Casteldelfino – Wikipedia


Casteldelfino – Stemma

Casteldelfino – Veduta
Castelfelfino – View
State Italia Italy
Region Piedmont
Province Wedge
Mayor Domenico Amorisco (civic list) from 4-10-2021
Coordinate 44°35′26″N 7 ° 04′15 ″ and / 44.590556 ° n 7.070833 ° e 44,590556; 7.070833 ( Casteldelfino )
Altitude 1 296 m s.l.m.
Surface 33,95 km²
Inhabitants 142 [first] (31-1-2023)
Density 4,18 ab./km2
Fractions Alboin, Bertines, Caldane, Puy, Pusterle, Rabioux, Serre, Torrette
Neighboring municipalities Bellino, Elva, Oncino, Pontechianale, Sampeyre
More information
Code. mail 12020
Prefix 0175
Jet lag UTC+1
Istat code 004047
Cadastral code C081
Targa CN
Cl. seismic Zona 3s (low seismicity) [2]
Cl. climatic area f, 4 107 gg [3]
Inhabitants name casteldelfinesi
Patron Santa Margherita of Antiochia
Holiday Third Sunday of July
Mappa di localizzazione: Italia



Casteldelfino – Mappa
Castelfelfino – Map

Position of Castelfelfino in the province of Cuneo

Institutional site

Casteldelfino ( Casteldelfin in Piedmontese, Chasteldeifin in Occitan, “La Vilo” in the local variant [4] , Châteaudauphin In French) is an Italian town of 142 inhabitants of the province of Cuneo in Piedmont, located in the upper Varaita valley.

Territory [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Municipality is located close to the area where the Varaita valley doubles, continuing west with the Bellino valley and north-west with the Varaita Valley of Pontechianale. The municipal area extends upstream on the beginning of both branches of the valley, while on the valley it goes down for a few kilometers along the Varaita river. The border of the municipal area is delimited by the top of the lobbies, by the Sampeyre hill, by the Bicocca hill and the tip of the horse. [5]

In the territory of Castelfelfino there is a large portion of the Alavè forest, the largest autochthonous forest of Cembri pines of Western Europe. It is an area protected by the European Union, as the animal species that live in these places are equally protected. In the woods there are many paths that allow tourists to patrol it in all its breadth. [6]

In the municipality of Castelfelfino stands a hydroelectric power plant, visible for the large pipeline that descends from the mountain, connected with the artificial lake of Pontechianale. [7]


Climate [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The country was known by the 10th century with the name of Villa Sant’eusebio . At the time he was lower than the current position, near the confluence of the two branches of the Varaita stream.

Possession of the Marquisate of Saluzzo, at the beginning of the thirteenth century Villa Sant’Eusebio passed under the dolphinth, which maintained control of it since then. [8] In 1330 Delfino Umberto II had a castle built you, where some remains are still visible [9] . In 1343 the territory of Villa Sant’Eusebio, together with those of Bellino and Pontechianale (or the so -called Castellata, With Castelfelfino as a capital [ten] ), became part of the Republic of Escartons, in what is precisely defined Esctoun di Castelfino . In 1349 the Delfinato was sold to France, and Villa Sant’Eusebio became French. [8]

The original village was destroyed by a landslide in 1391; Only the church of Sant’Eusebio [ not clear ] , still existing today. [11] The country was reconstructed higher, in the position he currently occupies, and in 1431 he took the name of Casteldelfino , derived precisely from the castle built a century before by the dolphin. [twelfth]

During the 16th century, with the annexation of the Marquisate of Saluzzo to France, there was a rapid expansion of Protestantism in the valley, contrasted by the troops of the Savoy at the end of the century. The territory of Castelfelfino was heavily affected by these activities, remaining for some time co -disputed in the harsh wars of religion. [twelfth] [13] In 1601, in fact, with the Treaty of Lyon, Castelfelfino had been sold by Carlo Emanuele I to the Kingdom of France, together with other Sabaudi territories, in exchange for the Marquisate of Saluzzo. [14]

In 1628, during the war of succession of Monferrato, the troops of the Duchy of Savoy managed to defeat French. Decades of uncertain domain followed, during which, in 1690, there was also the partial destruction of the castle. [15] In 1713, with the Treaty of Utrecht, the whole Castellata (including Castelfelfino) returned to the Savoy, joining the Kingdom of Sardinia. With the change of domination, the belonging of the Castellata to the Republic of Escartons . [8] In 1743 the territory of Castelfelfino was the scene of violent clashes between the Savoyard army and the Franco-Spanish troops in the framework of the Austrian succession war. [twelfth]

In 1861 Castelfelfino was the support point for the expedition of William Mathews who made Monviso’s first ascension on 30 August. [11]

In the 1930s, the territory of Castelfelfino was affected by the defensive works of the Alpine Vallo, a line of fortifications on the alpine border of the nation. The works are still visible and largely visited. [16]

Symbols [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The coat of arms and the Gonfalone of the Municipality were granted by decree of the President of the Republic of 2 October 2006. [17]

«Silver, to the effigy of Santa Margherita in majesty of complexion, scaluta di nero, dressed with the blue tunic, with open arms, lieutenant with a right hand a Latin cross, placed in the band, gold, the saint Supported at the tip, crossing a golden dolphin, lying on the tip, turned, overturned, the head raised and turned to the right, the tail inanenate and raised. External ornaments from the Municipality. ”

( D.P.R. 2 October 2006 )

Gonfalone is a truncated drape of yellow and blue.

