Saint-Éloi church of Tracy-le-Val-Wikipedia


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L’ Saint-Éloi church is a parish Catholic church located in Tracy-le-Val, in France. The church was classified very early as a historic monuments by list of 1840 [ first ] , and is thus among the thirteen all historic monuments of the department of Oise. It is affiliated with the Notre-Dame-de-la-Récurrection parish of Carlepont.

The church after the war.

We assume the construction of the church to XII It is century under the authority of the Knights of the Temple [ 2 ] . The church was almost completely destroyed during the First World War and was reconstructed identically in its primitive Romanesque style. She receives her new blessing on . It is characteristic by its two -level bell tower, one square and the other octagonal, the capitals in the shape of heads plunging on columns, many sculptures run along the cheneaux and the models carved with fantastic figures.

The church is located in the French department of Oise, in the town of Tracy-le-Val, at the crossroads of rue du Temple and rue du Général de Gaulle.

By strolling through France. Around Paris, by André Hallays (1910) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The tracy-le-val bell tower is one of the pearls of French art. The tower is based on a square base; As soon as it has exceeded the height of the apse, two long narrow windows open on each side, framed by adorable finesse, and grotesque monsters and grimacing grotesques under the arcades and on capitals. Above this strange decor, the tower suddenly becomes octagon, but, to hide the projection of architecture, we placed at the four angles of the statues with deployed wings. A stone cone crown this strange bell tower, twice admirable, by the richness of its decoration and by the grace of its proportions.

The stages of a tourist in France: walks and excursions in the vicinity of Paris. North region, by Alexis Martin (1893-1894) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

We reach the center of the village and we are in front of the Saint-Éloi church.

Here, we are in the presence of a real architectural wonder; It seduces us first with the grace of its lines and the impeccable harmony of its proportions; It captivates us with the sweetness of its details. Very boldly designed, the building seems large despite its real exiguity. You will admire the portal on the triangular pediment, with its columns with delicate capitals in the chips and its slightly ogival archivolt, adorned with these zigzags which usually accompany only the full flowery. If your eyes go to the left of the monument, they will stop, amazed, on the bell tower, a masterpiece of its kind. Square on the first floor, octagonal in the second, ended with a stone pyramid, pierced by many openings, imposing and light at the same time, it is richly ornate, but with a taste so exquisite and so pure that nothing seems could be added to him or removed.

You will certainly still notice, on the sides of the building, the curious suite of heads of men and animals so variously expressive which runs at the base of the roof.

The interior is clear, although the day only comes on the aisles by oculi, and in the central nave only by narrow high-placed windows. In the right side, we see the funeral inscriptions of several members of the eagle family; They are generally engraved in gold letter on black marble plates; One of them is decorated with a delightful child’s medallion: it is the portrait of Richard-Augustin of the Acres of the Eagle, died at the age of ten in 1846.

By leaving this church, classified among the historic monuments, we see in the chapel of the font a baptismal tank, which, probably, has been there for a long time, because, as well as the main parts of the building, it carries the cachet of XII It is century.

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Anatole de Baudot , Churches of villages and villages: first volume , Paris, A. Morel, , n. ( read online )
  • Antonin Raguenet , Small historical buildings: with descriptive notices facilitating the study of styles: first re year, first re delivery , Paris, bookstores-prinanticies combined, (ISSN  2021-4103 , read online ) , p. 1-12
  • Dominique Migrate , Oise churches. Country of sources and valleys. Cantons of Guiscard, Lassigny, Noyon, Ressons-sur-Matz and Ribécourt , Departmental Committee for Tourism of Oise and Sources and Valleys and Europe, , 110 p. ( read online ) , p. 100-101

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