Lucien-Étienne Mélingue-Wikipedia


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Lucien-Étienne Mélingue , born the In Paris, died on In Aix-les-Bains, is a French history painter belonging to the academic movement.

He was born in Paris, rue Lever. His father, Étienne Marin Mélingue, is an actor and sculptor, his mother, Théodorine Thiesset, known as “Mme Théodorine” is an actress. She was admitted in 1843 to the Comédie-Française where she played the role of Guanhumara in Les burgraves from Victor Hugo. Lucien has an older brother, Gaston Mélingue, artist like him, as well as a sister.

Student of Léon Cogniet, Giraud and Gérôme [ first ] , Mélingue exhibited for the first time at the Salon of 1861. He is one of those academic painters that criticism and the public have abandoned [ 2 ] . In his time, however, he enjoyed a reputation for esteem, which earned him encouraging criticism:

“This young painter, beginner of yesterday, and whose design power and variety announce a master, asserts himself each year by new progress. »»

1875 fair and the Legion of Honor in 1880. The morning of 10 Thermidor , table representing Maximilien de Robespierre injured and lying on a table in the premises of the town hall of Paris made a big impression on the public of the show of 1877. Reproduced thanks to photogravure, it becomes one of the elements of a revival of Popularity of the character of Robespierre who leads to the creation of the Société des Études Robespierristes by Albert Mathiez in 1907 [ 3 ] . An oil sketch of the painting is at the Museum of the French Revolution.

The morning of 10 Thermidor , 1877, Museum of the French Revolution.

The Marshal of La Ferté seizing Belfort defended by the count of the Suze in 1654 , Belfort town hall.

Marat , 1879, Museum of the French Revolution.

Drawings, watercolors, pastels

  • N – D – Portrait at the foot of a man ; Black stone and white chalk on blue laid; S; 57.5 × 28.7 cm (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Strasbourg Inv:

Engravings, lithographs

  • 1878 – The morning of 10 Thermidor year II , engraving, photogravure,
  • 1885 – Étienne Marcel and the Dauphin Charles , gravure
  • 1894 – Third-state deputies are waiting in the rain in front of the hotel of the menus pleasures , engraving, lithography, Goupil and Company Selman Hers Press; New York, USA.
  • N – D – The morning of 10 Thermidor year II , photogravure; Goupil et Cie Edtb H. Launette in Paris.


  • 1861 – Souvenir of Veules-les-Roses
  • 1863 – A court in Normandy
  • 1870 – Ceres with the old , unknown current location
  • 1873 – Charles IX of one of the Balconies of the Giboyant Louvre on the poor Huguenots or The , Le Havre, Museum of Fine Arts
  • 1874 – Gentlemen of the third party before the royal meeting of , Versailles, Lambinet Museum, exhibited at the Salon of 1874: the Marquis de Dreux-Brézé dialogue with Bailly while the Third Party deputies were waiting in the rain in front of the menu-plaisirs room
  • 1875 – Henri III, forced to leave Paris, swears there only by the breach
  • 1876 ​​- Fourth speech of the galantes of Brantôme ladies , exhibited at the Salon of 1876, formerly at the Museum of Fine Arts in Caen [ 4 ] (destroyed in 1944)
  • 1877 – The morning of 10 Thermidor year II (1794) Presentation at the Salon of 1877 (preparatory study at the museum of the French Revolution)
  • 1878 – Mademoiselle de Montpensier at La Bastille , unknown current location
  • 1878 – The lifting of the seat of Metz in 1553 , oil on canvas, 240 × 378 cm , Dijon, Dijon Museum of Fine Arts
  • 1879 – Jean-Paul Marat ; (Museum of the French Revolution)
  • 1879 – Étienne Marcel, the provost of the merchants and the Dauphin Charles (1358)  ; [s.d.], 265 × 347  cm (Popular insurgency), (purchase of the State for the Luxembourg Museum, award to the Musée d’Orsay N ° Inv: RF247
  • 1879 – Marshal Ferté seizes Belfort and gathered the city to France in 1654 ; 49 × 43 cm (Table of the Hall of Honor of the Town Hall of Belfort – Sketch at the Belfort History Museum)
  • 1880 – Marat in his bed , Vizille, Museum of the French Revolution
  • 1884 – Desgenettes s’inoculant the plity , unknown current location
  • 1885 – Roustan
  • 1885 – The execution of the hostages at the seat of 1418, Armagnacs and Burgundians , [s.d.], dim; H: × L: (Consulting hall; Senlis town hall, Oise)
  • 1887 – La Reine and don sallustre (Ruy Blas, Acte 5 Scene 3) ; in greyness, [s.d.], 49 × 27 cm (sale France )
  • 1887 – Don Sallustre … if you do not sign … , [s.d.], 40,5 × 29,5  cm (sale France )
  • N – D – Hundred Years War battle scene ; 33 × 55.5 cm (sale France )
  • N – D – Head of man era Louis XIII (donation in 1922 to the Museum of Fine Arts in Rennes, coming from the Count of Hamel N ° Inv: Inv 22.25.29, missing work.


