Jean dreyfus-Stern — Wikipedia


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Jean Dreyfus-Stern is a painter and engraver born Jean Maurice Dreyfus in Paris on and died in the same city the . He lived at the Cité Montmartre-aux-Artists (189, rue Ordener).

Burial at the Montparnasse cemetery.

Jean Dreyfus-Stern, was born under the name of Jean Maurice Dreyfus in the ten It is Paris district [ first ] .


Attracted very early by painting, Jean Dreyfus-Stern became a pupil of Charles-François-Prosper Guérin (for painting) and Bernard Naudin (for engraving) before frequenting the Colarossi academy and the workshops of Maurice Denis and Antoine Bourdelle.

Member of the Autumn Fair since 1920 and the Salon des Indépendants since 1923, he also exhibited at the Tuileries Salon in 1924 and in Copenhagen, The Hague, Madrid and Tokyo (1928 [ 2 ] .

Son of a banker, comfortably living in his annuities, Jean Dreyfus-Stern is not in the financial need to sell his paintings, any more than he has the concern to access celebrity [ 3 ] . This « grand bourgeois » No need to exhibit (even if after his participation in the Salon des Artistes Décorators in 1925 his works, then largely and elegantly noticed by the world of criticism of art [ 4 ] , are presented in Madrid, Copenhagen, La Haye, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro), confirms Gérald Schurr, thereby explaining the forgetfulness of which the sale of his workshop in 1981 will bring out [ 5 ] .

If, in the landscapes of Jean Dreyfus-Stern (notably from Brittany and Honfleur), “The colors are frank as in the works of his friend Louis Neillot” , it was its representativeness of the various qualities inherent in the still life that means that, during his visit to the 1933 fall fair, Michel Florisoon notes it at the same time as Maurice Asselin, Frédéric Deshayes, Henri Manguin and Carlos-Reymond :: “Solidity, fat, fluidity of reports” [ 6 ] . Jean Dreyfus-Stern is also one of the few artists of his time investing the circus worlds ( Acrobats under the spotlight ) a you sport ( Cycling peloton , Running arrival ) [ 7 ] .

Jean Dreyfus-Stern is the stepfather of biologist François Gros, the latter not disdaining to evoke our artist in his conferences, all scientists that they are [ 8 ] .

Jean Dreyfus-Stern dies in the 15 It is Paris district [ 9 ] . He is buried in the Montparnasse cemetery ( 25 It is  division).

  • “When you look at a painting that you undergo the charm, do you not feel something similar in the field of emotion to what you experience in the audition of a beautiful musical page?” There is therefore in painting anything other than the representation of objects, there is an element of an emotional, emotional, deep, as far from reality as the musical sentence, a mysterious, poetic element … it is This something by which the artist was able to instill in nature a little of his heart, a little of his soul. Music and painting have so many common points that it was necessary to borrow the vocabulary of one to talk about the other; The art of imitation corresponds to imitative harmony; It is said of a painting that it is well harmonized, we also speak of colorful dissonance. You have to have a musical eye just as you have a musical ear. You have to sing just with your brush. »» [ 7 ]

Individual exhibitions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Galerie Henry, Paris, 1926.
  • Claude Robert, Sale of the Jean Dreyfus-Stern workshop , Drouot hotel, Paris, .

