Intototoes — Wikipedia


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L’ International organization of higher public finance control institutions (in English : International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (Intosai)) is a global entity for the affiliation of government audit courses. Its members are the directors of the control institutions of all nations.

Intosai was founded in 1953 [ first ] In Havana, Cuba [ 2 ] . 34 audit courses formed the original group, and in 2005 the institution has more than 170 members [ first ] .

The members of the intosai are the main external auditors of the United Nations [ 2 ] .
List of institutions responsible for controlling public accounts: control of public accounts.

The intosai holds a triennial conference entitled International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (Inclosai) [ 3 ] . He publishes the quarterly International Journal of Government Auditing . Examples of his main articles are:

  • AFROSAI. – African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
  • ARABOSAI. – Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
  • ASOSAI. – Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
  • CAROSAI. – Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
  • EUROSAI. – European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions [ 4 ] .
  • OLACES. – Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions
  • PASAI. – Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions
Inclosai Would Date Host Information
I Ministry of Audit and Control of the Republic of Cuba
II Court of Audit
III court Union accounts
IV Court of Auditors of the Republic of Austria
IN State Comptroller’s Office of Israel
WE Board of Audit of Japan
VII Office of the Auditor General of Canada
VIII Tribunal
IX Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru
X Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Kenya
XI Philippine Commission on Audit
XII Australian National Audit Office  (in)
XIII Federal Court of Accounts

XIII commemorative stamp It is Inclosai
XIV Government Accountability Office
XV September – Central Auditing Organization of Egypt
XVI The Comptroller General of the Republic of Uruguay
XVII Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea
XVIII Hungary Court of Auditors
XIX Comptroller General of the Republic of Mexico
XX Auditor-General of South Africa
  1. a et b Source International Financial Reporting Standards Desk Reference , published by John Wiley & Sons in 2006, (ISBN  9780471727156 ) , page 289 Roger Hussey ET AUDRA WEI Ming Bee , International Financial Reporting Standards Desk Reference : overview, guide, and dictionary , Hoboken (New Jersey), John Wiley & Sons, , 382 p. (ISBN  978-0-471-72715-6 , OCLC  57573800, read online ) , p. 289
  2. a et b (in) Marcus F. Franda, The United Nations in the Twenty-first Century , , 257 p. (ISBN  978-0-7425-5334-7 , read online ) .
  3. Anwar Shah , Performance Accountability and Combating Corruption , Washington, World Bank, , 418 p. (ISBN  978-0-8213-6941-8 , OCLC  77116846, read online ) , p. 309
  4. Cf. .
