Selun — Wikipedia


The Sélune
THE Source.
Sélune cours.
Length 84.7 km [ first ]
Bowl 1 038 km 2 [ first ]
Collector The Sélune
Medium flow 11 m 3 /s [Ref. necessary]
Diet rainy oceanic
Source La Luatareière
· Localisation Saint-Cyr-du-Bailleul
· Altitude 180 m
· Contact details 48 ° 33 ′ 41 ″ N, 0 ° 46 ′ 37 ″ o
Mouth The Channel
· Localisation Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel
· Altitude 0 m
· Contact details 48 ° 38 ′ 50 ″ N, 1 ° 24 ′ 00 ″ o
Main tributaries
· Left Bank Airon, Lair, Beuvron
· Right bank CANCE, Guike, Argonce, because
Country crossed Drapeau de la France France
Department Some
Regions crossed Normandy
Main localities Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët, Ducey

Sources : Sandre: I9–0200 » , Géoportail, OpenStreetMap

The Sélune is a French coastal river flowing in the Manche department, in the Normandy region.


He has his source in Saint-Cyr-du-Bailleul and throws himself into the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel.

The Celtic origin of the hydronym has been described in a study of a learned society of Avranches: “[…] formerly called Se-Onna or Seunna, Sée-on, Water Water or the meeting of several waters. »» [ 2 ] .

Topography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The length of its course is 84.7 km [ first ] or 68 km [ 3 ] .

The Sélune has its source at around 175 meters above sea level at the southeast limit of the town of Saint-Cyr-du-Bailleul and west of the Normandie-Maine regional natural park. It flows freely to the west to Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët at an altitude of 64 meters. It then forms two artificial lakes: the large lake and the small lake. After La Roche-Qui-Boit, it is at an altitude of 19 meters. She then headed northwest and passes at the foot of the town of Ducey where she separated into several arms. She finished her race in Pontaubault before throwing herself into the bay of Mont Saint-Michel.

Municipalities and cantons crossed [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Watershed [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Sélune watershed extends over an area of ​​1,009 km 2 . Although the Sélune itself flows only in the Manche department (Normandy region), its watershed extends over 13 municipalities in Ille-et-Vilaine (Brittany region) and 9 in Mayenne (Pays de la Loire region ), in addition to 57 municipalities in the Manche [ 3 ] . This basin borders that of the Sée to the north, that of the Loire (by its sub-pests La Varenne, the Colmont and the Ernée) to the east and southeast and the Basin du Couesnon in the southwest.


Manager [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The main tributaries of the selune are, upstream downstream:

La Sélune is regularly reassembled by a mascaret [ thirty first ] .

The hydrological regime of the selune is called ocean rainfall.

This river had the status of border between the Kingdom of Brittany and the Duchy of Normandy until 1009. On that date, the border was moved a few kilometers to the Southwest, to the Couesnon [ 32 ] .

The , American troops landed on the beaches of Normandy discover a bridge over the selune which has not been destroyed [ 33 ] . Americans protect the German counterattack bridge. Important US troops under the command of General Patton crossed him during the three days.

Hydroelectric dams [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The retaining lake of the Vezins dam.

Two hydroelectric dams were built on the selune in the first half of the XX It is Century: the La Roche-Boit dam and the Vezins dam.

They arrived at the end of the concession in the 2010s, with three options envisaged: continuity of the production of hydroelectric energy as it is done; Stopping the production of hydroelectric energy and maintaining dams to preserve the two artificial lakes; Destruction and restoration of pre -construction to allow several species of migratory fish (salmon, trout, alleys, lampreys, eels, throats) to go back to the source and effective them, without the need for heavy arrangements. An economic study made the By the State in the context of new choice of development and economic development for the Sélune valley once the Vezins and La Roche-Qui-Boit dams are erased, whose size and positioning made two obstacles to the ascent migrants. Shortly before the rendering of this study, WWF-France asked [ 34 ] to the Minister of Ecology to quickly confirm the end of the concessions announced by Chantal Jouanno then Secretary of State responsible for ecology (the [ 35 ] ).

