Ecoconduite – Wikipedia



L’ eco driving is a driving technique, economically fuel, ecological and economic, adapted to current engines. This driving has a significant impact on consumption and the environment.


According to Smolders and Kampman (2006), it essentially consists in turning the engine at low speed and maintaining flexible driving and a stable speed by avoiding as much as possible accelerations and brutal braking.

The practice of ecoconduite goes through five fundamental rules:

1 ° Change low engine speed reports (for manual gearbox vehicles):

The more the engine runs the more fuel it consumes. In order to limit the engine speed, a maximum speed of 2 000 tr/min To mount the reports is recommended for injection petrol vehicles, and for diesel vehicles. Report changes above 2,000 rpm are possible if frank accelerations are made.

This measure limits the engine speed and therefore fuel consumption [ first ] .

As an indication, the registration certificate (gray card) of the European Union may contain a U2 line indicating the engine speed (in towers per minute).


2 ° Maintain a stable speed:

The power necessary to maintain the movement of a vehicle is very reduced (around 25 kW for a speed of 120 km/h ) compared to that necessary to set it in motion.

Live accelerations are very energy -consuming while gradual accelerations and the maintenance of a constant speed are very beneficial for the energy consumption of the vehicle [ 2 ] . The more stable the speed of a vehicle, the lower its consumption.

The application of this second principle implies banning unnecessary brains and accelerations, which requires anticipation of traffic conditions on the part of the driver. According to ADEME, this allows gains of around 40% [ 3 ] .

A study comparing the styles of pipes considers that aggressive conduct can lead to greenhouse gas emissions five times higher than a normal driving style and that a calm driving will always emit less greenhouse gas. This same study claims that aggressive driving increases fuel consumption by 40% in the city [ 4 ] .

3 ° Use the lowest possible engine speed:

In order to reduce the engine diet and therefore fuel consumption, eco -ponductors use high gear reports, thus, for example to 50 km/h at constant speed, it is common that they use the 4 It is report or even 5 It is gearbox report, rather than the 3 It is .

4 ° Anticipate traffic:

Anticipation allows [ first ] :

  • to maintain a stable speed and therefore to consume a minimum of fuel;
  • Avoid unnecessary braking while respecting safety distances;
  • Leave the vehicle decelerating alone by taking advantage of the engine brake with a high ratio (consumption is then zero on the route if the vehicle is equipped with electronic injection).
  • Avoid accelerating uphill (avoids overconsumption of fuel).
  • Raising the foot of the descent accelerator pedal allows you to use the engine brake and have zero consumption.
  • To have no fuel consumption during decelerations using the engine brake.
  • Cut the engine beyond 30 seconds of stopping.

5 ° Maintain your vehicle:

Vehicle maintenance plays a significant role in ecoconduite:

  • Tire pressure can be responsible for overconsumption of fuel up to 8% if the tires are not correctly inflated [ first ] ; 6% according to attitude-prevention [ 3 ] , and Ademe [ 5 ] .
  • Good geometry of the vehicle avoids premature wear of tires, allows for a stable direction, avoids mechanical stresses not desirable for suspensions and therefore allows the fuel saving;
  • The regular change of certain equipment or organs of the vehicle, such as the air filter or the oil, still makes it possible to limit fuel losses. Poorly maintained mechanics can cause overconsumption of 25% [ first ] .

These advanced rules [ 6 ] Increase the yield of ecoconduite by reducing overall fuel consumption by 20 to 25%.

6 ° Use the on -board instruments:

On -board instruments give a good indication of fuel consumption.

  • The tachometer informs about the engine speed and gives an indication to change the reports.
  • Avoid climbing too high in the towers.
  • The on -board computer indicates consumption and allows you to instantly adapt driving. Recent European cars are legally endowed with gear change indicators [ 7 ]
  • The device Stop & Start And the cruise control, optional on many models, can make it possible to save significant savings by applying the techniques of the ecoconduite.

7 ° Organize your trip:

The majority of recent GPS navigation assistants provide an optimal route in order to avoid detours, traffic jams, work, and thus become a precious ally of ecoconduite. Some models also make it possible to select the most economical journey.
The Google Maps application allows you to plan the journey without moving from home, and therefore testing several trips depending on the crossing points.
Start earlier if you are afraid of being late.
Check if the paths we are used to taking (work, domicile, etc.) are really adapted to ecoconduite.
Please note, the fastest path is not always the most suitable for ecoconduite and the shortest path is not always the most economical.

