Joseph Dubreuil – Wikipedia


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Joseph Dubreuil (born in Aix-en-Provence the , died in the same city the ) is a French lawyer and politician. He is mayor of Aix-en-Provence between May 4 and the , during the Hundred Days period.

Joseph Dubreuil comes from a family from Aix-en-Provence having notably given a consul, an assessor, a priest and a lawyer [ first ] . Lawyer at 22, at the bar in his hometown [ 2 ] , he then exercised the function of assessor in 1785 and 1786. It was at this time that the city of Aix has public lighting, worth the recognition of the inhabitants [ 3 ] .

Joseph Dubreuil did not adopt new ideas. Considered during the events of 1789 as opposed to the Revolution, he was part of the support of the lawyer Jean Joseph Pierre Pascalis who perished in Aix-en-Provence under the hands of exalted revolutionaries. While his friend had taken refuge in the Pinchinats district, in the Château de la Mignarde, he returned several visits to him in the fall of 1790, such as Prosecutor Darbaud, the presidents of Albert de Saint-Hippolyte and Mazenod, as that magistrates of the Parliament of Aix not yet exiled, to press it to flee the city, proposal that Pascalis declines energetically and which will earn it a arrest a few days later followed by a lynching on the Mirabeau course [ 4 ] .

A few hours before the execution of Pascalis, Guiramand and La Roquette, he is forced to flee, because the commissioners of the clubs of the city of Aix want to get their hands on him [ 5 ] . He fled first at the Lenfant pavilion (Pinchinats district), gets it all, takes a priest’s clothing and,, via The Sainte-Victoire massif, takes with the help of a guide the road in Nice where there remains the time of events [ 4 ] . Thanks to his administrative skills, he was appointed inspector of food, then liquidator of supplies, and finally secretary of the general intendant in Milan. When calm returned, he returned to Aix, to resume his place at the bar as a consultant lawyer. 68 years old, and although royalist, Dubreuil agreed to temporarily accept the function of mayor of Aix-en-Provence de At .

Joseph Dubreuil is the last member of the Dubreuil of Aix-de-Provence family, since he died without descendant. Charles Dubreuil is a consul of Aix in 1715 and his son, Joseph Dubreuil, lawyer by profession, was assessor of Aix four years in a row, from 1743 to 1746, ennobled in 1749 by Louis XV [ first ] . The most famous family members are Father Charles Miter Dubreuil, uncle of the mayor of Aix. It translates several Greek and Roman authors. He is also the author of a Choice of Provencal Songs [ 6 ] and a Provencal bibliography [ 7 ] .


Notes and references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Roux-Alpheran Ambroise, The streets of Aix, or historical research on the ancient capital of Provence , volume 1, impr. Aubin, Aix-en-Provence, 1846, p. 371.
  2. Les Bouches-du-Rhône, Departmental Encyclopedia, under the direction of Paul Masson, volume XI, Biographies by H. Barré (Marseille, 1913, p. 169 )
  3. The streets of Aix … , on. Cit. , p. 372.
  4. a et b Charles de ribs, Pascalis – Study on the end of the Provencal Constitution, 1787-1790 I am in Dent, 1854, p. 256 sq.
  5. He is criticized in particular for having said that the blood would flow in the streets of Aix if we reached the life of Pascalis.
  6. Only the first 224 pages of this volume were published.
  7. Consultable in manuscript at the Méjanes library.

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