Claude de Rebé — Wikipedia


Claude of Receive , born in ampleuis in 1587 [ first ] , died in Narbonne the [ 2 ] , is a French prelate who was Archbishop of Narbonne. According to Jacques Michaud, he “Is considered one of the great figures of the episcopate of XVII It is century, both by its political activity and by its religious zeal ” [ 3 ] .


Origins [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Claude de Rebé is the eighth son of Claude, lord of Rebé, baron of amplepuis, and Jeanne de Meysé [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

Ecclesiastical career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He was canon-comte, cantor of Saint-Jean de Lyon [ 6 ] , provost of Saint-Pierre de Mâcon [ 5 ] . He became coadjutor of Louis de Vervins in 1622 and was appointed at the same time Archbishop of Heraclea in Europe [ first ] , [ 2 ] . He succeeded Louis de Vervins on the siege of Narbonne at his death on the 8th or . Urban VIII sent him the pallium on September 28 of the same year [ 5 ] . At the same time, he became president-born of the States of Languedoc, but 30 000 books were taken from the revenues of the archdiocese and attributed to the young archbishop of Reims Henri II of Guise [ 7 ] , which was the subject of a trial between the two protagonists in the Grand Council [ Note 1 ] . He also had the Fontfroide abbey from 1646 to 1650 [ 8 ] .

A prelate of the counter-reform [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Claude de Rebé is particularly involved in his pastoral role, marrying the cause of the counter-reform [ 3 ] : he stayed in Narbonne in 1629-1632, organizing the aid, while the region was ravaged by the plague [ 2 ] . Very active, he created a chair of theology in the college led by the priests of Christian doctrine, to whom he also asked to open an establishment in Limoux [ 5 ] ; In 1646 he established in this same city a brotherhood of fifty ladies of charity, to whom he gave statutes [ 9 ] . He increased the income from the Charity Hospital in Narbonne [ 5 ] ; In 1641 he introduced the Visitandines into his city and charged them with the education of young girls [ 5 ] , [ ten ] , then the Ursulines in 1654 [ 2 ] . He reformed the Narbonne liturgy and had a new missalm in 1658 for his diocese, very close to the Roman rite [ 2 ] . Like his successor, François Fouquet, he was close to Saint Vincent de Paul [ 2 ] . Anxious to disseminate Christian morality among his flocks, in 1641 he prohibited pilgrims from Notre-Dame de Marceille from spending the night in the church [ 9 ] .

Administrator and builder [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Claude de Rebé enriches and decorated the Saint-Sébastien collegiate church in Narbonne. He had the episcopal palace repaired: an upper hand in the guards room is decorated with a large gypasery cartridge on his arms, and he had a magnificent boxed ceiling on the theme of the nine muses by the Antoine brothers, Jean Jean -Paul and Jean Rodière (1632) [ 11 ] , [ 5 ] . In 1652 he demolished the Moorish tower [ Note 2 ] whose stones were used to build the convent of carmelites [ 2 ] .

He had the archives of the Archbishopric put in order: we owe him the copy of the Green Paper of the Juggie [ ten ] , one of the only and precious documents to have escaped the revolutionary destruction of December 1793.


Nicolas Jarry Calligraphia in 1648 for this archbishop The Blessed Virgin Mary Today at the Besançon Library [ twelfth ] .

Political role [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He firmly opposed the Duke of Montmorency, governor of Languedoc, who led the states of the province in his revolt (1632); He was even locked up time to vote for the deliberation that Montmorency asked for. He nevertheless avoided that Narbonne would fall into the hands of the Duke [ 13 ] . He was rewarded by the collar of Commander of the Order of the Holy Spirit during the promotion of May 14, 1633. He received Louis XIII in Narbonne during the siege of Perpignan (spring 1642) [ Note 3 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 14 ] . It was to him that it was entrusted in 1652 to bring down the castle of terms, which became a threat to royal power, which he did the following year at the expense of the diocese [ 15 ] .

Sick, tired, Claude de Rebé abandoned the presidency of the States of Languedoc from the 1656 session, which was then provided by the second ecclesiastics of the province, the Archbishop of Toulouse Pierre de Marca [ 16 ] . It was at this point that François Fouquet was assistant to him as a coadjutor, with promise of succession. This was the occasion of a larger transaction which touched the Rebé and Fouquet families: François Fouquet resigned his bishopric of Agde and his abbey of Saint-Sever, the first in favor of his brother Louis [ 17 ] , La Seconde Pour François de Rebé [ 18 ] . The latter also received the Abbey of Sorèze, which will later return to Louis Fouquet [ 19 ] .

