Saint-Antoine de Bar-le-Duc church-Wikipedia


L’ Saint-Antoine church is a church located in Bar-le-Duc in the Meuse department in the Lorraine region.


Former conventual church, it was built at XIV It is Siècle pars de bar Robert I is . The rich endowments of the Augustinian convent, on which it depended, will make it possible to enlarge and embellish the building several times.

The church has been classified as historic monuments since the , and it has many objects also classified or registered.

The Saint-Antoine church is on rue Jean-Jacques-Rousseau, in the Bourg district, in Bar-le-Duc. She straddles the factories channel, a derivation of the Ornain.

Entrance to the eastern facade of the church and factories channel.

En 1371, Le Duc de Bar Robert I is And his wife Marie de France, daughter of the King of France Jean II Le Bon, appeal to the hermits of Saint Augustine, already present in the diocese, to occupy the monastery they have just founded. The building, built from 1372 to 1376 on swampy land, is then composed of a single nave vaulted with warheads and a Pentagonal choir supported outside by solid buttresses. The bell tower is in the middle of the nave, and on both sides of the church are the cloister, to the east, and the cemetery of the monks, to the west [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .

Quickly, the inhabitants of the town and the new city prefers this new place of worship at the Notre-Dame parish church because the latter is located outside the ramparts. Thus, in 1437 [ 4 ] , the nave is enlarged with three spans to the south, and finds itself to step over the factories canal, a derivation of the Ornain [ 2 ] .


The wars of religion of XVI It is century lead to lively debates among the monks, while Jean Chastelain and Augustin Le Mortorat are trying to introduce Protestant reform into the monastery. At XVII It is century, the monastic order reforms and experiences a new boom [ 2 ] .

The numerous donations make it possible to build five side chapels out of work, between the buttresses, the largest of which is that built from 1601 to 1605 by the president of the Chamber of Accounts, Jean Vincent, and his wife, and which is decorated a beautiful golden box vault with various patterns [ 3 ] . The Notre-Dame de Pitié chapel, located along the apse, is the subject of pilgrimages to its destruction at XVIII It is century. In 1640, the Notre-Dame de Lorette chapel was built with an oculus dome letting light penetrate [ 2 ] .

After the Revolution, the Church became a parish church under the term of Saint-Antoine [ 5 ] .

At XIX It is century, the bell tower was moved to the southern end of the building, and XIX It is And XX It is century of murals representing the owners of the Duke and his wife uncovered [ 2 ] .

The , the church is classified as historic monuments [ 6 ] .

Wall painting representing the Pietà on the upper part.

The church is oriented in a north-south axis with a bell tower at its southern end. The church nave has eight spans [ 4 ] .

The north and southern walls of the church are covered with murals from the Middle Ages ( XV It is century) which represent religious scenes, saints or martyrs [ 3 ] . A first fresco discovered in 1854 on the north wall consists of two superimposed registers of three scenes each. It represents Saint Madeleine, Saint Ursule and Saint Yves, but also the founders of the church, Robert I is and Marie de France, and the saints bosses and saints hermit [ 4 ] . A second fresco discovered in 1938 was also divided into two registers. The upper part is a pietà, while the lower part represents among others Saint Badour, queen of the Franks and Religious in Chelles (Seine-et-Marne), holding a goupillon [ 7 ] . The , these paintings are classified as an object to historic monuments [ 8 ] .

The chapel of the Virgin is located north of the choir. Built from 1601 to 1605 thanks to the donations of the President of the Chamber of Accounts, Jean Vincent, and his wife, Alix de Lescamoussier, she was originally dedicated to Saint Jean-Baptiste. At XIX It is century, it became the chapel of the Virgin. The cradle vault, red and gold, is decorated with varied drawings, including sacred vases and objects of worship [ 7 ] .

The Saint-Antoine church has 31 objects with historic monuments [ 9 ] and 1 object in the general inventory of cultural heritage [ ten ] .

Furniture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The church nave has 72 closed benches in oak dating from the XIX It is century. The names of the Barisian families of this time are engraved on the hand supports [ 3 ] . The , they are registered as an object to historic monuments [ 11 ] .

Sculptures [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Virgin with a coat or Virgin of mercy is a sculpted group of polychrome wood of XVII It is century. The Virgin shelters under her coat all clerics and lay people without distinction of class or race. It is one of the many works of this type sculpted in Lorraine according to a model of Mansuy Gauvin located at the Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours church in Nancy [ 3 ] . The , sculpture is classified as an object to historic monuments [ twelfth ] .

The Coronation of thorns is a limestone bas-relief of the second half of the XVI It is century [ 7 ] . Found in 1950 under the staircase of the bell tower, the work is anonymous [ 13 ] . The composition, the characters, the rendering of the folds and the hair are to be compared to The worship of the mages , another bas-relief kept at the Barrois museum [ 7 ] . The , the bas-relief is classified as an object to the Historic Monuments [ 13 ] .

The Cross descent is a sculpted group of polychrome wood of XVI It is century. He had to be part of a more important whole like a altarpiece. It is kept at the Barrois museum [ 7 ] .

  1. Contact details found on geoportail.
  2. A B C D and E Saint-Antoine church » , on The tourism site in Lorraine (consulted the ) .
  3. A B C D and E Jean-Pierre Harbulot (introduction) et al. , Bar-le-Duc: city of art and history , Bar-Le-Duc, Serge Domini, , 160 p. (ISBN  2-912645-57-3 ) , p. 153 .
  4. A B and C Flohic 1999, p. 83.
  5. Prestigious monuments » , on Le Site de Bar-LE-DUC (consulted the ) .
  6. Saint-Antoine church » , on the open heritage platform, Merimée Base, French Ministry of Culture .
  7. A B C D and E Flohic 1999, p. 84.
  8. Murals » , notice n O PM55000094, Palissy base, French Ministry of Culture .
  9. List of objects from the Church to Historic Monuments » , on The Palissy base of the Ministry of Culture (consulted the ) .
  10. List of Church objects in the general inventory » , on The Palissy base of the Ministry of Culture (consulted the ) .
  11. 72 closed banks » , notice n O PM55001535, Palissy base, French Ministry of Culture .
  12. Virgin with a coat » , notice n O PM55000093, Palissy base, French Ministry of Culture .
  13. a et b Coronation of thorns » , notice n O PM55000067, Palissy base, French Ministry of Culture .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Jean-Luc Flohic (direction) et al. , The heritage of the municipalities of the Meuse , t. 1, Paris, Flohic Éditions, coll. “The heritage of the municipalities of France”, , 608 p. (ISBN  2-84234-0744 , BNF  37193403 ) , «Bar-le-duc» . Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • Marie-Claire Burnand, Gothic Lorraine , Paris, Picard, coll. “The monuments of Gothic France”, , 399 p. (ISBN  2-7084-0385-0 ) , p. 78-82

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