Shing mimura — Wikipedia


SHINGO MIMURA ( Shogo Mimura , Mimura shingo ? ) , is a Japanese politician, born in the town of Momishi (who is now part of the city of Oirase) in the prefecture of Aomori the . He has been governor of Aomori since 2003.


He realized his schooling in public establishments first of his native town of Momoishi for primary and undergraduate secondary (college) from 1963 to 1972, then at the Hachinohe prefectural high school from 1972 to 1977.

He then entered the Faculty of Literature at the University of Tokyo, of which he graduated in March 1981. Immediately engaged by the Shinchōsha publishing house in Shinjuku (Tōkyō), he became the editor of Hitomi Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Hataya or Kenjō Tsunabuchi. In 1987, he left Shinchōsha to return to Momoishi and integrate the family business from which he took over the management, his father, Giin Mimura, having decided to embark on regional policy by being elected that year to the prefectural assembly of Aomori under the colors of the centrist party of Buddhist inspiration Kōmeitō (he is still a member of this assembly today, having been elected six times) [ first ] .

Maire de Momoishi [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He is elected mayor of the town ( Mayor , Machi-chō ? ) From Momoishi in 1992, at 35, making him one of the youngest local executive leaders in Japan at the time. He is essentially interested in education by launching the programs “I want to tell my 15 spring” ( I want to talk about 15 spring , jugo-no-shun to kataritai ? ) which sets up literary workshops in the three levels of the college and “series: adored work” ( I love series / work , Shirisu –SHIGOTO DAISUKI ? ) which sets up technology lessons in elementary schools. It also generalizes the social assistance system.

Deputy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Noticed by the representative to the diet of the constituency of Hachinohe and former Minister of Agriculture (from 1991 to 1993) Masami Tanabu, he resigned from his mandate as mayor and was invested by the latter, the Shinshintō (center right ), then the main opposition force to the majority led by the PLD (right), as a candidate in the new second electoral district of Aomori (the northeast third of the prefecture) in the legislative elections of the legislative elections . Devacked by only 765 votes by his liberal democratic opponent Akinori Eto, he arrives in second position with 41.4% of the votes cast. Again candidate in the next election, the , now under the label of the “Club des Independents” ( Independent meeting , MUSHOZOKU-NO-KAI ? ) , Small Right Center Party that his mentor Masami Tanabu helped create with other former Shinshintō members in 1998, this time he was elected against Akinori Eto (46.9% against 43.3% in Eto) [ 2 ] .

Although sitting as unaccuously in the House of Representatives, he supported Prime Minister Jun’ichirō Koizumi from 2001.


Governor the aomori [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , when he has just been re-elected in January, the governor of Aomori Morio Kimura, in place since 1995, is forced to resign after losing the support of his majority (PLD-Kōmeitō) because of a sex scandal [ 3 ] . Shingo Mimura decides to be a candidate for his succession and receives the support of the PLD and his partners within the government coalition of center to power at the national level, the Kōmeitō and the new conservative party. His main rival, the academic Hokuto Yokoyama, already arrived second in the January ballot against Kimura, is invested by all the non-communist opposition forces: the PDJ, the Liberal Party, the PSD and even the “club of the self -employed” to which Mimura, however, belonged until then [ 4 ] . He campaigned by calling for more rigor in financial reforms and on the theme of employment promotion.

On the day of the election , he was elected after a tight battle with 48.3% of the votes cast against 45% in Yokoyama, 20,000 votes separating the two men, the participation stood at 52.46% of the registrants. He officially enters the first is following July [ 5 ] . At 47, he is the youngest of the governors of the time, while the prefecture finds itself in the particular situation where two members of the same family find themselves at the same time at the head of the executive and in the legislative body Regional (the father of Shingo Mimura, Giin, is still a member of the prefectural assembly).

His motto is then: “a company that creates good life conditions”, and is thus based on a “plan for the creation of good living conditions” adopted in 2004 including a program to assess public policies [ 6 ] . He presents himself above all as a defender of the local economy, in particular of local agriculture and in particular that of the apple (of the Fuji variety), the prefecture being the first producer of this fruit in Japan. As such, he militates strongly with the central government to maintain limitations to the importation of American fruits and strong phytosanitary measures at the borders to avoid development in the bacterial fire archipelago [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] .

