2nd arrondissement of Paris – Wikipedia


The 2 It is district of Paris is the product of the Paris extension to XV It is And XVI It is centuries. The first urban dwellings date from the XIV It is century. Thus, the enclosure of Charles V (1371—1380) already extended to the rue d’Aboukir. At XVI It is A century, the city extends to the current level of the Grands Boulevards, then drawn from the enclosure of Louis XIII.


The main buildings are today the old seats of the Stock Exchange and the National Library of France (BNF) – Richelieu / Louvois site.

With an area of ​​99 hectares, it is the smallest district of Paris.

Under the terms of article R2512-1 of the general code of local authorities (regulatory part), it also bears the name of “borough of the scholarship” [ first ] , but this name is rarely used in everyday life.

The law of February 28, 2017 on Paris status and metropolitan development provides for the grouping of the councils and services of the four central districts after the municipal elections of 2020. This new entity takes the name of Paris Center.

The 2 It is district said Stock market district was created by the law of , during the extension of Paris to the enclosure of Thiers and gives rise to a new division [ 2 ] .
So the first is arrondissement is created from a part of the ancients first is , 2 It is , 3 It is , 5 It is And 6 It is districts.

When it was created, the 2 It is Arrondissement was bounded to the north by a line starting from the boulevard des Capucines, opposite rue Neuve-des-Capucines and according to the axis of this boulevards and the boulevards des Italians, Montmartre, Bonne-Nouvelle, Saint-Denis, up to At Boulevard de Sébastopol, the axis of this boulevard to the rue aux Bears, to the east, then to the south, the axis of the extension of this street to Place des Victoires, the axis of this square and that of the Neuve-des-Petits-Champs and Neuve-des-Capucines streets to the starting point.


Borough limits [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The current limits of 2 It is district date from 1860, following the law of giving rise to a new division of Paris in 20 arrondissements. They include part of the old 2 It is arrondissement, part of the old 3 It is and part of the old 5 It is .

The district is between the following routes, in the time direction:

From the municipal elections of , administrative management is carried out with first is , 3 It is And 4 It is districts in the town hall of Paris-Center, former town hall of 3 It is , due to the grouping of the four districts of the center of Paris within the first is sector [ 3 ] . The 2 It is Arrondissement has no political existence, but it retains a postal existence: postal codes have not changed.

Since July 11, 2020, there is no more administration of the district.

Personalities exercising an elective function whose mandate is underway and in direct connection with the territory of 2 It is Paris district are as follows:

Borough town hall [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Paris advisers of 2 It is arrondissement [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The 2 It is Paris district sends two elected officials to the Paris Council. Since March 2014, these have been Jacques Boutault (EELVA), Véronique Levieux (PS). The borough council includes 11 seats.

Deputies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The 2 It is arrondissement is included in the second district of Paris from 1958 to 1986, also including the 3 It is arrondissement. From 1988, he was part of the first re Constituency with the 1 is , 3 It is And 4 It is districts. From the XIV It is legislature, the 2 It is arrondissement remains integrated into the first constituency with the 1 is And 8 It is districts and most of 9 It is .

Since 1958, deputies covering the 2 It is Arrondissement were Michel Junot (1958-1962), Jean Sainteny (1962-1963), Amédée Brousset (1963-1967), Jacques Dominati (1967-1978), Abel Thomas (1978-1981), Pierre Dabezies (1981), in New Jacques Dominati (1982-1993), then Laurent Dominati (1993-2002) and Martine Billard (2002-2012), Pierre Lellouche (2012-2017) and Sylvain Maillard (elected in 2017).

National policy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2009, the population was 21,417 inhabitants to 99.1 hectares , an average density of 21,633 inhabitants/km 2 . The district represents approximately 1% of the Parisian population.

