Suzanne Hoscheder — Wikipedia


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Suzanne hostere , née Marie Alice Germaine Suzanne Hostedé in Paris 10th [ first ] , and died the [ 2 ] In Giverny (Eure) is the daughter of Alice Hostedé and Ernest Hoschedé, as well as the daughter-in-law and one of the favorite models of Claude Monet [ 3 ] . She appears on several known tables of Claude Monet, like Woman From 1886, but also on a painting by Theodore Robinson. She is also the first wife of the American impressionist painter Theodore Earl Butler, based in Giverny.

After the death of Camille Donoieux and the cleaning of Claude Monet with Alice Hostedé, Suzanne Hoshedé becomes one of the favorite models of Claude Monet, undoubtedly even her favorite model at that time, since, according to family tradition, the sessions of repeated pose that Claude Monet ask him nervously exhaust him [ 4 ] .

In the early 1890s, the American painter Theodore Earl Butler, who came to settle in Giverny, fell in love with her, and ended up marrying her. He must however first face the fierce initial opposition of Claude Monet, who sees with a very bad eye all these “miserable Americans” passing through Giverny who could well seduce one or more of his daughters-in-law [ 5 ] .

It is only when Claude Monet learns from Theodore Robinson the comfortable situation of the Butler family that his reluctance is bending. The marriage takes place in Giverny the [ 6 ] , just ten days after Claude Monet himself officially married Suzanne’s mother, Alice Hostedé. The marriage of Suzanne and Theodore Earl Butler is immortalized by another American painter, Theodore Robinson, under the title The bridal procession ( The Wedding March ). Theodore Earl Butler bequeathed one of his paintings at the Vernon museum [ 3 ] .

Theodore Butler then becomes an essential link between the community of American painters located in France and Claude Monet. With Suzanne, they have two children born in Giverny, James (“Jimmy”) Butler first, (1893-1976) [ 7 ] , then Lilly Butler, born in 1894 [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] .


Suzanne Hosmedé-Butler dies in [ 8 ] After a long illness. His youngest sister, Marthe Hoschedé, then helps Theodore Butler to raise their two children. She accompanied him to New York, then, when they returned to Giverny the following year, they marry, Marthe becoming the second M me Thighs [ 8 ] . Lilly Butler will later become a fashion designer for Harper’s Bazaar. French painter Jean-Marie Toulgouat is his son, and therefore, the grandson of Suzanne Hoschédé and Theodore Butler [ ten ] .

  1. Archives of Paris online, act n ° 1894 of 01/05/1868, view 26
  2. Eure online archives, act n ° 3 of 7/2/1899, view 433
  3. a et b Giverny’s artists
  4. Steven Z. Levine, Claude Monet 1994, p. 124
  5. Heide Michels, Guy Bouchet 2006, p.  14, « Introduction »
  6. Online Eure Archives, act n ° 4 of 20/7/1892, views 361 and 362
  7. Online Eure Archives, act n ° 5 of 25/4/1893, view 370
  8. A B and C Mary Sayre Haverstock, Jeannette Mahoney Vance, Brian L. Meggitt, Jeffrey Weidman, Oberlin College Library 2000, p. 137
  9. Eure online archives, act n ° 13 of 12/10/1894, view 385
  10. Jean-Marie Toulgouat (NECR Notice) , on the site dated January 21, 2006 (accessed June 2, 2010)
  11. Canvas sheet on catalog of the Musée d’Orsay
  12. Canvas sheet on catalog of the Musée d’Orsay
  • Mary Sayre Haverstock, Jeannette Mahoney Vance, Brian L. Meggitt, Jeffrey Weidman, Oberlin College Library, Artists in Ohio, 1787-1900 : a biographical dictionary , Kent State University Press, , 1066 p. (ISBN  978-0-87338-616-6 , read online )
