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  • Lycidas Karken, 1878
  • Hypoblemum Peckham & Peckham, 1886
  • hundred Otto & Hill, 2017

Marathus is a kind of spider spiders of the Salticidae family [ first ] . These sautowy spiders are called Spiders .

Species of this genus meet in Australia except Maratus griseus And Maratus snake Introduced in New Zealand and Maratus furvus China [ first ] .

These spiders live on the ground or on low shrubs [ 2 ] .


THE Marathus are small spiders with a total length of 4 5 mm presenting an important sexual dimorphism. They are nicknamed “spiders” because of the dorsal surface of the male opisthosome, which is covered with very lively patterns where colored “scales” contrast with an iridescent background. The abdomen can also be flanked by appendages folded under the body or be bristling with hair fringes, also very colorful. In both sexes, the abdomen is connected to the cephalothorax by a long and very flexible pedicle. This allows the male to draw up his opisthosome, which can also be flattened and agitated to accentuate the appearance of the dorsal pattern. Not all species have colors appearing clearly to human vision; Thus, Maratus bat seems strangely colored, with iridescent side appendages [ 3 ] . In most species, the male has a third pair of fairly long legs and often covered with colored patterns. Sauteous spiders have excellent vision, with the ability to see at least two colors: green and ultraviolet [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

The male copulating bulbs are apparently rather simple, with a circular embolus. The black spots of the abdomen of the males of the spiders MARATUS beautiful And Maratus Karrie absorb more than 99.5% of visible light. This supernoir is due to the presence of a network of microscopic bumps in the shape of lenses, whose underlying layers contain pigments [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .

As for the female, it is camouflaged, covered with white and brown tones. The epigyne is simple with two “windows” ( fossae ) at the front and a pair of oval spermathèque at the back. The long and flexible pedicle allows females to turn their abdomen over 180 ° during mating [ 3 ] .

The deployment of the abdomen is used in the context of the nuptial parade and in at least one species in aggressive relationships between rival males [ 8 ] ( Maratus bat ). The third pair of legs is also drawn up during the parade that vibratory signals are completed adding to the visual signs [ 9 ] .

According World Spider Catalog (version 23.5, 09/09/2022) [ ten ] :

  • Maratus Albus Otto & Hill, 2016
  • Maratus lovable Karken, 1878
  • Maratus ammophilus Otto & Hill, 2022
  • Anomaliforiformic maratus (Żabka, 1987)
  • Maratus Anomalus (Karsus, 1878)
  • Maratus Aquilus Schubert, 2019
  • Maratus aurantius Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Marathus Australis Otto & Hill, 2016
  • Maratus birds Otto & Hill, 2014
  • Maratus azureus Schubert, 2020
  • Marathus Banyowla Otto & Hill, 2019
  • Maraus Bitacaraniantas (Keyserling, 1882)
  • Marathus BorUp Otto & Hill, 2018
  • Maratus Bubo Otto & Hill, 2016
  • Maratus green Waldock, 2013
  • CALCITRAN MARANUSTHI Otto & Hill, 2012
  • Maratus White Otto & Hill, 2022
  • Maratus Chlorophthalmus (Simon, 1909)
  • Maratus chrysomelas (Simon, 1909)
  • Maratus Cinereus Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Maratus clupeatus Otto & Hill, 2014
  • Maratus burned Schubert, 2019
  • Maratus constellated Schubert, 2020
  • Maratus Cristatus Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Maratus pointed Otto & Hill, 2019
  • Maratus digitatus Otto & Hill, 2012
  • Maratus Elicit Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Maratus elephant Otto & Hill, 2015
  • Maratus Elias Baehr & Whyte, 2016
  • Maratus polished Prasad, 2022
  • Maratus Felinus Schubert, 2019
  • Maraus fambrius Otto & Hill, 2016
  • Maratus yellow Otto & Hill, 2018
  • Maratus Fletcheri Waldock, 2020
  • Maratus furvus (Song & Chai, 1992)
  • Maratus Gemmifer Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Maratus griseus (Keyserling, 1882)
  • Maratus Harris Otto & Hill, 2011
  • Maratus Harveyi Waldock, 2020
  • Maratus Hesperus (Otto & Hill, 2017)
  • HEteropogon Marathus (Simon, 1909)
  • Maratus garden Waldock, 2014
  • Maratus Icarus Otto & Hill, 2019
  • Maratus inaquosasus Schubert, 2020
  • Marauded Otto & Hill, 2015
  • Marathus Julianneae Baehr & Whyte, 2016
  • Maratus Karrie Waldock, 2013
  • Maratus Kiwirrarchra Baehr & Whyte, 2016
  • Maratus Kochi (Żabka, 1987)
  • Maraus laurenae Schubert, 2020
  • Maratus slow Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Maratus Leo Otto & Hill, 2014
  • Maratus Linnaei Waldock, 2008
  • Maratus literate Otto & Hill, 2014
  • Maratus lobatus Otto & Hill, 2016
  • Maraus Madelineae Waldock, 2014
  • Maratus maritimus Otto & Hill, 2014
  • Maratus Melindae Waldock, 2013
  • Maratus Michael Baehr & Whyte, 2016
  • Maratus Michaelseni (Simon, 1909)
  • Maratus Montanus Otto & Hill, 2014
  • Maraus sungich Waldock, 1995
  • Marathus Nemo Schubert, 2021
  • Maratus Neptune Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Maratus Nigriceps (Keyserling, 1882)
  • Maratus nigromaculatus (Keyserling, 1883)
  • Maratus Nimbishes Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Maratus noggeup Schubert, 2020
  • Maratus Otto & Hill, 2022
  • Maratus is darker (Simon, 1909)
  • Maratus Settings Schubert, 2019
  • Maratus Ottoi Baehr & Whyte, 2016
  • Maratus Pardus Otto & Hill, 2014
  • Maratus peacock (Dunn, 1947)
  • Maratus personatus Otto & Hill, 2015
  • Maratus piliger (Keyserling, 1882)
  • Maratus Pilosus (Keyserling, 1882)
  • Maratus Pinniger Otto & Hill, 2022
  • Plumosus Maratus Otto & Hill, 2013
  • Maratus proszynskii Waldock, 2015
  • Maratus purcellae Otto & Hill, 2013
  • Rainbowi Marathi (Roewer, 1951)
  • Maratus Robinson Otto & Hill, 2012
  • Maratus arrow Schubert & Whyte, 2019
  • Maraus Sapphirus Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Maratus sarahae Waldock, 2013
  • Maradus Scelelto Otto & Hill, 2015
  • Maratus snake (L. Koch, 1881)
  • MARATUS beautiful (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874)
  • Speculifer Marathus (Simon, 1909)
  • Maratus spitatus Otto & Hill, 2012
  • Marity Schubert, 2020
  • Maraus sylvestris Otto & Hill, 2019
  • Maratus Tasmanicus Otto & Hill, 2013
  • Maratus tessellatus Otto & Hill, 2016
  • Maratus tiddalik Otto & Hill, 2020
  • Maratus tortured Otto & Hill, 2018
  • Maratus Trigonus Otto & Hill, 2017
  • Maratus unicup Otto & Hill, 2018
  • Maratus velvety Otto & Hill, 2012
  • Maratus Vespa Otto & Hill, 2016
  • Maratus bat (Simon, 1901)
  • Maratus vittatns (Keyserling, 1881)
  • Maratus flying (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874)
  • Maratus Volpei Schubert, 2020
  • Maratus look Otto & Hill, 2016
  • Maraus Watagansi Otto & Hill, 2013