(national census)
Population Density
( in a way. par km 2 )
1861 81 609 82 267
1872 73 578 74 321
1936 41 780 42 202
1954 43 857 44 300
1962 40 864 41 194
1968 35 357 35 642
1975 26 328 26 540
1982 21 203 21 374
1990 20 738 20 905
1999 19 585 19 743
2006 21 259 21 474
2011 22 927 [ 8 ] 23 158
2017 21 042 [ 9 ] 21 254

Administrative districts [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Like each Parisian district, the 2 It is is divided into 4 administrative districts:

  1. Gaillon district ( 5 It is Paris district)
  2. Vivienne district ( 6 It is Paris district)
  3. Mail district ( 7 It is Paris district)
  4. Bonne-Nouvelle district ( 8 It is Paris district)

Main streets and tracks [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

You plan 2 It is arrondissement.

Remarkable monuments and places [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Important buildings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hospitals [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Schools and university [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Colbert gallery welcomes, in addition to the INHA and the INP, the research laboratories and doctoral schools of universities and major Parisian schools, linked to the history of art.

Places of worship [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sports complexes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Jean Dame gymnasium is the main sports equipment of the 2 It is arrondissement. It is located rue Léopold-Bellan. Several associations offer many activities there, ranging from swimming to judo to fencing. This gymnasium also has a performance hall.

Green spaces [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The urban development policy wanted by Haussmann provided a square by administrative district, that is to say four per district. The smallness of 2 It is Arrondissement and the few transformations of which it was the subject did not allow the objective of achieving. Today it contains two squares: the Square Louvois and the Square Jacques-Bidault. THE 2 It is is thus the district of Paris the least endowed in green spaces.

Market [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The only district market stands in the stock market, two afternoons per week [ ten ] .

Population income and taxation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2011, median tax income per household was € 34,134, which placed on 2 It is District at 14 It is rank among the 20 districts of Paris [ 11 ] .

Museums [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Libraries and bookstores [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The historic site of the National Library of France (Quadrilatera Richelieu) is in the 2 It is Arrondissement, rue de Richelieu.
  • The only municipal library in the borough is the Charlotte Delbo library, passage from the grandfathers.
  • The district has several bookstores, including a bookstore specializing in theater (theatrical bookstore), rue Marivaux.

Arts [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A higher education center concerning the history of art has developed around the National Library of France (cf. supra).

Rail network [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Metro 2e arrondissement.jpg

(M) (14)(Pyramids).

Bus [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

(BUS) RATP 20 21 22 27 29 32 38 39 45 52 66 68 74 85 95

Vélib ‘ [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Source : article R2512-1 of the General Code of Local Authorities (regulatory part), on Légifrance.
  2. N O 7072 – Law on the extension of the limits of Paris (June 16, 1859) , Bulletin of laws of the French Empire , t.  XIV, XI It is series, n O 738, 3 November 1859, p. 747–751, reproduced on Google Books.
  3. Paris: The grouping of the four arrondissement town halls, a first step? , on 20minutes.fr . Accessed September 14, 2018]
  4. A B and C Table determining the composition of the Paris Council and the borough councils » [PDF] , on Prefecture of Île-de-France , .
  5. Legal populations 2012 – Municipality of Paris (75056) » , on www.insee.fr , (consulted the )
  6. a et b At the end of the URL, replace 75056, the INSEE code of Paris, by that of the Désiré district, 751xx, where XX varies from 01 to 20, to obtain the corresponding statistics.
  7. Legal populations 2018 – Municipality of Paris (75056) » , on www.insee.fr , (consulted the )
  8. Legal population insee to first is January 2014 (population at first is January 2011) .
  9. Legal population insee to first is January 2020 (population at first is January 2017) .
  10. PAGE DU MARCHE BOURSEE on the Paris City Hall website.
  11. Structure and distribution indicators in 2011 | INSEE » , on www.insee.fr (consulted the )
  • Andrée Jacob, Life and history of 2 It is arrondissement , Editions Hervas, 1991, (ISBN  9782903118396 ) .
  • Dominique Leborgne, Walker’s guide, 2 It is arrondissement , Parigramme, 1995.
  • Meryam Khouya, Street memory – Paris 2 It is Arrondissement (1900-1940) , Parigramme, 2015.

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