The sediments accumulated by this type of dam generally contain heavy metals, metalloids, organic pollutants and nitrates and phosphates, pesticide residues, which can pollute downstream (to the detriment of fishery and conchyl activities in particular) if they are released in the middle. 4 million euros were provisioned for the treatment of 2009 to mid-2013 of these questions.
The last emptying dated from 1993.

The Sélune must regain its ecological value, and for regional planning within the framework of the territorial coherence scheme of the country of the bay and the regional green and blue frame and therefore of the future SRCE scheme which prefigures it in 2012.

The decision to destroy the two dams dates from 2009, presented as before “putting the site in accordance with European law” then in 2014, Minister Ségolène Royal requests that we study alternative solutions to allow the circulation of migratory fish out of 90 km of rivers (salmon and eel) [ 36 ] .

Dract, sludge management and leveling of works were scheduled from 2015 to 2018 [ 37 ] .

However, the local opposition remains strong against the destruction of the dams. The mayors of the riparian municipalities, as well as the deputy for the constituency of Avranches, refuse demolition, in order to preserve tourist employment, carnivorous fishing and the beauty of the site. The Artificial Lake in Vezins is the only large-scale lake in the South Manche region. An association, Friends of the Vezins dam , federates citizen actions against the government project [ 38 ] .

In 2016, Valorem was a candidate for the resumption of the Vezins dam following the search for an alternative to the leveling by the Minister of the Environment Ségolène Royal [ 39 ] . In 2017, the Minister of Ecological Transition Nicolas Hulot revived the biodiversity restoration project, with stalement work before starting in spring 2018 [ 40 ] . In , the destruction of the two dams is almost finished [ 41 ] .

The Vezins dam [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This dam, built on the limit of the municipalities of Vezins (associated with Isigny-le-Buat) and Saint-Laurent-de-Terregatte, is multiple vaults, with reinforced concrete buttresses and measures 35 meters high and 278 of long [ 42 ] .

Eight times more powerful than that of La Roche-Qui-Boit, it belongs to the West Hydraulic Operating Group with the Guerlédan dam, the Saint-Adrien dam, the Rance factory, the La-Roche- Quotation and the Rabodanges Dam [ 43 ] .

Its potential was identified during the intense stock market speculation of the 1920s on hydroelectricity. It was then built from 1929 to 1932 by the Sélune Motor Forces Society.
The engineers were Louis Pelnard-Considère and Albert Caquot [ 44 ] .

During the Second World War, he fueled the Arsenal of Cherbourg and the Atlantic Wall. A sabotage destroyed two transformers, which delayed the construction of part of these fortifications.

At the beginning of XXI It is A century, the Mazure leisure center is installed by the lake. We practice fishing, kayaking, rowing, canoeing, etc.

The dam was to be destroyed in 2018, following the decisions of Chantal Jouanno and Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet. At the time, an opposition was organized to protect “800 direct or induced jobs” [ 45 ] . In addition, the emptying of the Vezins dam (May – ) has uncovered nearly 500,000 m 3 Sediments suspected of being polluted because the previous emptying, in 1993, caused significant pollution of the Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel. These vases were confined in situ, which cost approximately 20 millions d’E euros [ 36 ] .

The destruction of the Vezins dam begins in . The authorization decree as well as that of La Roche-Qui-Boit were signed at the end [ 36 ] .

The piercing of the vault is effective in . The site will spread out until at a cost of 4.25 million euros including tax [ forty six ] .

While dismantling has started, the case is not definitively decided by justice [ 47 ] .

The Roche-Qui-Boit dam [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The La Roche-Qui-Boit dam seen from the sky.

The Roche-Qui-Boit dam.

La Roche-Qui-Boit dam at the start of XX It is century.

Located downstream from the Vezins dam, of which it has become a compensation work after the construction of it, this dam produced 4 million kilowatt hours annually. It restores at the river a minimum flow of 2 m 3 /s. The restraint lake is 5 km , 40 hectares and 4 million cubic meters of water.

The authorization for the construction of the dam was granted by prefectural decree in August 1914. The work began during the First World War, in 1916 to end in 1919.
The dam is 129 meters long and 16 meters high. It connects the territories of Ducey and Saint-Laurent-de-Terregatte, but almost all of the lake of restraint is shared between the territories of Vezins and Saint-Laurent.

Its emptying should be made from 2020/2021, as decided in 2017 [ 36 ] .

Fishing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The selune waters are rich in salmon. The Sélune is classified by fishermen in the first category. It is also populated by sea trout, eels, fario or rainbow trout, pike, tanches, roach, pike perch, poles and carp.

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Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. RD for right bank and rg for Left Bank

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A B and C Sandra, Watercourse sheet-La Sélune river (I9–0200) » (consulted the )
  2. Study on the etymologies of the names of places and the names of families in the Avranchin / by a full member of the Society of Archeology, Literature, Sciences and Arts of the districts of Avranches and Mortain [signed L. C.] , ( read online )
  3. a et b Sage Sélune On Gest’eau, the site of integrated water management tools.
  4. Sandra, Watercourses – watercourse from La Grandière (I9001500) » .
  5. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Richard mill stream (i9008000) » .
  6. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – La Franciere stream (i9010600) » .
  7. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Chenilly stream (i9028000) » .
  8. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – stream of the Pontorsier mill (i9029000) » .
  9. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Mesnelle stream (i9039000) » .
  10. Sandra, Rivers – Saint -Jean river sheet (i9041000) » .
  11. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – cancer (I90-0400) » .
  12. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Val stream (i9071000) » .
  13. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Marignon stream (i9072000) » .
  14. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – the mouth (i9080600) » .
  15. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – La Roulante (i9091000) » .
  16. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Bahan stream (i9098000) » .
  17. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Argonce (i9100600) » .
  18. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – La Douenne (i9120600) » .
  19. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – the Airon (I91-0400) » .
  20. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Red Vaux stream (i9201000) » .
  21. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Yvrande (i9206000) » .
  22. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – LAIR (i92-0400) »
  23. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – insulation (i9231000) » .
  24. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Livet stream (i9233000) » .
  25. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Le Beuvron (I92-0420) »
  26. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Le Beuvron (i9265001) » .
  27. Sandra, Watercourses – l’Oir (i9280600) » .
  28. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Guyot stream (i9292000) » .
  29. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Moulinet stream (i9294000) » .
  30. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – La Douve (i9295000) » .
  31. (in) Mouazé D., Chanson H., Simon B. (2010) Field Measurements in the Tidal Bore of the Sélune River in the Bay of Mont Saint Michel (Sept. 2010). Hydraulic Model Report CH81/10, School of Civil Engineering , Univ. Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 72 p.
  32. Dom Jacques Hourlier, “The written sources of Montoise history before 966”, in Millennium monastique du Mont-Saint-Michel, Raymonde Foreville (ed.), T. 2, Vie Montoise and intellectual influence, Paris, Lethielleux, 1966, p. 13-28.
  33. Paul Carell ( trad. German), They arrive: the landing experienced on the German side , Paris, collection I read, Robert Laffont editions, , pages 436 to 439 (ISBN  2-290-05092-X ) .
  34. Universal Press Agency, Erasure of the Vezins dams and La Roche-Qui-Boit: a door finally opens for the renaissance of the Sélune valley, according to WWF. On January 9, an economic study should finally be rendered by the State , consulted 2012-01-03.
  35. Site of the Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea – 13.11.09 – On the occasion of the signing of the first objectives contract of Onema, Chantal Jouanno announces the launch of A national action plan for the restoration of rivers » (consulted the ) .
  36. A B C and D AFP (2018) Green light to the controversial destruction of dams near Mont Saint-Michel , October 31, 2018.
  37. Sélune dams will be destroyed in 2018-Louvigné-du-Désert » (consulted the ) .
  38. the salmon will defeat the Sélune dams? – Normandy » (consulted the ) .
  39. Sélune dams: dismantling is no longer relevant » , on , Reviving (consulted the ) .
  40. Philippe Collet, Ecological continuity: Nicolas Hulot relaunches the restoration of the Sélune valley » , on , (consulted the ) .
  41. Dams on the deleted selune: three former elected officials judge the decision and the “unreasonable” consequences » , on (consulted the )
  42. Manche prefecture .
  43. West hydraulic operating group .
  44. Structurae (FR): Barrage de Vezins (1932) .
  45. Wikimanche .
  46. The first pierced hole … On June 12, 2019.
  47. “The requests of the friends of the dam rejected by the administrative court”, West France , website, August 20, 2019 (Read online) .

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