Sulcis -Iglesiente mines – Wikipedia


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In the Sulcis Iglesiente the largest area is concentrated by variety and spread of the mining activities carried out in the last centuries in Sardinia, [first] Mining activity for which the historical and environmental geominerary park of Sardinia was the first to be recognized by UNESCO [2] ; Furthermore, since 2006, the Serbariu mine (Carbonia) where the Carbone Museum is active is one of the anchor points of the European Route of Industrial Heritage network (European industrial heritage path).

In the territory of Sulcis-Iglesiente (meaning, in a broad sense, with this denomination corresponding to south-western Sardinia) there are various mines, almost all abandoned, located in the territories of the underworld.
Some of these Municipalities were mainly mineraries (Carboniferi or Metalliferi), with economic activities above all extractive and industrial productions connected to the action of minerals (power plants, foundries, lavar, workshops, etc.); While in other municipalities, despite having mining economic activities, the latter were not predominant. However, the municipalities in which there are mining sites even if not relevant are listing.

Arbus [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Miniera di gennamari
  • Mine of Ingurtosu.
  • Mine of Montevecchio.
  • Wasting mines are you in.
  • Mine of S’Acqua Bona.
  • Scivu mine.
  • Mine of Zurufusu.

Bugger [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Canalgrande mine.
  • Compolved mines.
  • Mine of Genna Arenas – Monte Regio.
  • Lisandrus-San Nicolò.
  • Miniera di distrust.
  • Mine of Monte Segarino.
  • I’m mau’s frau mine mineyme.
  • Mine of Pira Rome.
  • Dead swimming pool mine.
  • Miniera di plane tooth.
  • Sart’s mines.
  • Mine of San Luigi.
  • Mine of Scalittas.
  • The mines of su only.

Carbonia [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Castelli dei Pozzi of the great mine of Serbariu (1938)

The mining plants of the Sulcis Carboniferian Basin were mostly found in the territory of Carbonia, some of which converted to museum use or as collective memory sites of the mining era.
In the municipal area of ​​Carbonia the following abandoned mines with extraction especially of coal were active, but also of different types of minerals:

  • “Bow mines of the crite.”
  • Locality of “Terra Segada”, area of ​​the first coal deposite of Cannamenda , near the farmhouse of Fragile , which was then Mineraria concession of Terra Segada object of research and explorations.
  • Mine of Bacu Abis: in the homonymous Carboniferous deposit, with the Pozzo Roth extractive plants, Pozzo Emilio, Pozzo Castoldi, Pozzo Nuovo, and with the old mining building “Volteria plant”.
  • Mine of “Piolanas” divided into “Piolanas Nord”, located in the homonymous “Caput Acquas” deposit (or “Piolanas Sud”): with the plants extractive by Pozzo Caput Acquas, Pozzo Tolmetta, Pozzo Zara, Pozzo is piras, Pozzo D, and in that of Piolanas Nord: Pozzo Piolanas.
  • Mining concession of Barbusi : old research explorations.
  • Complex of the Serbariu mine: in the Carbonifero deposit of Serbariu – Nuraxeddu with the Pozzo 1 extractive plants, Pozzo 2, Pozzo 3, Pozzo 4, Pozzo 4, Pozzo 6, Pozzo 7, Pozzo 7, Pozzo Nuraxeddu Vecchio, Pozzo del Fico. It was the main mine of the Carboniferian Basin of the Sulcis (whose two towers actually constitute one of the symbols of the city), closed in the 1960s, today houses the Italian Center of Coal Culture, with the Carbone Museum that illustrates the history of coal, mines and miners. You can also visit the underground gallery.
  • Sirai mine, in the Carbonifero deposit of Sirai – Schisorgiu with the Pozzo 8, Pozzo 9, Pozzo 10, Pozzo 11, Pozzo 11, Pozzo 12, Pozzo Sirai, Pozzo Tanas, Pozzo Schisorgiu, Pozzo Vigna, Pozzo Barbusi, Pozzo, Pozzo Pozzo, Nuraxeddu new plants.
  • Complex of the Mine of Cortoghiana, in the Charcoal deposit of new Cortoghiana, several buildings and extractive systems near the hamlet of the same name: old Cortoghiana, Est, New Cortoghiana – Pozzo 1, New Cortoghiana – Pozzo 2, mining direction and stone commemorative stone direction, Mechanical workshops, warehouses, power plant and laveria.
  • Carbonifera Mine of “Terra Niedda” already known as Littòria Quinta: Pozzo 1, Pozzo 2.
  • Mine of “Serra Lurdagu”, in Monte Leone, where the prevalent mining activity was Barite, but other extracted minerals were clay, blend, calamine, kicked, cerussitis, galley, lemonitis, marked and more.
  • Barbusi mine. The prevalent mining extraction was Barite, with other minerals such as calcite and galleys.
  • Mine of Monte Spina in Sirri. The main mining activity was lead, Argentifera galena, zinc and iron. The mining deposit was discovered in 1900 and given to the Vieille Montagne company.
  • Mine of “Corona Sa Craba”. In the Mount above Barbusi there is this abandoned mine with prevalent extractive activity of the barite.
  • Mine of “Monte Tasua”. The prevailing mining extraction was barite and galena.
  • Medua is frigius “swilworth – Case Garanzais. Minerary extraction Fu blenda, silently galen.

