Pot — wikipedia



Régnier Pot (° Probably in 1362 † 1432), lord of La Prugne, La Roche-Nolay (currently La Rochepot), Thorey, Chamelard, Melissey, Courcelles-le-Roi, Chambellan du Duc d’Orléans (1394), Advisor and Chambellan Dukes of Burgundy, governor of the Dauphiné (1409-1414), adviser to Charles VI (1407), was a knight of the Pot family and one of the most important advisers at the Dukes of Burgundy [ 2 ] .

The knight Régnier Pot [ 2 ] had inherited, from his father, from the seigneury of La Prugne. Régnier Pot was sent to Prussia to the service of the great masters from 1389 to 1391. Upon his return, Philippe le Hardi nicknamed him, knight of the round table, for a weapon fact that has not reached us [ 3 ] . He participated in the crusade (and in the disaster) of Nicopolis in 1396, where his two half-brothers perished, Guy and Guillaume de la Trémoille. He was taken prisoner at the same time as Jean Sans Feat, of which he negotiated the ransom and the Liberation.

His trip to Bulgaria gave rise to a legend attributed to him, his release would have been linked to a fight against two lions. A stained glass window of Notre-Dame de Dijon recalls this legend ( Central stained glass in the southern transept, lower panonceau ).

It is undoubtedly shortly after his return from a crusade that Régnier Pot adopted the final version of his weapons, which are “Stretched 1 and 4 gold at the fascia of azure (pot), with 2 and 3 silver and sand echiques with 2 Badelary Gules placed in bands, potatoes, crossed, virolated and gold nailed, gold, gold, gold The ties of mouth in a long necklace broaching on the echical » . The first seal known for him after his return (around 1406 [ 4 ] ) indeed bears these weapons. This new shield has excited the curiosity of heraldists. The research of several of them (Max Prinet in 1930 and 1932 [ 5 ] , Jean-Bernard de Vaivre in 1975 [ 3 ] , and Michel Pastoureau in 2006 [ 6 ] ) have made it possible to determine that the torn apart in 2 and 3 is the shield of Palamède, knight of the round table, which is Sand and silver , in reference to another palamède of Greek mythology which would be the inventor of the game of chess [ 6 ] . Régnier Pot would have added this torn apart in reference to its comparison to Palamède by Philippe le Hardi [ 3 ] , by adding BADELIERS, SANCONS swords, to increase the dramatic effect [ 6 ] , and recall Nicopolis’ crusade.

On his return, he entered the Grand Council of the Duke (1402), in which he will successively serve Philippe Le Hardi, Jean Sans Feat, then Philippe Le Bon. He followed Jean Sans Feat after he admitted having had the Duke of Orleans murdered (1407). He will also enter the Council of King Charles VI (1407).


He bought, the , at price 4,000 crowded Golden, the lordship of La Roche-Nolay, which will become La Rochepot.

Master of the Duke Philippe III Duke good , he was ducal advisor (1427).

He was also governor of the Dauphiné ( at June or ) and accomplishes a mission of pacification in Languedoc (1411-1412), captain of Parthenay (1417), as well as ambassador to Hungary, where he accomplishes 9 trips, one in 1408 to negotiate the marriage of the Duke of Brabant ( Antoine de Burgundy, son of Philippe Le Hardi) with Elisabeth de Goerlitz.

As one of the relatives of Philippe III good In 1430, and as a reward for the services rendered to the Maison de Bourgogne, he was the second knight appointed in the first promotion of the Order of the Golden Fleece.

He was buried with his son Jacques in the St-Pierre chapel of Nolay. The funeral monument was destroyed during the Revolution, there remains a drawing made by Palliot, and a vestige of the funeral plate in this church [ 7 ] .

  • Lord of La Prugne-au-Pot (inheritance), La Roche de Nolay (purchase 1403), Thorey en Tonnerrois, Chamelard and Mélisey (purchase 1398 and 1399), Courcelles-le-Roi (Don de Marie de Sully, sister-in-law De Régnier Pot, in 1400), old-capstel, Cruzy-le-Châtel, S-Romain and Maulnes (donation of the Duke of Jean-Sans-Forte in 1405 and 1416), Champroy (heritage), Bourguignon-lès-Bar- Sur-Seine (purchase 1407)
Figure Blazing
Blason ville fr Belcastel (Aveyron).svg Weapons of the Pot Family

Gold, with azure fess. [ 8 ]

Blason Pot bordure rouge.svg Weapons of Régnier Pot (until 1397)

Gold at the fascia of azure, at the edge of gules [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 9 ]

French heraldic crowns - chevalier.svg
Blason fr Régnier Pot.svg
Weapons of Régnier Pot (from 1406)

Torn apart, in 1 and 4 gold with azure fess, 2 and 3 silver and sand echiquity with two steps of gules placed in strips, potatoes, virolated, riveted with gold, with belts of curled gules Golden. [ ten ] , [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] , [ 3 ]

Régnier Pot was the son of Guillaume III Pot († before 1390), lord of La Prugne, de Balathier, Champrois and Piegu, and Radegonde de Guénant, who was a widow of Guy V de la Trémoille, and had 3 Son, Guy, Guillaume and Pierre de la Trémoille. Guillaume III Pot was the son of Guillaume II Pot, and Blanche de la Trémoille, daughter of Guy IV de la Trémoille, lord of Vouhec.

