Paul von hatzfeldt — Wikipedia


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Melchior-Hubert-Paul-Gustav, Comte von Hatzfeld zu Wildenburg ( , Düsseldorf – , London) is a German diplomat and politician.

Son of Count Edmund von Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg and Sophie von Hatzfeldt (daughter of Prince Franz Ludwig von Hatzfeldt), he followed studies of law and political science, which he completed in the summer of 1857.

A trainee at the court of the city of Berlin, he met and befriends Friedrich von Holstein. He also argued with Princess Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, the wife of the future Emperor Guillaume I of Germany.

He was appointed attached to the Royal Legation of Prussia in Paris, then secretary of embassy in Denmark in 1865.

Three years later, he was appointed by Otto von Bismarck at Foreign Office. Because of his many years in Paris and the perfect mastery of the French language, he was, during the Franco-German war of 1870, the Employee Indispensable of the Chancellor, as well as his diplomatic aid, and participated in the drafting of negotiations of the capitulation of Sedan before the peace treaty of May 10, 1871 signed with Hatzfeldt.


Subsequently, he became head of the political department as a private advisor. Count Paul de Hatzfeld is a German ambassador to Madrid in 1874. Due to his friendly relationship with the King of Spain Alphonse XII. He was a pioneer of stable relations between the Spanish crown and the German Empire.

In 1878, the Emperor Guillaume appointed him first ambassador to the German Embassy in Constantinople. As dean of the diplomatic corps, he led negotiations for the Greco-Turkish border conflict arising from the Berlin Treaty. Through its intercession, the excavations of pergamate possible.

In 1882, he was appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, as well as the Prussian representative to the Federal Council.

From 1885, he served as a representative of Germany during the negotiations of the Berlin conference.

In , he was appointed German ambassador to London, while retaining the rank of Minister of State. He quickly found recognition at the British Court and established human and official relations with British Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3 It is Marquis de Salisbury. He tried to comply with Bismarck, England, binding to the Austrian monarchy near the German Empire. The financial statements and the design of the Euro-Mediterranean agreement between the United Kingdom, Italy and Austria was largely due to its influence.

In 1890, he negotiated the Heligoland-Zanzibar treaty with England, to which the German Reich won Heligoland. He also acquired in 1899, the result of the achievement of the Samoa crisis.

  • Vera Niehus: An ‘ambassador Idéal’, but “not up to the efforts of the ministerial service”: Paul von Hatzfeldt as Bismarck’s foreign policy employee . In: Lothar Gall, Ulrich Lappenküper (ed.): Bismarck’s employee . Schöningh, Paderborn 2009, ISBN 978-3-506-76591-8.
  • Franz-Eugen Volz: Paul Graf von Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg . In: Life pictures from the Altenkirchen district . Altenkirchen, 1975.
  • (of) Haans philippi (of) , Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg, Paul Graf von » , In New German Biography (NDB) , vol. 8, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, , p. 65–67 ( Original digitized ).

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