lack of money, we place her in a attic [ ten ] .

She is buried in the Montmartre cemetery [ 11 ] , where his grave is decorated with a David d’Angers medallion.

Marguerite Gérard, The Duchess of Abrantès and General Junot (around 1800), unknown location.

Laure and Jean-Andoche Junot had two daughters and two sons:

  • Joséphine Junot d’Abrés (Paris, -Paris, ), married in to Jacques-Louis Amet (Farnham (Surrey), -)
  • Constance Junot d’Abrés (Paris, -Paris, ), married in 1829 to Louis Antoine AUBERT (1799-1882), hence descendants.
  • Louis Napoleon Andoche Junot, 2 It is Duc d’A Abrantès (Paris, -Neuilly-sur-Seine, ) Died single and without descendants.
  • Andoche Alfred Michel Junot, 3 It is Duc D’Abrantes (Ciudad Rodrigo-Espagne, – Battle of Solferino-Italie, ) first is marriage to Marie Céline Elise Peak ( ) Hence descendants:
    • Jeanne Joséphine Marguerite Junot d’Abrés (Paris, ), married in Paris the to Xavier Eugène Maurice Ray (Sèvres, -Paris, ), which was titled 4 It is Duke of Abrantès in 1869, hence the descendants and extinction of the male branch in 1982. 2 It is marriage to Marie Louise Leonie Peak ( ) sister of her first re woman from where descendants:
      • Jérôme Napoleon Andooon Junot Jununt A supervision (Paris, -Paris, )
      • Marguerite Louise Elisabeth Junot d’Abrés (Paris, -1919), married in Paris, the In Caesar Elzéar Leon Viscount Arthaud de la Ferrière (1853-1924).

During the Spanish War of Independence, Jean-Andoche Junot had a relationship with Juliana de Almeida e Oyenhausen (in) , Fille de Leonor de Almeida Portugal, 4 It is Marquise de Aalsa.

  • Memoirs of Mrs. La Duchess d’Abrés, or historical memories on Napoleon, Revolution, Directory, Consulate, Empire and Restoration , Paris, Ladvocat, coll. “Contemporary memories”, 1831-1835, 18 vol. ( read online ) . – Many reissues. Can be completed by:
  • Memoirs on catering, or historical memories on this era, the July Revolution and the first years of the reign of Louis-Philippe Ier , Paris, J. L’Henry, 1835-1836, 6 vol.
  • L’Amorante de Castille , Paris, Mame-Delaunay, , 2 vol.
  • Catherine II , Paris, Dumont, , 305 p. ( read online ) .
  • Famous women of all countries: their lives and their portraits , Paris, Lachevardière, , 106 p. , in-f° ( read online ) . – In collaboration with Joseph Straszewicz. There is a prospectus.
  • Contemporary stories , Paris, Dumont, , 2 vol.
  • Scenes of Spanish life , Paris, Dumont, , 2 vol.
  • History of the salons of Paris: paintings and portraits of the large world under Louis XVI, the Directory, the Consulate and the Empire, the Restoration and the Reign of Louis-Philippe Ier , Paris, Ladvocat, 1837-1838, 6 vol.
  • Memories of an embassy and a stay in Spain and Portugal, from 1808 to 1811 , Paris, Ollivier, , 2 vol.
  • An evening at Mme Geoffrin , Paris, Dumont, , 308 p. ( read online ) .
  • The Vallombray Duchesse , Paris, C. Lachapelle, , 2 vol.
  • The exile: a desert rose , Paris, Dumont, , 2 vol.
  • Hedwige, Queen of Poland , Paris, Dumont, , 230 p. ( read online ) .
  • Louise , Paris, Dumont, , 2vol.
  • The two sisters: Scenes of interior life , Paris, C. Lachapelle, , 2 vol.
  • Etienne Saulnier: Historical Roman , Paris, C. Lachapelle, , 2 vol.
  • The green forest », Revue des Soapilons: Literary Journal … , vol. 2, , p. 20-24 ( read online ) .
  1. Following the victorious Napoleonic campaign in Portugal, Napoleon 1er awarded General Junot the title of Duke of Abrantès in March 1808.
  2. Samuel S. de Sacy. Notes on The secrets of the Princess of Cadignan . Classic folio. p. 394 .
  3. a et b André Maurois, Prometheus or Balzac’s life , Paris, Hachette, 1965, p. 116 .
  4. Later a high school for young girls. See René Sordes, History of Suresnes. From origins to 1945 , edited with the Historical Society of Suresnes, with the help of the city of Suresnes, 1965, p. 332 .
  5. André Maurois, on. Cit. , p. 116 .
  6. André Maurois, on. Cit. , p. 115-119 and 160 .
  7. André Maurois, on. Cit. , p. 167 .
  8. The Archives of Paris retain its declaration of succession under the DQ7 3407 rating.
  9. Paris Archives , Witnesses of history in the Paris archives: portraits and documents , Paris, Paris Archives, , 113 p. (ISBN  978-2-86075-014-1 And 2860750142 , OCLC  869803786 , read online )
  10. a et b André Maurois, on. Cit. , p. 379 .
  11. Division 22.

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Virginie Ancelot, The salons of Paris: extinguished homes , Paris, Jules Tardieu editions, , 245 p. ( read online ) , “The duchess of Abrantès fair”, p. 83-122 .
  • Jean Autin , The Duchesse of Abrantès , Paris, Perrin, coll. “Presence of history”, , 328 p. (ISBN  978-2-262-00741-6 ) .
  • Juliette Benzoni, The little plague and the booted cat , Paris, Plon, 2014.
  • Robert Chantemesse, Unknongeonful Unknonved Duchessee , Paris, Plon, 1927.
  • (is) Francisco Lafarga, The Duchess of Abrantes, a French between Spain and Portugal » , Contemporary Spanish Civilization Notebooks , n O 10, ( read online )
  • Henri malo, The Bohemian years of the Duchess of Abrantès, with six portraits , Paris, Émile-Paul Frères, 1927.
  • Henri malo, The Duchess of Abrés at the time of love , Paris, Émile-Paul Frères, 1927.
  • Auguste de Roosmalen, Last Mamens of the Duchess of Abrantès, preceded by the story of his birth written by herself , Paris, at the author and at Mrs. Goullet, , 28 p. ( read online ) .
  • Sylvie Simon, My heart has more love than you have forgotten. Laure, Duchess of Abrantès , Paris, Mercure de France, coll. “Romantic history”, (BNF  34911119 ) .
  • Nicole Toussaint du Wast, Laure Junot, Duchess of Abrantès , Paris, Fanval, 1985.
  • Joseph Turquan, General Junot, Duchess of Abrantès (1784-1838). Tallandier, Paris, 478 p.

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