  • 1891 – The end of Satan, the legend of centuries by Victor Hugo, Format In-8 ° Jésus + de 280 p. Eugène edt hugues rue Thérèze Paris 8 ill. Of Riou, V. Hugo, Chifflart, F. Fremier, L. Mouchot, Zier, Emile Bayard, Lucien Mélingue.


  • N – D – Bust ; Bronze sculpture, patina medal (Belgium sale )

“Mr. Mélingue [Roustan] makes you go to bed across a door […], a stone’s throw from a chair where the victorious sword and the small hat has been deposited. He sleeps with this sleeping both noisy and worried about the man who feels essential, and the vigilant sleep of this big man forces us to think. Really, we say, is the size is that? Should we, for a hero loaded with glory to be able to rest for a few moments, that a vulgar, but devoted being, sleeps across his threshold? Does Caesar’s worried sleep depends on the presence of Roustan at his door? This is the moral idea. I don’t know if she haunted the painter’s brain when he composed, drew and painted his curious study; But here she is as she springs from her painting, at least for the intelligent public who reasons and who thinks. 1885 lounge »

  • 1861 – first re Exhibition at the show
  • 1874 – Salon : These third-third-State gentlemen in the rain at the door of the assembly .
  • 1876 – Salon : Fourth speech of the galantes of Brantôme ladies
  • 1877 – Salon : The morning of 10 Thermidor year II , – first re Medal.
  • 1878 – Salon : The lifting of the seat of Metz in 1553 , purchase of the State for the Dijon museum.
  • 1879 – Salon : The provost of the merchants Étienne Marcel and the Dauphin Charles in 1358 ; acquired by the state n ° 2097.
  • 1997: “History painting: large formats” Musée d’Orsay.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Bénézit dictionary, Critical and documentary dictionary of painters, sculptors, designers and engravers of all time and all countries , vol. Maganza-Muller-Zschoppach, Éditions Grün, , 13440 p. (ISBN  2-7000-3014-1 ) , p. 462 .
  2. Olivier Deshayes, The fallen body in French painting of XIX It is century , Paris, Editions l’Harmattan, , 270 p. (ISBN  978-2-7475-6342-0 , LCCN 2004422877 ) , 192
  3. Annie Jourdan, Robespierre: Figure-reputation , Amsterdam, rodopi, , 236 p. (ISBN  978-90-420-0133-6 , read online ) , p. 196 .
  4. Christophe Marcheteau de Quinçay, The Mélingue Father et fils. Artists’ lives , Caen, Caen Museum of Fine Arts, 2018, p. 48, fig. 96.
  • Annie Jourdan, Robespierre, reputation figure , Amsterdam, rodopi, 1996, 236 p.
  • Christophe Marcheteau de Quinçay, The Mélingue Father et fils. Artists’ lives , coll. The work in question n ° 10, Caen, Museum of Fine Arts of Caen, 2018, 56 p.

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