Carloforte [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Chief Becco Mine.
  • Chief red mine.
  • Punta Nera Mine.

Domus de Maria [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Bow mines is fossas.
  • Mine of Spinarbedda (Research permit of 1909 – Research elements: ni, co, W, PB, AG, Cu, Cu, Zn, Fe, SB, Mo …) [3] .
  • MONTE Santo – Punta Sa Castagna (Iron).

Domusnov [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Ministers of Barraxiutta (concession per galena argentifera e galamine).
  • Miniera di Bega is Tirias (Esplorazione per Galena Argentifera and Calamina).
  • Mine of Bega Trotta (exploration for Argentifera Galena, lead, copper and zinc).
  • Oridda camp mine (exploration for Argentifera and squid galley, lead, copper and zinc).
  • Miniera Di Campo Spina (Splatorazione per Galena Argentifera e Calamina).
  • Cea Mines Mens (SA Duchesa) (Concession for silential galena).
  • Mine of Costa Sa Mitza.
  • Mine of Cruccueu.
  • Cuckoo mines Le Cibuna – Bega of Aleni (exploration to silently calamin and calamin, silver, piombo and zinco).
  • Miniera di Cuadori (Esplorazione per Galena Argentifera and Calamina).
  • Fenugus mine.
  • Mine of Genna Cantonis (exploration for Argentifera Galena).
  • Mine of Genna Caria (exploration for Argentifera Galena).
  • Gutic Miniire Seu Burruzons (Exploration for Argenteal Gallen).
  • Mine of IS Barrachittas (exploration for Argentifera galena).
  • Mine of Is Fenugus (exploration for Argentifera Galena).
  • Miniera di is full (Splerazione per Galena Argentifera and Calamina).
  • Macciarian mines.
  • Maratha mines.
  • Mine mine on the cabrober (exploration for silenthall galena).
  • Mitza Mine on Istri (exploration for Argentifera Galena).
  • Mine of Mont’ii.
  • Miniera Di Monte Murvonis or Is Murvonis (Splatorazione per Galena Argentifera and Calamina).
  • Mine of Monte Narba (extraction of silver minerals, lead and zinc).
  • Miniera Sa Nebidedda (Concession Perp Galena Argentifera e Calamina).
  • Miniera Di Perda Cerbus (Splerazione per Galena Argentifera e Calamina).
  • Mine of Perda Niedda (exploration for Argentifera and squid galleys, and concession for iron).
  • Miniera Di Perdu Letter – Perdu Andria (Esplorazione per Galena Argentifera and Calamina, Argento, Piombo e Zinco).
  • Punta Cerbus mine (research permit for lead and zinc minerals; for fluorite).
  • Punta San Michele mine.
  • Point mines felt (exploration for silentforal galena).
  • Mine of Regraxius (concession for Argentifera Galena).
  • Mine of S’Acqua Matta Sa figu (exploration for Argentifera galleys).
  • Mine of San Giovanni (exploration for Argentifera and Calamine galleys).
  • Mine of San Marco (exploration for Argentifera Galena).
  • Mines of catching (exploration for silenthall galena).
  • The mines of saxes or tip saf.
  • Scheck mines on schedule (exploration to silger shales and calamin)
  • Mine of S’Ega Sa Crowd – San Michele (exploration for Argentifera galleys).
  • Mines of a castle (extraction of piombo ores and bearing).
  • Main mincay mines (exploration for silential galena).
  • Mine of Su Istri (lead extraction, copper and zinc).
  • Mine of Tanas.
  • Tiny mine

Other mining sites (concessions, explorations, permits, searches)