It supports nuclear energy which has become one of the main economic sectors and providers of the prefecture since the decision in 1993 to install the used nuclear fuel reprocessing plant from the Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd (JNFL) In the Rokkasho nuclear site, strongly criticized by ecological movements (notably Greenpeace [ 9 ] ), personalities (like the musician, composer, producer and actor Ryūichi Sakamoto who launched in 2006 the international campaign “Stop Rokkasho” [ ten ] ). However, it subjects the development of this industry to the need to establish strict safety rules. THE , Shingo Mimura signs with the representatives of the JNFL and the mayor of Rokkasho a security agreement prior to the experiments on uranium [ 11 ] , and authorizes the The launch of the first nuclear waste treatment tests produced by Japanese power plants (tests which end in August 2007, allowing the commercial launch of the factory for full production planned for 2011) [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] . In addition, the , he accepts JNFL’s request to build a MOX fuel production factory still in Rokkasho [ 14 ] , which allows the prefecture to obtain 980 million yen (US $ 9 million) in additional central government subsidies per year and over a period of two years from 2006 [ 15 ] . He also strongly supports the installation of the International ITER International Thermonuclear Reactor Project in Rokkasho, declaring the : “I believe that it would have an international meaning to welcome the ITER in Asia, whose population and the economy have experienced strong expansion” [ 16 ] , and finally obtains, in exchange for the choice of Cadarache in France in , the establishment of a research center linked to ITER in the prefecture [ 17 ] .

The , he presents himself to his own succession, always with the support of the PLD and the Kōmeitō, with a view to the election of June 3: not having this time an opponent invested by the PDJ in front of him, he n ‘faces that the leader of the local Communist Party and an anti-nuclear activist [ 18 ] And prevails with a clear advance since he obtains 79.3% of the votes during a ballot marked by his low stake and therefore his low participation (only 38.45%) [ 19 ] . It is the same during the next election of , carrying it largely, with the same supporters, bringing together on its name 74.53% of the votes against two anti-nuclear candidates (Mimura was thus the only one to continue the policy of development of the civil nuclear industry in the Prefecture, after verification of the safety of existing power stations in a context marked by the Fukushima nuclear accident [ 20 ] ): Takashi Yamauchi (invested by the two ruling parties on the national scene, namely the PDJ and the NPP) arrived second with 17.79%, the Communist Yō Yoshimata closing the walk with 7.68%. Participation is then slightly higher than four years earlier (41.52%) [ 21 ] .

  1. (and) Giin Mimura sheet on the official website of the prefectural assembly of Aomori
  2. (and) Result of the legislative elections of 1993, 1996 and 2000 in the 2 It is Aomori electoral district on the site
  3. (in) Kyodo « Kimura resignation letter accepted », The Japan Times , May 17, 2003
  4. (in) Kyodo News International « CORRECTED: 4 vie for June 29 Aomori gubernatorial election », Bnet , June 16, 2003
  5. (in) Kyodo News International « Ruling coalition-backed Mimura elected Aomori governor », Bnet , 08/12/2003
  6. [PDF] I. Kichner, « Performance Measurement in Aomori », Myriad Leaves , 12/2005
  7. (in) Aomori governor concerned over WTO ruling on apples », The World Trade Review , 16-31/07/2005
  8. (in) Goliath « Aomori urges gov’t to take measures against fire blight disease », Goliath , 05/07/2005
  9. (in) “Wings of Peace – No More Hiroshima, Nagasaki. – Stop Rokkasho ”on the official Greenpeace Japan website
  10. (in) Official website of “Stop Rokkasho”
  11. [PDF] N. ISHII, « Aomori, Rokkasho, JNFL Ink Safety Agreement Prior to Uranium Testing », Atoms in Japan , November 22, 2004
  12. (in) JNFL to start the first Japanese commercial reprocessing plant », Events in Rokkasho , 30/03/2006
  13. (in) Jiji Press English News Service « Aomori Gov. OKs Tests at Nuclear Reprocessing Plant », Red Orbit , March 28, 2006
  14. (in) N. ISHII, « Aomori Governor Agrees to Construction of MOX Plant », Atoms in Japan , April 15, 2005
  15. (in) Aomori government approves Rokkashomura MOX plant », Wise-uranium
  16. (in) Kyodo « 2ND LD: Japan better choice for ITER given Asian energy demand: governor », Yahoo Asia News , 08/12/2004
  17. (in) Japan Times « Japanese Prefecture to Host ITER-related Research Facility », Nuclear Power Today , October 14, 2005
  18. (in) Kyodo « Three to run for Aomori governor », The Japan Times , May 18, 2007
  19. (in) Results of regional elections in June 2007 on the site
  20. (in) R. WALLACE, «  Use Aucle Ralzin Jain Jain, Gotorishshon, Mitonishs. », The Australian , June 7, 2011
  21. (and) Results of the election of the 2011 Aomori Governor , on the site

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