Demographic evolution [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Inhabitants surveyed [18]

Religious architectures [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Museums [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • The documentation center on the saints of the people, or on the saints of the local tradition at the church of Sant’Eusebio.
  • The EN Plein Air Museum of Sacred Art “Saints of the People” in the homonymous square, the first museum of its kind at national level, with the statues of the bronze saints with a human -sized bronze, depicting San Nicola, San Lorenzo, Sant ‘ Antonio Abate, St. Joseph, Immaculate Virgin Mary, San Pio da Pietrelcina, San Francesco, Santa Chiara, Arcangelo Michele, Pope John Paul II, San Giovanni Bosco, Domenico Savio, San Chiaffredo, San Sebastiano, Santa Lucia, Don Orione. The museum is equipped with a system of disseminating sacred music and reading the card of each saint in the museum;
  • The ethnographic museum Ier to the vilo [19]

Other places [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

It is one of the countries of the Varaita Valley where the Occitan language is spoken.

Recurrences, parties and fairs [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • the Castelfinfinando in Fiore – Mountain Festival the third Sunday of June;
  • the White Night the third Saturday of July;
  • the Patronal feast of Santa Margherita di Antiochia the third Sunday of July;
  • Le Chemin Royal the last two weekends of July and the whole month of August;
  • the Honey and healing herbs festival the penultimate weekend of August;
  • The proud of Son Martin the third weekend of October;
  • The living nativity scene on December 26 and the following Sunday in the historic center of Castelfelfino-Capoluogo.

The economy of the Municipality of Castelfelfino is mainly agricultural; Tourism, however, constitutes an important economic contribution. [11]

Tourism [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Indicator of the Italian Touring Club indicator, prior to 1923.

The municipal capital is a valid support point for hiking, allowing you to reach the mountains of both branches of the Varaita Valley, and above all the Aalevè forest, the largest forest of Cembri pines in Europe, which extends for a large part on the municipal area. [twelfth] [20]

In winter, two cross -country ski slopes are available, for a development of 2, 3, 5 and 12 km. In addition, there are two ski lifts for beginners, and a natural ice skating rink. [21]

The Municipality offers a good accommodation capacity for the tourist. [22]

City Hall
Period Mayor Match Load Note
June 7, 1993 April 28, 1997 Luciano Andrea Andreis Civic list Mayor [23]
April 28, 1997 May 14, 2001 Luciano Andrea Andreis Independent Mayor [23]
May 14, 2001 May 27, 2005 Bernardo Dao Civic list Mayor [23]
May 27, 2005 May 30, 2006 Giacomino Allais (deputy mayor) Independent Mayor [23]
May 30, 2006 May 15, 2011 Domenico Amorisco Civic list Mayor [23]
May 16, 2011 June 6, 2016 Domenico Amorisco Civic list: united for Vilo Mayor [23]
June 6, 2016 4 October 2021 Alberto ring Civic list Mayor [23]
4 October 2021 in charge Domenico Amorisco Civic list Mayor [23]

Other administrative information [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Castelfelfino was part of the Valli Po Mountain Community, Bronda, Infernotto and Varaita.

  1. ^ [first]
    Demographic budget and resident population for sex as of January 31, 2023
  2. ^ Seismic classification ( XLS ), are .
  3. ^ Table of the degrees/day of the Italian municipalities grouped by region and province ( PDF ), in Law August 26, 1993, n. 412 , attached a , National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, 1 March 2011, p. 151. URL consulted on April 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original 1 January 2017) .
  4. ^ Generically defined as “Occitan or Occitan language”, but in the current spoken of “a nosto way”
  5. ^ See the national official cartography on the National cartographic portal
  6. ^ Province of Cuneo – Guide of the Alpine paths, vol. 1 Filed On February 27, 2007 on the Internet Archive. ( PDF )
  7. ^ Enel – Central in the province of Cuneo [ interrupted connection ] ( PDF )
  8. ^ a b c ( FR ) History of Bellino – The era of the dolphin
  9. ^ Casteldelfino . are The cities of honey , June 26, 2018. URL consulted on September 5, 2022 .
  10. ^ Castellata: free frontier land . are . URL consulted on September 5, 2022 .
  11. ^ a b c – Casteldelfino
  12. ^ a b c d Mountain Community Valle Varaita – Castelfelfino . are . URL consulted on October 19, 2008 (archived by URL Original on October 15, 2008) .
  13. ^ Municipality of Pontechianale – History
  14. ^ Francesco Cognasso, Savoy , Milan, Corbaccio, 1999. ISBN 88-7972-135-6. p. 376
  15. ^ Municipality of Castelfelfino – History
  16. ^ Diego Batletto, Roads and paths of the Alpine Vallo , Editions of Capricorn, Turin, 2008, ISBN 978-88-7707-101-9.
  17. ^ Castelfelfino (Cuneo) D.P.R. 02.10.2006 Concession of Coat of arms and Gonfalone . are Italian Government, Officer and Heraldic Office , 2006. URL consulted on 20 October 2020 .
  18. ^ Statistics I.Stat – state; URL consulted on 28-12-2012 .
  19. ^ Municipality of Castelfelfino – Ethnographic museum
  20. ^ – ​​Excursions to Castelfelfino [ interrupted connection ]
  21. ^ Municipality of Castelfelfino – Itineraries
  22. ^ Municipality of Castelfelfino – Activities
  23. ^ a b c d It is f g h
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