He died on March 17, 1659 and was buried in the chapel of Bethlehem of the Cathedral Saint-Just-Et-Saint-Pasteur [ 5 ] , [ 20 ] , [ 2 ] . His funeral oration was pronounced by Fléchier spirit [ 21 ] , [ Note 4 ] .

Note that the Rebé was assimilated to the Languedoc nobility: grand-nephew of the Archbishop, Claude de Rebé bought in 1646 the barony of Couiza at the last heiress of the Joyeuse, Henriette Catherine, Duchess of Guise. The lordship of Arques, which he acquired at the same time, gave him the right to take place in the States of Languedoc.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. On this subject two anonymous memories have been published: Factum of the trial during the Grand Council of Roy between Messire Henry of Lorraine. Archevesque Duke of Rheims …, defendant in request in order to oppose, and in letters in the form of a civil request, against Messire Claude de Rebé, archevesque de Narbonne, applicant , around 1622, and Faict du Procz during the Grand Council, for … Claude de Rebé, Archevesque … de Narbonne, Deffeur & Applicant, against … Henry de Lorraine, Archevesque … de Reims Applicant & Deffender, for the reason for the pension thirty millet pounds, which the said … Archevesque de Reims claims by each year, on the fruicts & income of the archbishopric of Narbonne …; [Backrome of Monsieur & Madame de Guise; & act of recognize of it, mentioned cy of …] , around 1631.
  2. According to’ General History of Languedoc (Volume I, p. 259) It would be Louis XIII during his stay which would have asked that the tower is killed and several neighboring houses to enjoy a more pleasant view.
  3. It was then that the arrest of five-markets took place, that the king saw for the last time in his room of the palace.
  4. Note that Esprit Fléchier was a professor of rhetoric at Narbonne.
  5. He bought the lordship of Arques and Couiza. A letter from Sublet des Noyers to Plessis-Besançon dated January 12, 1641 reports among the regiments that Louis XIII had a rebé regiment passed to Catalonia; Bernard du Plessis-Besançon , Memoirs of du Plessis-Besançon: published for the Société de l’Histoire de France and accompanied by correspondences and documents unpublished by the tale Horric de Beaucaire , Paris, Renouard, , XXXVI-402  p. , in-8° (BNF  34159059 , read online ) , p. 139 .
  6. Claude-Hyacinthe de Rebé was Marquis d’Arques and Couiza, lord of Mourenard, Chavigny, Lombard, colonel of the Piedmont regiment, lieutenant-general of the king in Roussillon. He died on August 4, 1693 of the injuries he had received at the battle of Neerwinden. Paul Run « Excursion of April 18, 1927 in FA, Espéraza and Couiza (Aude), II. History and archeology », Bulletin of the Aude Scientific Studies Society , n O  XXXII,‎ ( read online ) , pp.52-53, 57; J. François d’Hozier, Blood tax, or the nobility of France on the battlefields , published by Louis Paris, Tome 3, Part 2, in the Historical Cabinet, Paris, 1874-1881, p. 20.
  7. He was the godfather in 1659 of Catherine, daughter of the actors of the park and M lle Of the park, from the Molière troop. Henry Lyonnet, Dictionary of French actors, those of yesterday , Volume I, Library of the International Illustrated International Review, Geneva, 1902-1908.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b (in) Claude de Rebé Sur Le Site Catholic-Hierarchy .
  2. a b c d e f g and h R. Cazals, D. Fabre …, The Audois … , 1990, p. 277.
  3. a et b J. Michaud, Narbonne story , 1981, p. 209.
  4. Louis Moréri, Great historical dictionary , new edition by Étienne François Drouet, volume 9, Les Libraires Associés, 1759, p. 90.
  5. a b c d e f g h and 1 C. Devic, J. Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , IV, 1876, p. 259.
  6. Adolphe Vachet, Pierre Hector Coullié, The ancient canons-comts of Lyon , Lyon, impr. de E. Vitte, , 388 p. ( read online ) , p. 214 .
