Kiss Cam — Wikipédia


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The kiss cam is a kiss in front of a camera, particularly popular in the United States and Canada during sporting events.

The Kiss Cam tradition was born in California in the early 1980s, to fill calm playing times in professional basketball matches, notably taking advantage of the possibilities offered by the new giant video screens installed in stadiums [ first ] .

For a dead time (basketball, American football, ice hockey …), images sweeping the audience are broadcast on the giant stadium screens, then the executor marks a stop on a couple, inviting them to kiss . Encouraged by the crowd, a kiss is traditionally rewarded with applause, and hoots in the event of refusal.

However, a refusal can also generate a touch of humor in the public if the selected people are simple friends, brother and sister, or not knowing each other.

The Kiss Cam screen often appears simultaneously on television. The couple on which the stadium frames have concentrated may not want their participation together in the event to be largely publicized.


Some couples, although they do not wish to kiss, feel intimidated by the reaction of the crowd and feel obliged to do so. In other cases, the couple may not notice on the screen, and the resulting inaction can be humorous or embarrassing.

The camera can also film a couple that kiss and stop on the image, sometimes showing a couple of lovers whose connection is thus revealed [ 2 ] .

Gay and lesbian couples may feel excluded from Kiss Cam routine or, if included, may feel subject to homophobic expressions of disapproval from the public assistant to the scene [ 3 ] . Such a public examination can be very embarrassing for a couple or both, who may not be comfortable with public demonstrations of this level.

The first positive reaction of a homosexual couple filmed by the camera occurred in AT & T Park in San Francisco in . The , a homosexual couple was applauded after kissing the Dodger Stadium camera [ 4 ] .

In The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien , he parodied the Kiss Cam in sketches, focusing on improbable couples, such as a hunter and a bear.

The Canadian group The Arkells released a song entitled “Kiss Cam” in .

The great khali, an Indian wrestler, proposed in his appearances to regularly embrace a woman supposedly member of the public. He was preceded in this by the American wrestler Rick Rude, who systematically kissed a woman chosen in the crowd after her victories.

In Family Portrait , the final episode of the first season of the American television comedy Modern Family , Phil is taken on a camera and pretended to kiss Gloria, his mother-in-law by alliance.

  1. Sophie Frightened « At the school of dissent? », The social movement , vol. 235, n O 2, , p. 137 (ISSN  0027-2671And 1961-8646, DOI  10.3917/lms.235.0137, read online , consulted the )
  2. A Kiss Cam surprises him with his mistress in front of thousands of spectators: “I will defend my honor and my pride as a man” » , on RTL.BE , 22 Janvuer 2020 (consulted the ) .
  3. Correction », Physics World , vol. 25, n O 04, , p. 20–20 (ISSN  0953-8585 And 2058-7058 , DOI  10.1088/2058-7058/25/4/30 , read online , consulted the )
  4. Todd May « 142 », Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise , vol. 47, , p. 20 (ISSN  0195-9131, DOI  10.1249/01.mss.0000476448.71387.4c, read online , consulted the )