He married, the In Vinceni Vinceni d’EUllalla De Vincenola, dummer dame mustolvi in ​​France valentine viscums (1368-1408), époway of Louis I is , that cap of Orléans. Catarine eperola was casting for gratis eaissolat et be de Beene de Beene de Beene de Beene de Beene de Beene de Be de Penconti [ 13 ] , herself a daughter of Galeazzo II Visconti, lord of Milan, and her Malgarola mistress da Lucino. Beatrice Visconti was therefore the half-sister of Gian-Galezzao Visconti, father of Valentine Visconti, and Catarina Anguissola the cousin of the latter. By this marriage, the Pot family became related to the kings of France, the father of Galeas II Visconti, Étienne Visconti, being the great grandfather of Isabeau de Bavaria, wife of Charles VI. The son of Régnier Pot, Jacques Pot, broke his coat of arms with a fleur -de -lis to recall this kinship. Later, Louis XII, grandson of Valentine Visconti, who became King of France, called Louis Pot, grandson of Régnier Pot and bishop of Tournai, his cousin.

The only child of this marriage was Jacques Pot († 1458), father of Philippe Pot.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Raphael De Smedt , Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece at XV It is Century: Bio-bibliographical notices , P. just, , 224 p. ( read online ) ;
  • Jean Favier , Dictionary of medieval France , ;
  • (of) Detlev Schwennicke , European regular tables Volume XV , .
  • Jacques Pot, Genealogy of the Pot family , 2020

Notes and references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. BNF Arsenal manuscript 4790.
  2. A B and C J. Pot, History of Regnier Pot, Advisor to the Dukes of Burgundy, 1362-1432 , Pierre Bossuet, Paris, , 337 p. (BNF  31139871 )
  3. A B C D and E The coat of arms of Régnier Pot and Palamède “, by Jean-Bernard de Vaivre, in Heraldry notebooks III, Paris (I.R.H.T.), 1975
  4. AD Côte-d-Or, B353, Piece1620 Seal of a Reception of REGNIER-POT around 1406
  5. Bulletin of the Société des Antiquaires de France, 1930, p. 161-171 ( Max Prinet, arms of the tomb of Philippe Pot » , on BNF (consulted the ) ). and 1932, p. 168-171 ( Max Prinet, the arms of Regnier Pot » , on BNF (consulted the ) )
  6. A B and C Michel Pastoureau, ” The Knights of the Round Table »Editions du Gui, 2006.
  7. Guillaume Grillon, The final message: study of funeral monuments of ducal Burgundy of XII It is : XVI It is century , THERE THERE DOCTORAT, ED LISIT 491 – URR 5594 Art It’s HIEW ( read online ) , p 25
  8. Johannes Baptist Rewardap , General Armorial: containing the description of the coat of arms of the noble and patrician families of Europe: preceded by a dictionary of the terms of the Blason , G.B. van Goor, , 1171 p. ( read online ) , and its supplements on www.euraldic.com
  9. Armorial de Gelre , Bibl. Royale of Belgium, manuscript 15652-56, folio 50, (arms of Guillaume Pot, father of Régnier).
  10. Collecties.meermanno.nl » , Statutes, ordinances and armorial of the order of the golden fleece (consulted the )
    This manuscript was presented in 1473 by Gilles Gobet, king of arms of the Order of the Golden Fleece to Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, and to the other knights, during the chapter of the order held in Valenciennes, then kept in the Treasury of the Golden Fleece in Brussels. The illuminated manuscript is now kept in The Hague, at the Royal Library ( Royal Library » ), under the KB 76 e 10 rating, on the back of the folio 65 ms 76 e 10, f ° 65R
    See on Commons

  11. l.histoire.en.kit.pagesperso-orange.fr » , The first 25 Knights of the Golden Fleece, appointed during the creation of the Order to bruges. (consulted the )
  12. http://www.heraldique-europeenne.org » , Armorial of the Knights of the Golden Fleece (consulted the )
  13. Beatrice Visconti

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