Timecrims (Film, 2007)—Wikipedia


Timecrimes , or The chrocripes in Quebec [ first ] , ( The chrocripes ) is a Spanish science fiction film written and directed by Nacho Vigalondo, released the in Spain.


This first feature film of the director was screened in many festivals, of the Fantastic Fest in au soft movie fest en , winning seven awards.

In France, it only released the video : The director wins the prize for best new video at the Fantastic Film Festival of Gérardmer 2009.

Héctor and Clara, an average couple, have just moved into a house in the countryside. The ringing phone, Héctor wins but nobody speaks. He immediately recalls the calling number but came across an answering machine.

A little later, in his garden, Héctor observes the wooded surroundings with binoculars. He then sees a woman who removes her T-shirt, discovering her chest. Intrigued, he decides to go and see more closely. He finds the naked, elongated, unconscious woman. Suddenly, a man with a face covered with bandages soaked with blood, arises and plants a pair of scissors in the arm. Héctor fled, chased by the man with a bandaged face, and broke into a large neighboring building. He has a bandage to his arm injury. He finds a talkie-talkie and comes into contact with a scientist who is in a silo outside near the building. At night having fallen, he guides him to the silo to escape the man with the bandaged face which is at him. There, the scientist, a young and bearded man, brings him into a large tank to hide it.

The next moment, Héctor comes out of the tank and sees that it is being day. He then understands that he has traveled over time. The scientist explains to him that the tank is an experimental time travel machine, that he is Héctor 2, the Héctor 1 income an hour and a half in the past, and that he must not move away from the silo but wait That future events have taken place, otherwise irreversible problems would arise. Héctor directs his twins on his house and sees himself inside. The bearded man tells him that everything should go well if Héctor 1 enters the tank as he has just done. Héctor calls to him; Héctor 1 picks up. It remains silent, then hangs up. Héctor 1 recalls, and Héctor 2 does not pick up but realizes that he was himself at the origin of this mysterious call that he received in his house. He decides to leave the property by car. Shortly after leaving, he meets a young woman by bike – the same he had seen – then was struck by a car: he is projected into a small ditch. Bleeding from the head, he removes his bandage from the arm and wraps his head. Because of the blood, the bandage turns to pink. He realizes that he is himself the man with a bandaged face he had seen.

Witness of the accident, the cyclist joins him to see if he is fine. So, in order not to disturb the future, he makes sure to replay the scene he experienced earlier, but this time in the role of the man with a bandaged face: he therefore forces the woman to remove her top To attract Héctor 1. it falls to the unconscious ground by accident; He strips it, attacks Héctor 1 with scissors and makes him flee towards the building. His task finished, he sits in the grass, Fourbu, when suddenly he hears a cry. He returns to the places where the woman was unconscious and discovers that she disappeared.


He returns home, his head always bandaged. He continues the woman in his house by wanting to explain it. The pursuit ends on the roof. As he tries to hold it by the foot, he makes her fall from the roof. He looks at the person who fell on the ground: to his great dread he thinks he recognizes his wife Clara, the broken neck. He then contacted the scientist with the Talkie-Walkie and asks him to attract Héctor 1 to the silo by making him believe that he is prosecuted and leaves himself for the silo, then playing the role of the pursuer of Héctor 1 completely panicked.

Back at the silo, once Héctor 1 left in the past, Héctor 2 takes off his bandage and explains to the scientist that he must again return to the past to try to avoid the death of Clara. The scientist tells him that there is indeed a Héctor 3 who had arrived since the future for a few moments before him and that he asked him to prevent Héctor 2 from returning to the past because it will be a failure. Héctor 2 convinces him anyway to send him back in the past a few seconds before he appeared the first time.

Thus, Héctor 3 appears thirty seconds before Héctor 2. He just has time to warn the scientist (for whom this arrival is a surprise) that he is Héctor 3 and that Héctor 2 is about to arrive. It was he who later overthrows Héctor 2’s car, but himself has an accident a little further. Demoralized he calls the scientist to ask him to convince Héctor 2 not to return to the past because it will be a failure; Then is discovered by the cyclist who shouts when he saw him (hence the cry heard by Héctor 2). They walk to his house. While the woman has moved away, Clara meets Héctor 3 and informs her that she saw someone with a bandaged face arriving on their property. Wanting to avoid his death, Héctor 3 encloses him in an adjoining room at home. Then, to replay the scene as Héctor 2 must live it, he finds the woman in the house, cuts her hair so that her hairstyle looks like that of Clara, and makes her put on the coat of Clara. Finally, he advises her to take refuge in the attic. Héctor 2 continues it. Héctor 3 takes the opportunity to go out to find Clara. They both sit in the garden, and then hear the woman falling on the other side of the house and Héctor 2 from their property to return to the silo.

  • Title : Timecrimes
  • Quebec title: The chrocripes [ first ]
  • Original title : The chrocripes
  • Realization: Nacho Vigalondo
    • First assistant realization: José Manuel Benayas
    • Second assistant realization: Manuel Fernández Pinedo (credited under the name of Manuel Pinedo)
    • Third Assistant Realization: Isaura López-Dóriga (credited under the name of Isaura López Bóriga)
  • PRODUCTION: Eduardo Carneros, Esteban Ibarretxe et Javier Ibarretxe
    • EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION: Eduardo Carneros, Esteban Ibarretxe et Javier Ibarretxe
    • Coproduction: Santi Camuñas, Jorge Gómez, Norbert Llasses et Jordi Rediu
    • PRODUCTION ASSOCIEE: Sergio Barrejón, Todd Brown, Dave Chariton, Nahikari Ipiña, Soraya Lacab
  • Production company: Karbo Vantas Entertainment
    • Associated production companies: Fine Productions, Zip Films and Arsenico Products
  • Artistic direction: José Luis Arrizabalaga
  • Chef de la Photographie: Flavio Martínez Labiano
  • Décors: Urko Aguirre et Jaime García
  • Costumes: Estíbaliz markergi too
  • Montage: Jose Luis Romeu
  • Music: Chucky Namanera
  • Distribution : Magnolia Pictures
  • Native country : Drapeau de l'Espagne Spain
  • Spanish language
  • Format: Color – 1.85: 1 – 35 mm — Dolby Digital
  • Genre: thriller, science fiction, fantastic
  • Duration :
    • 65 minutes (Spain)
    • 92 minutes (international)
  • Exit dates:

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