Military Base of Bergen — Wikipedia


The Bergen military base (ENGGrais: Bergenate training Esa, a LEO troops of Bernz de Lirssew, Eve, Ave, Ave, Ave, Ave, Ave, Ave, Ave, Ave, Ave, Ave, Ave, Ave Rousace The 284 km 2 (27 km from north to south and 18 from east to west) one of the largest military training bases in Europe.


In 1935, the Wehrmacht was established in the town of Bergen. After the end of the Second World War in 1945, the British Army of the Rhine settled and remains permanently by enlarging the base. Since the 1960s, it has also been used by the German army and NATO forces.

Location [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The military training base is straddling the arrondissements of the moor and that, in this region called Heidmark (of) . The northernmost zone begins at the exit of the Bundesautobahn 7 south of Startau, east Bergen near the Bundestraße 3 and the Landestraße 298, to the west the limit is parallel to the Bundesautobahn 7 near Bad Fallingbostel until the BAB7/BAB27 exchange in WALSRODE. The southernmost region is the osterheide peat bog (of) .

The land is located approximately 40 kilometers north of Hanover, about 60 kilometers southeast of Bremen and about 60 kilometers south of Hamburg.

Countryside [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The central part of the drive base consists of the moor, between Lohheide and Osterheide (of) , which represent areas not incorporated since 1945. The rivers are north the little Wittenmoor, northeast the Großes Moor (of) And to the south the peat bog. The other parts are covered with wood.

To the northwest, outside the base, flow the Böhme and its numerous streams, southeast the Meiße, two tributaries of the first leg. To the south, is the Liethbach, an tributary of the Meiße, which runs along the Château de Bredebeck.

The culmination is the Falkenberg (of) , at 150 m Above the sea, the lowest point is 28 m in the osterheide peat bog.


In the center of the base is an archaeological site, the Sieben Steinhäuser, a group of five large megalithic tombs. The site is open on certain days to the public.

Panorama du champ de tir I

Panorama you champ de tir in
Panorama du champ de tir IX

IX shooting field panorama
Base Bergen XIXe siècle
Rue ancien village

Rue of the old village of Ettenbostel

During the XIX It is century, the army of the Kingdom of Hanover established two small places of practice.

The initial plans for the construction of the training zone began in August 1934 as part of the military strengthening of the Third Reich. This region was chosen for the creation of the largest training area in the Wehrmacht due to the low population density and various landscapes. THE , the news of this creation reaches local farmers who gather the At Sieben Steinhäuser to meet the Reichsnährstand in Goslar. THE , 80 farmers go to Berlin. Despite the protest, 3,650 inhabitants of 25 places must leave.

East of the field are built 100 barracks, 50 stables and 40 large garages as well as a military hospital, deposits and a glass courtyard to work on the shots. In the south of the barracks, there is an infantry ammunition factory. The first soldiers come to settle the . To the west, from At 1942, other barracks, garages and deposits were built. THE , we devote ourselves to military land.

The , the British army seizes the Bergen base and renames it “Royal Armoured Corps Training Center”. It extended the base until 1952 to reach its current size. During the Cold War, up to 50,000 American and English soldiers were present. The Bergen military base works in collaboration with the Milster military base (of) .

In 1957, the German army was invited for the first time by the British army. THE , the British army gives him the base. It becomes the largest military training area in Europe and one of the training centers for NATO land forces in Western Germany.

After the end of the Cold War, the number of soldiers is reduced, but the workforce remains important with the British regiments of the Royal Armoured Corps: Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, 7th Armoured Brigade HQ & Signals, le 32 It is armored engineering regiment and part of the first re Armored division, or 15,000 soldiers in Bergen and that. In addition, the base is increasingly used by the German army and NATO forces.

The future of the base is uncertain. British soldiers must all leave Germany in 2020. No retraining plan has been presented.

Tour de contrôle du champ de tir pour les chars VII

Turn of the shooting field for tanks VII
Entraînement au combat urbain

Urban combat training
Entraînement à l'artillerie

Artillery training

The shooting fields established originally, the year of their commissioning and their use:

Shooting range Open in Function
I 1936 Field of shooting for tanks
II 1936 Field of shooting for infantry
III 1936 Field of shooting for infantry + air defense
IV 1936 Field of shooting for infantry
IN 1936 Field of shooting for infantry and artillery
WE 1936 Field of shooting for tanks
VII 1939 Field of shooting for tanks
VIII 1939 Field of shooting for tanks
IX 1939 Field of shooting for tanks
X 1939 Field of shooting for tanks
XI 1941 Field of shooting for tanks
XII 1944 Field of shooting for tanks

Today, there are 22 shooting corridors on site for main combat tanks and infantry combat vehicles, including nine with anti -tank missile. In addition, there are 14 artillery shooting positions, six of which are located outside the limits of the land. There are also five for military rifles and machine guns, three for anti-chairs weapons and equipment for anti-aircraft control, urban combat, amphibious vehicles and bivouac.

The countries that come on the basis are Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Belgium. The Leopard 2 Char, the Challenger 2, the AH-64 APACHE and the Canon PZH 2000 as well as drones are used.

The maintenance costs of the training area amounts to around 750,000 euros per week.

The commander of the Bergen military training zone is Colonel Gerd Ahrens, the supervisor of the Bergen training areas, Munster (of) , Lübtheen and Ehra-Lessien. The current director is Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Helftenbein.

Once a year, in the fall, the base is open to cyclists for three courses and one to skaters, passing through the Sieben Steinhäuser. Between 2 000 And 3 000 people regularly participate. At irregular intervals, guided bus tours are also available.

Stèle à l'entrée du camp de Bergen-Belsen
Château de Bredebeck
Chapelle et la pierre pour les personnes déplacées

Ostenholz chapel and the monument for displaced people

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