  • Bega channel (permission for Barite, 1961).
  • Corti de Is Equus (permission for iron minerals, 1909).
  • Crucuclea – monta salussi niisseddu male talena e calamina, 1890).
  • Curadori (permission for Galena, 1870).
  • Genna Piras (permission for fluorite baritis and mixed sulfur, 1974).
  • Guard Masonargiu (explorations for Galena, 1934).
  • Magusu (concessions and mining permits).
  • Monte Santo (permission for Barite, 1975).
  • Wall Many – White Place – Stone Sing to Grayion (Searches to Galena, 1965).
  • Pira Rome (permission for Galena and Blenda, 1940).
  • Punta Sa Stellaia (explorations for Galena and Blenda, 1942).
  • SAN MARCO – Beganai (permission for Argentifera Galena and mixed sulfur, 1870).
  • Saramau – Playes Marie – Cultu this Sea – Chanongues to pake ears and passamina, 1881).
  • Your Scon – Mediau Sa gritta – Punta – Punta feed (Exploration of Galen, 1902).
  • Its procke buddy (exploration to galley and bloom).
  • Tintillonis (permission for Galena and Calamina, 1925).

Fluminimaggiore [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Antas mine.
  • Minera in Arenas.
  • Bauved Miniiera.
  • Bingias channel mine.
  • Mine of Candiazzus.
  • Miniera di Corti Berry.
  • Genne carriage mines.
  • Mine of Genna Movexi.
  • Gultum mines.
  • Medau Ganoppi mine.
  • Silver mine.
  • Mine of Monte Cidò.
  • Mortuoi mine.
  • Mine of Nieddoris.
  • Wasting mines are you in.
  • Pindal mines of fog.
  • Pibic mines.
  • Poured mines.
  • Tip camp spine field.
  • Multiple of the top Crub.
  • Mine of S’Acqua Bona.
  • Mines of the Marissa.
  • Mine of Sa Menga.
  • Miniera Di Santa Lucia (Sa Mena de Soreri).
  • Isander mines.
  • Technology-14minute stoneness.
  • On a mine of on a zurfurous
  • Terras Niveddas’s mines.
  • Mine of Tinì.

Gonnesa [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Mount mount on Miniera Milliona (Extricles of Baritine, Calciges, Speena …).
  • Silicean sand cava on Mogoresu-Pintixedha.
  • 4th fields (carbon wise).
  • Monte scrolls (lead, zinc).
  • House Niedhas, Furnace Baccarine.
  • Bega, Scalas plant and ex -Polveriera Italesplosivi.
  • Santo Juanedhu (Piombo and ZCINCO)
  • Monte Uda, Monte dogs (lead, zinc and barite).
  • Punta’e mesudì, (lead, zinc).
  • Serra Maverru, a former Red Trachite quarry.
  • Nuaxi, a former limestone quarry, was removed an entire Nuragic village.
  • Muresi, (coal).
  • Is terratzus (torba).
  • NURAXI mines figus (carbonifera mines yet in activities).
  • Seddas Moddizis mine (with Asproni Laveria and Village).
  • Seruci mine (coal).
  • Earth Mine’e Colu, the name comes from the drain of the waters of the Plan of Corona Maria (Carbone).
  • Fontanamare, calamin treatment plant from the Sedhas Ishitzis mine, at the time of the engineer Giorgio Asproni.
  • Sa Morimento, mineral treatment and washing system from the Monte onixeddu mine.

Gonnosphan [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Guspini [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

First Levant area:

  • Mine of Piccalinna.
  • Mine of Sant’Antonio.
  • Mine of Sciria.

Second area of ​​west:

  • Casy mines.
  • Joint mines.
  • Mine of Telle.

Iglesias [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Narcao [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Mine of mipple sermentus.
  • Mont’ega mine.
  • Pilixedda mines – is pilus (tspaseo).
  • Mine of Rosas.
  • Mine of Santa Croce (Monte Masonis)
  • Mine of Trubba Niedda.

Nuxis [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Bau mines of pressure.
  • Backen mines and tacth.
  • Bacchixed miniera.
  • Mine of Ilario.
  • Is olclargius mines – Tactine.
  • Miniera di is cheering “SA minieredda”.
  • Mine of Is Piras.
  • Mine of Monte Tamara (San Pietro).
  • Mining di Peppi always.
  • Mines of the Marissa.
  • Fine of Serra Sirbonis.
  • Mine of Su Sinibadroxiu (on Sinibidraxiu).

Desolate [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Santadi [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Mine of Is Canis.
  • Mine of Monte Cerbus.
  • Mine of Monte Flacca.
  • Mine of Su Benatzu.

mining explorations

  • Castel Nurchis.
  • Is Seddas (barite).
  • monte Cerbus.
  • Murder murder.
  • Punta Pireddu (Barite).
  • Sa conchitta (Barite).
  • San Pantaleo.
  • Farra and Figus.