This genre was described by Karsch in 1878 in the ATTIDAE.

Lycidas [ 11 ] was placed in synonymy by Otto and Hill in 2012 [ 3 ] .

Drepanephora Keyserling, 1883 [ twelfth ] , preoccupied by Drepanephora A booth random, 1830, Deposit par Hypoblemum [ 13 ] And hundred [ 14 ] were placed in synonymy by Otto and Hill in 2021 [ 15 ] .

  • Karsch, 1878: “Diagnoses Attoid of several new Holland’s collection of the Museum Zoologic Berlin. » Messages from the Munich Entomological Association , vol. 2, p. 22-32 ( Full Text ).
  1. a et b WSC , consulted during an update of the external link
  2. Hill, 2009 : « Euophryine jumping spiders that extend their third legs during courtship. » Peckhamia , vol. 74.1, p. 1–27 ( Full Text ).
  3. A B and C Otto & Hill, 2012 : « Notes on Maratus Karsch 1878 and related jumping spiders from Australia, with five new species (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae). » Peckhamia , vol. 103.1, p. 2–4 ( Full Text ).
  4. Harland & Jackson, 2000 : « Eight-legged cats and how they see – a review of recent research on jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). » Cimbebasia , vol. 16, p. 231–240 .
  5. Zurek, Cronin, Taylor, Byrne, Sullivan & Morehouse, 2015 : « Spectral filtering enables trichromatic vision in colorful jumping spiders. » Current Biology , vol. 25, n O ten, p.  R403–R404 ( Full Text ).
  6. Pétillon, 2019, ” Supernoir: the seduction asset of spiders », For science , n O 501, , p. 13 .
  7. McCoy, McCoy, Mandsberg, Shneidman, Aizenberg, Prum & Haig, 2019 : « Structurally assisted super black in colourful peacock spiders. » Proceedings of the Royal Society, B: Biological Sciences , vol. 286, n O 1902, p. 1-9 ( Full Text ).
  8. Otto & Hill, 2012: “Contests between badly married bat. » Peckhamia , vol. 98, n O first, p. 1–17 ( Full Text ).
  9. Girard & Endler, 2014 : « Peacock spiders. » Current Biology , vol. 24, n O 13, p. R588-90 ( Full Text ).
  10. WSC , accessed version 23.5, 09/09/2022
  11. Karsch, 1878: “Diagnoses Attoid of several new Holland’s collection of the Museum Zoologic Berlin. » Messages from the Munich Entomological Association , vol. 2, p. 22-32 ( Full Text ).
  12. Keyserling, 1883 : The Arachnids of Australia. Nuremberg, vol. first, p. 1421-1489 ( Full Text ).
  13. Peckham & Peckham, 1886 : « Genera of the family Attidae: with a partial synonymy. » Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters , vol. 6, p. 255-342 ( Full Text ).
  14. OTTO & HILL, 2017 : « Five New Peacock Sbi Spiders from eastern Australia (Aranae: Salticidae: Euophryni: Maratus Karsch 1878 and Sartus, New Genus). » Peckhamia , vol. 147.1, p. 1-86 ( Full Text ).
  15. Otto & Hill, 2021 : « Catalogue of the Australian peacock spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus), version 4. » Peckhamia , n O 148.4, p. 1-35 ( Full Text ).
