Vector identities – Wikipedia


In this article, we note

× {displaystyle times }

For the vector product and · for the scalar product.

The following identities can be useful in vector analysis.

In this section, a , b , c And d represent any vectors of

R n {displaystyle mathbb {R} ^{n}}


Writing conventions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In this article, the following agreements are used; Note that the position (lifting or lowered) of the clues does not, here, matter here since we work in a Euclidean context. This nevertheless makes it possible to find the couplings more directly (a higher index associating with a lower index).

Scalar product [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


The scalar product of two vectors a And b is noted

In Einstein summons convention, this is written:

Vector product [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The vector product of two vectors a And b is noted

In Einstein summons convention, this is written:

Levi-Civite Symbole [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

An identity often returning to demonstrations using the Einstein summons agreement is as follows:


d {displaystyle delta }

Le Symbole the crooked cock.

Triple products [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

We have the following result on the mixed product:

a × ( b × c ) = ( c × b ) × a = b ( a c ) c ( a b ) {displaystyle mathbf {a} times (mathbf {b} times mathbf {c} )=(mathbf {c} times mathbf {b} )times mathbf {a} =mathbf {b} (mathbf {a} cdot mathbf {c} )-mathbf {c} (mathbf {a} cdot mathbf {b} )}

The first equality stems from the properties of the vector product:

( a × b ) = ( b × a ) {displaystyle (mathbf {a} times mathbf {b} )=-(mathbf {b} times mathbf {a} )}

. The second is demonstrated below.

Others products [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The identity of Binet-Cauchy:

Note that we find the identity of Lagrange if a = c you if b = d .

This section provides an explicit list of the meaning of the symbols used for more clarity.

Divergence [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Divergence of a vector field [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For a vector field

IN {displaystyle mathbf {V} }

, we generally write divergence as follows:

It is a scalar field.

In Einstein summons convention, the divergence of a vector field is written:

Divergence of a tensor [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For a tensor

T{displaystyle {stackrel {mathbf {mathfrak {T}} }{}}}

, we generally write divergence as follows:

Like the reduced divergence by 1 the order of the tensor, if

T{displaystyle {stackrel {mathbf {mathfrak {T}} }{}}}

is of order 2 We would have a vector which is a tensor of order 1.

Rotationnel [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For a vector field

IN {displaystyle mathbf {V} }

, we generally write the rotational as follows:

It is a vector field.

In Einstein summons convention, the rotational vector field is written:

Gradient [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Gradient of a vector field [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For a vector field

IN {displaystyle mathbf {V} }

, we usually write the gradient as follows:

He is a tensor.

Gradient of a scalar field [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For a scalar field

Φ {displaystyle psi }

, we usually write the gradient as follows:

It is a vector.

In Einstein’s summons convention, the gradient of a scalar field is written:

Gradient rotational [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The rotational of the gradient of any scalar

Φ {displaystyle psi }

is always zero:

Divergence of the Rotational [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The divergence of the rotational of any vector field

IN {displaystyle mathbf {V} }

is always zero:

Laplacien [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Laplacian of a scalar field [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Laplacian of a scalar field

Φ {displaystyle psi }

is defined as the divergence of the gradient:

It is a scalar field.

In Einstein summons, the Laplacian of a scalar field is noted as follows:

Laplacian of a vector field [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The vector laplacian of a vector field is the vector whose components are the Laplacian of the components.

In Einstein summons convention, this is noted:

Rotational Rotational [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The rotational of the rotational vector field

IN {displaystyle mathbf {V} }

is given by:

Field vector product by its rotational [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The vector product of the field

IN {displaystyle mathbf {V} }

by its rotational is given by:

Other identities involving operators [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In this section,

Φ {displaystyle psi }


ϕ {displaystyle phi }

represent scalar fields,

IN , A {displaystyle mathbf {V} ,mathbf {A} }


B {displaystyle mathbf {B} }

represent vector fields.

This relationship immediately stems from the product rule.

Gradient of a scalar product [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Divergence from a vector product [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Rotational of a vector product [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