Collective exhibitions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Fall Fair, Paris, member in 1920.
  • Salon des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, Avril- .
  • Salon des Independents, Paris, from 1923.
  • Salon des Tuileries, Paris, from 1924 [ ten ] , [ 11 ] .
  • The painter in front of his mirror, 222 self -portraits XVIII It is XX It is centuries, Gérald Schurr collection , The Louvre des Antiquaires, Paris, Mai- .
  • “Dreyfus-stern: There is a painter there. He found a way to take an interest in very strongly. A sober, true and difficult pattern. »» – Arsène Alexandre [ twelfth ]
  • “Refined colorist, often very daring but always happily, Dreyfus-Stern knows admirably try and succeed in his harmonies in red on red and gray-blue and green in Gray-et-Vert, which are a delight for the eye. . It is incomparable in the notation of wet landscapes, whether they are from Paris, Honfleur or Brive, where humidity and reflection of waters give the air of pearl colors. But he also knows how to oppose with great very decorative compositions, large plans in powerful tones. »» – Robert Margerit [ 13 ]
  • “So singular that the fact appears, Jean Dreyfus-Stern does neither deran, Matisse, nor Utrillo, nor even Segonzac: his faults and qualities are his, he is not affiliated with any sect Theorists … Everything is good to take, a lukewarm and fawn nude on purple cushions, a bouquet, a girl sitting on a coffee bench and watching for her prey, a finely analyzed portrait, a snow effect. The still lifes especially seem excellent to me. Here is a loyal, personal artist, devoid of bias, only in love with matter, values ​​and balanced construction. »» – Louis Vauxcelles [ 13 ]
  • Honfleur Eugène-Boudin Museum, Au piano , oil on canvas.
  • National Center for Plastic Arts, Paris, including deposits:
    • Senate (Palais du Luxembourg), Paris, Flowers , oil on canvas.
    • Prefecture of Ile de France, 29, rue Barbet-de-Jouy, Paris.
    • Paris-Sud University, Orsay, Still life in the cactus , oil on canvas.
    • Plehédel town hall, The port , oil on canvas.
    • Saint-Chamond town hall, Still life to the skinned , oil on canvas.
  1. Archives of Paris, birth certificate n ° 5849 drawn up on 11/23/1890, view 11/3 .
  2. René Édouard-Joseph, Biographical dictionary of contemporary artists , volume 1, a-e, art & edition, 1930, p. 425
  3. Françoise de Perthuis, Jean Dreyfus-Stern , in The Gazette of the Drouot hotel , n O 6, February 6, 1981.
  4. Articles by François Thiébault-Sisson ( The weather ), Arsène Alexandre ( Le Figaro ), Maurice Raynal ( The intransigent ), André Warnod ( The future ), Charles Fegdal, Léon Martin ( The literary newspaper ), Maurice Letellier ( Le Petit Parisien ), Édouard Sarradin ( The debates ) …
  5. Gérald Schurr, The guidargus of painting , Les Éditions de l’Amateur, 1981.
  6. Michel Florissone, “through the Fall Salon – La Nature Still”, Art and artists , tome XXIX, 1933, p. sixty four .
  7. a et b Catalog of the sale of the Jean Dreyfus-Stern workshop by Claude Robert, Paris, February 1981.
  8. François Gros, Art, biology and molecules , Conference of December 7, 2011 evoking Jean Dreyfus-Stern
  9. Archives of Paris, death certificate n ° 3166, view 8/21 .
  10. Dictionary Bénézit, Gründ, 1999, Tome 4, page 734.
  11. Adrian Darmon, Around Jewish art – Encyclopedia of painters, sculptors and photographers , Editions Carnot, 2003.
  12. Arsène Alexandre, About the Independents Fair of 1923 , in Le Figaro , 1923.
  13. a et b About Dreyfus-Stern , not dated, text reproduced in the Catalog of the sale of the Dreyfus-Stern workshop, Paris, February 1981.
  14. Pierre Mazars, The works of art of the liner France , Livuror editions, Geneva, 1969.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • René Édouard-Joseph, Biographical dictionary of contemporary artists, 1910-1930 , Paris, 1930, p. 425-426 .
  • Pierre Mazars (Introduction of Georges de Caunes), The works of art of the ocean liner France , Livuror editions, Geneva, 1969.
  • Françoise de Perthuis, “Jean Dreyfus-Stern”, The Gazette of the Drouot hotel , n ° 6, Friday .
  • Claude Robert, auctioneer, 5, avenue d’Eylau, Paris, Catalog of the sale of the Jean-Dreyfus-Stern workshop , Drouot hotel, Paris, Monday .
  • Gérald Schurr, The guidargus of painting , Les Éditions de l’Amateur, 1981.
  • Gérald Schurr, The painter in front of his mirror – 222 self -portraits, XVIII It is XX It is centuries , Le Louvre des Antiquaires editions, Paris, 1987.
  • General artist lexicon , Vernitition walter the grudeter, 1990.
  • Patrick-F. Barge, The history of the autumn fair from 1903 to the present day , Arts and mages of the world, 1992.
  • André Roussard, Dictionary of painters in Montmartre , Editions André Roussard, 1999.
  • Emmanuel Lééuile Dictionary of painters, sculptors, designers and engravers , vol.4, Gründ, 1999.
  • Adrian M. Darmon, Around Jewish art – Encyclopedia of painters, sculptors and photographers , Editions Carnot, 2003, page 51.

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
