Saint-Martin de Sartrouville church-Wikipedia


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L’ Saint-Martin de Sartrouville church is a Catholic parish church located in the French commune of Sartrouville and the department of Yvelines. It is dedicated to bishop Martin de Tours, in 2009, the church celebrated the thousand years of its existence [ first ] .

The Saint-Martin church is located in the district of the old country of Sartrouville, on a hill overlooking the city and the Seine valley, place du Champ de Mars, at the crossroads formed by rue Jean-Mermoz, Boulevard de Bezons and the Cormeilles route.

Built in 1009, probably under the impulse of Robert II the pious who donates around twenty houses to the neighboring monastery of Argenteuil, the Saint-Martin church in Sartrouville has a stone arrow which dates from the Middle Ages. The bell tower which surmounts the transept was rebuilt in 1369, after its destruction by the Dauphin, future Charles V of France, during the Hundred Years War, during which many bell towers of Île-de-France had been destroyed in order to Avoid serving the English troops as a landmark. In 1865, at the site of the old cemetery surrounding the church, the presbytery was built which will be transformed into a museum of Sartrouvillois traditions and trades in 1989 [Ref. necessary] .

The church has been the subject of an inscription under the historic monuments since the [ 2 ] .

It has the only octagonal stone bell tower of Ile-de-France [ 3 ] .


In 2022, she began a renovation cycle at a cost of € 3.5 million [ 3 ] .

The charity of Saint Martin [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Classified as a historic monument in 1965, the charity of Saint Martin is a statue dated XVI It is A century in polychrome wood representing Saint Martin on horseback. The frame turns its head towards the poor, for whom Saint Martin cuts his coat. Similar statues are dispersed in the churches of Île-de-France. The theme is frequently treated, whether in the form of a sculpture, stained glass or fresco [Ref. necessary] .

Baptism of Christ [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Saint-Martin church is enlightened by a set of stained glass arrangements arranged on both sides of the nave. On the left starting from the central door follow one another the following stained glass, which as a whole date from 1868: next to the baptismal font, Baptism of Christ by Saint Jean-Baptiste, offered by Jean-Baptiste Lefevre, and the stained glass Saint Thérèse d’Avila, offered by Mr. Mallard, member of an old Sartrouville family. Other stained glass sheds light on the choir, notably Saint Martin sharing his coat with a poor and Saint Vincent, the boss of the winegrowers. They present an execution unit which seems to indicate the same master glassmaker: Mena, probably [ 4 ] .

Blessed Duval votive plaque [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Located near the southern aisle and the choir of the Saint-Martin church, this votive plaque is erected in honor of the “Blessed Claude Duval, martyred the ». This former Vicar of Sartrouville died during the September massacres, days during which many priests are killed. The religious situation during the Revolution in Sartrouville is complex. The priest of Sartrouville, the parish priest Finet, begins, by taking an oath to the Constitution in January 1791, then retracted in May in order to remain in conformity with the principles of his faith.

Christ [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The polychrome wooden statue, which is located in the northern arm of the transept, represents the linked Christ of ropes during the passion. Classified as a historic monument in 1969.

In front of the Saint-Martin church, the last vines of Sartrouville are still cultivated. Gamay Noir, Meunier, Morillon, etc., are the main grape varieties that still made up the vineyards of XIX It is century in Sartrouville. Corresponding to this wine past, destroyed by phylloxera in 1902 and subject to competition from other regions of France, they will not be replanted, with the exception of these few plants preserved before this religious building, by tradition. In 2021, as part of municipal policy to promote the presence of nature in the city, part of the aging vine feet are renewed and the planted surface is growing a little, going from 5,200 m 2 at 7,000 m 2 [ 5 ] .

Dominical mass takes place at 9:45 am.

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