  7. (in) Jonathan Sprangler, The Society of Princes. The Lorraine-Guise and the Conservation of Power and Wealth in Seventeenth-Century France , Franham, Ashgate Publishing, , 343 p. (ISBN  978-0-7546-5860-3 , read online ) , p. 200 [ Online text under Google Books (page consulted on October 4, 2009)]]
  8. C. Devic, J. Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , I, 1876, p. 620.
  9. a et b Jean-Louis Abbé, History of Limoux , 2009, p. 120-123.
  10. a et b Paul Laurent, Green book … , 1886, p. 12.
  11. André Mècle, Narbonne, Archbishop Palace … , 1999, p. 55.
  12. BertHelot, Hartwig Dennbourg, F.-Camelan Dryfus, A. Giry, [It Al.] The great encyclopedia: reasoned inventory of sciences, letters and arts. , tome 21, H. Lamirault, 1885-1902. p. 53.
  13. C. Devic, J. Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , XI, p. 1055-1060.
  14. André Mècle, Narbonne, Archbishop Palace … , 1999, p. 56.
  15. C. Devic, J. Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , XIII, 1877, p. 345-347.
  16. C. Devic, J. Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , XIII, 1877, p. 363.
  17. C. Devic, J. Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , IV, 1876, p. 311.
  18. Louis Duval, A brother of Nicolas Foucquet, François, archbishop of Narbonne, exiled to Alençon , Henri Delesque, Caen, 1894 (extract from the Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Belles-Lettres de Caen), p. 6.
  19. C. Devic, J. Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , IV, 1876, p. 514.
  20. Paul Laurent, Green book … , 1886, p. 13.
  21. Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve, introduction to Memoirs of Fléchier on the great days of Auvergne in 1665 , L. Hachette, Paris, 1856, p.  IV.
  22. Adrien Martinet, Armorial of the noble chapter … from Saint-Pierre de Mâcon from 1559 to 1689 , second part, in Memoirs of the educational society, volume 23, Autun, 1895; p. 93-98 and 129-131.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Anonymous, A catalog of the library selectissimae … Claudius Rebé, … which is found , C. Audium Bourgeat, Lyon, 1668 Digitized work on French .
  • Jean-Loup Abbé (s.d.), History of Limoux , Toulouse, Privat, coll. “History of cities”, , 269 p. (ISBN  978-2-7089-8343-4 )
  • Rémy Cazals, Daniel Fabre (s.d.), Audois, biographical dictionary , Carcassonne, Association of Friends of the Archives of Aude, Audoise Federation of Laïc works, Society for Scientific Studies of Aude, , 347 p. (ISBN  2-906442-07-0 )
  • Dom Claude Devic, Dom Joseph Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , vol. IV, Toulouse, Private, 1876 (Rompple. In 2003) (ISBN  978-2-84575-165-1 And 2-84575-165-6 )
  • Dom Claude Devic, Dom Joseph Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , vol. XI (1443-1642), Toulouse, Private, 1889 (RuMim. 2004) (ISBN  978-2-84575-172-9 And 2-84575-172-9 )
  • Dom Claude Devic, Dom Joseph Vaissète, General History of Languedoc , vol. XIII (1643-1789), Toulouse, Private, In 1877 (Romp. In 2005) (ISBN  978-2-84575-174-3 And 2-84575-174-5 )
  • Paul Laurent, Green book of the Archbishopric of Narbonne , A. Picard, Paris, 1886 Digitized work on French .
  • André Mècle, Narbonne, Archbishop Palace and Cathedral , Moisenay, Gaud, coll. “Monuments and stories”, , 63 p. (ISBN  2-84080-067-5 ) .
  • Jacques Michaud and André Cabanis, Narbonne story , Toulouse, Privat, coll. “Country and cities of France”, (ISBN  2-7089-8339-3 )

Iconography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Anonymous, Portrait of Claude de Rebé, archbishop of Narbonne , paint (oil on canvas), XVII It is century. Preserved in the old Cathedral Saint-Just-Et-Saint-Pasteur de Narbonne. Classified as a historic monument.
  • Anonymous, Portrait of Claude de Rebé, archbishop of Narbonne , paint (oil on canvas reported on wood), XVII It is century s. Preserved at the Museum of Art and History of the City of Narbonne.
  • He would be the bishop represented on the painting of the altarpiece of the master altar of the Saint-Saturnin church in Palairac

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