Sarroch [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Siliqua [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Campanasissa mine.
  • Mine of Su Argedu.

Roof [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Mine of Guardia Manna (lemon spike).
  • Mine of Monte Lapanu.
  • Mine mines.
  • Medau Piras mine (small mineralization in Galena and Blenda).
  • Mine of Nuraxi de Mesu (Quartzian trend with copper oxidized with traces of galleys, grown by small excavations and wells, located south-east of Teulada).
  • Mine of Rocca Maistu (deposit of galleys and blenda).
  • Mine of San Michele.
  • Mine of Santa Lucia.
  • Paling mines.

Mining explorations:

  • Black narbons.
  • Is Argenteras.
  • Sa Marigosa de Susu.
  • Terra had.
  • Research permit “Costa Peppi Melis”.

Villacidro [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Villamassargia [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Miniera di Corti de Berries (Barite).
  • Mine of Furconixedda.
  • Mine of Juenni.
  • Mont Filipeddu (socince).
  • Mine of Monte Moddizzi (Barite).
  • Mine of Orbai.
  • Shopping mines of Sound water.
  • Marquis E., The law on mines in Sardinia . Considerations, Genoa 1869.
  • seas q. Report to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the conditions of the mining industry in Sardinia , Florence 1871.
  • Marquis E., Quintino Sella in Sardinia. Memories of the engineer Eugenio Marchese , Turin 1893.
  • Acts of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the condition of the workers of the mines in Sardinia , Rome 1911, Tipog. of the Chamber of Deputies.
  • Frongia G., Hygiene and mines in Sardinia , Rome 1911.
  • Vito the dial, The Carboniferous deposit of the Sulcis – Carbonia, 1938 , edited by Fascist Confederation of Industry Workers, Rome, 1938.
  • F. Cori, The Carbondony mines , in Reports of the Sardinian Mining Association , Iglesias, 1948.
  • Alberto Mori, Carbònia and the modifications of the geographical landscape in the northern Sulcis , in Publications of the Faculty of Engineering of Cagliari , vol. 1, Cagliari, 1950.
  • Aa. Etc.,, C.E.C.A. Studio Sulla Zone Di Carbony , Milan, Giuffrè, 1965.
  • Mario Carta, Notes on the coal mines of the Sulcis – realizations in progress and techniques in perspective for the cultivation and enhancement of coal deposits , in The programming in Sardinia 60 , Sassari, editor G. Gallizzi, 1976.
  • Massimo Carta, Carbonia and its coal (1851 – 1977) , Cagliari, Sardinian polygraphic company, 1977.
  • Maria Stella Rollandi, Mines and miners in Sardinia. From the post -war crisis to the birth of Carbonia (1919 – 1939) , Cagliari, Edizioni della Torre, 1981.
  • Virginio Bettini, Carbone Black Borotalco between autarchic challenge and environmental question , Milan, Franco Angeli Editore, 1984.
  • Alberto Vacca, Carbonia and the problems of the Sardinian Carbonifera Industry (1936 – 1976) , Cagliari, Edizioni della Torre, 1985.
  • Sotgiu G., History of Sardinia after the unit , They were 1986.
  • Manconi F., The mines and miners of Sardinia , Milan 1986.
  • Province of Cagliari – Department of Environment and Ecology Protection (edited by), Gassification of Carbone Sulcis: the ecological alternative , Cagliari, EMMO 4 S.R.L., 1987.
  • Giuseppe Are, Marco Costa, Coalcosarda. Expectations and disappointments of a national energy source , Milan, Franco Angeli Editore, 1989.
  • Mezzolani S., Simoncini A., la miniera d’argento di monte collapsed, story e Ricord , Cagliari 1989.
  • Mezzolani S., Simoncini A., Landscapes and architectures of the mines in Sardinia to be saved , Volume XIII, Sassari 1993.
  • S. Mezzolani-A. Simoncini, Sardinia to save. Landscapes and architecture of the mines, Nuoro, Sardinian photographic archive, 1993, pp. 194-212.
  • Mezzolani S., Simoncini A., Stories of mine , Unione Sarda, Cagliari 1994.
  • B. caulum From Ossidian to gold: synthesis of Sardinian mining history , Oristano 1996.
  • F. Masala, “Minerar settlements. Forms, architectures, problems”, in The Cities of Foundation in Sardinia, edited by A. Lino, Cagliari, Cuec, 1998, pp. 36-50.