8 ° Avoid unnecessary loads:

Avoid driving with unnecessary loads or elements that can disrupt the aerodynamics of the vehicle (roof bars, bike carrier, etc.).
The weight of the vehicle has a direct impact on fuel consumption; Now fuel is a significant weight in the vehicle and there is no point in driving with a full if it is not necessary. However, for diesel vehicles with a particle filter, it is less harmful for the environment to fill the tank as little as possible. In this way, there is an overconsumption of the additive of regeneration of the particle filter which pours when opening the diesel hatch. In this case, it is better to fully fill the tank and wait until it is almost empty to fill it again.
Fill the tank according to weekly consumption if the vehicle is not equipped with a particle filter.
Accessories, such as roof bars, luggage rack and bike carrier, increase the aerodynamic trap to 139% [ first ] And therefore consumption. For the same reasons, it is important to close the windows which can increase fuel consumption by 8 to 20% especially at high speed [ first ] .

According to attitude-prevention, a mass reduction of 100 kilograms allows 5% saving [ 3 ]

9 ° Roll less quickly:

Decrease ten km/h saves up to first liter by 100 km [Quote required] .
According to other sources, reduce the speed of ten km/h on a highway saves 10% [ 3 ]

According to the IEA, most vehicles are optimized to drive at speeds between 60 and 90 km/h . Also, roll at speeds greater than 120 km/h would significantly reduce vehicle yield [ 8 ] .

10 ° Stop the vehicle engine when not useful:

If you don’t have the Stop & Start , from 20 seconds of stopping (loading and unloading, GPS consultation, level crossing or red light, etc.) it is more economical to cut its engine.

Driving assistance systems (ADAS) indirectly help ecoconduite.

Among the equipment that helps are the GSI, the ACC and the fuel consumption calculator [ 9 ] .

There are eco -friendly training software used by trainers such as Eco Drive Performance which measure and analyze many driving data.

In the European Union, the Gear Shift Indicator (GSI) has been compulsory on all vehicles since 2012 and helps ecoconduite [ 8 ] [Ref. necessary] .

The GSI is compulsory on vehicles with a manual gearbox: the indicator indicates an arrow the possibility of changing speed to improve energy efficiency [ 8 ] [Ref. necessary] .

Ecoconduite evaluated during the driving license examination [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since the reform of the driving license dating from 2009, under the influence of the Grenelle of the Environment, ecoconduite has been integrated into the new assessment of the practical driving license exam as a bonus point in the same way as courtesy driving.

Ecoconduite has been deployed since 2005 in the La Poste group, with 60,000 employees, 917 million kilometers traveled, a million tonnes of C02 emissions, and 68,000 motor vehicles.
To carry out this experiment, La Poste had to train all of its employees. The result obtained is a 5% drop in fuel consumption, a 5% drop in CO emissions 2 , et conjointement avec d’autres actions liées à la sécurité routière, une baisse de 10 % de la sinistralité[5].

  • Slow displacement in crossroads and their surroundings represents a potential danger [ first ] .
  • Too anticipated decelerations can surprise users behind you and thus create a risk of collision [ first ] .
  • Some maneuvers are carried out at too high speed due to the use of high speeds [ first ] .

SNCF saves two million euros by adapting eco -late to piloting trains [ ten ] .

  1. a b c d e f g h and 1 Cindie Andrieu, Statistical analysis of a study experience of
    eco-driving: towards the design of an “eco index”
    , , 109 p. ( read online )
  2. A B C and D
  3. (in) On board emission and fuel consumption measurement campaign on petrol-driven passenger cars » [“Measuring campaign aboard the consumption and emissions of fossil energy cars”], Atmospheric Environment , vol. thirty first, n O 22, , p. 3753–3761 (ISSN  1352-2310 , DOI  10.1016/s1352-2310 (97) 00212-4 , read online , consulted the )
  4. a et b
  5. Eco-driving principles and techniques
  7. A B and C (in) European Union, COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 65/2012 » , Official Journal of the European Union , ( read online )
  8. https://www.iea.prg/publications/freepublications/publication/transport_energy_efficiency.pdf
  9. “Energy sobriety” plan: what are the savings in SNCF and at Air France? » , on Franceinfo , (consulted the )

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