Roman holidays – Wikipedia


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Roman holidays ( Roman Holiday ) is a film made in 1953 by William Wyler, with Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck and Eddie Albert. Romantic comedy on impossible love between a princess and a journalist, the film obtains three cinema Oscars on ten nominations.

Ann, a young princess, takes the tour of European capitals, subject to an unchanging protocol. Arriving in Rome, she decides to run away and leaves the palace. Her doctor who administered a sedative, she falls asleep on a bench and attracts the attention of a young and attractive reporter, Joe Bradley. He welcomes him to his home and discovers in the morning that the girl is none other than the princess Ann that he had to interview the same day.

The panicked palace claims that Ann is just suffering and actively organizes research. Bradley decides to take advantage of the situation, tries to interview Ann and photograph her by hiding his job as a journalist. Ann, delighted to have a day of freedom, has fun and visit the capital in Vespa. In the evening, she made the decision to return to the palace, because of the duties due to her status, despite her love for Bradley, shared love. Back at the palace, the experience of this day of freedom and adventures gives him a more assertive attitude towards those around him, who tended to decide everything, showing that she is ready to reign one day .

The next day, Bradley renounces writing and publishing an article on the princess’s getaway, despite the important sum he had to touch for that. A few moments later, interviewed by a crowd of journalists, Ann recognizes Bradley among them. The reporter makes him understand that he will keep the silence, and his colleague photographer gives the young woman the photos he had taken from her without her knowledge. To journalists who ask her what city she prefers among all those she visited during her tour, Ann replied that Rome is her favorite city and that she will remember her throughout her life, thus breaking with The protocol that wanted it to express any preference.

During this press conference and after she withdrew, Bradley, both admiring, emotional and pensive, understands that she is part of another world than hers, and that, despite the affection that They have one for the other, everyone must follow their destiny.

Audrey Hepburn screentest in Roman Holiday trailer.jpg

Awards [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Oscars 1954 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Others [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Nominations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Oscars 1954 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Others [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The start -up credits specifies that the film was entirely made in Rome (in town and at Cinecittà studios).
  • The film also owes its success to its black and white shooting, a choice that surprised at the time when Technicolor was booming. Two explanations compete: this choice would return either to the studios to save, or to William Wyler who wanted to leave their place to the actors without them being ousted by the beauty of the monuments of Rome [ first ] .
  • In the first sequences of the film, we can see the bersagliers, an elite body of the Italian army whose particularity is to parade at the run.
  • Screenwriter Dalton Trumbo obtained the Oscar under the pseudonym (nominee) of Ian McLellan Hunter: victim of the MacCarthyism, he appeared on the black list of Hollywood which prohibited him from working in Hollywood. However, it is credited with the opening credits.
  • Frank Capra is first contacted to make the film. However, when he learns that the scenario comes from Dalton Trumbo, he prefers to withdraw. William Wyler will accept this comedy project with pleasure [ 2 ] .
  • Gregory Peck, captivated by the performance of the very young Audrey Hepburn, requires that her name appear next to his on the film poster [ first ] .
  • The agreement and complicity between the two actors were excellent. As proof of this good spirit, the scene of the Bocca della Verità: Gregory Peck puts as the tradition his hand in the mouth of truth, and makes Audrey Hepburn believe that it was cut. The spontaneous reaction of the actress was seized in one taken by the director who decided to include it in assembly.
  • In the fantastic book The brand of Athena , fourth volume of Olympus hero , Annabeth Chase meets Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck whom she knows for having shot in the film, before starting her quest.
  • In 2018, the film is adapted by Mauricio de Sousa in manga crossover with Sapphire princess D’Samu Tezuka [ 3 ] .

Among the places visited, we can recognize:
