Basque cornice – Wikipedia


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The Corniche Basque (in Basque Basque ledge ) is a protected natural space located in the municipalities of Ciboure, Urrugne and Hendaye (Pyrénées Atlantiques)

The cornice seen from Socoa, basically Jazquibel (Spain)

Basque cornice seen from the heights of Jazquibel

The sector located in Hendaye is home to the Domaine d’Abbadia, owned by the Littoral Conservatory. This natural space protected from 65 hectares is co-managed by the city of Hendaye and the Basque coastal coast with the help of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department. It is open all year round and receives more than 250,000 visitors each year.

A path runs through it in its entirety. “Each path of path offers a new surprise. Cliffs that go from bluish gray to salmon pink […] strata that switch from the original horizontal to almost verticality, testimony of the tectonic movements that brought the Pyrenees to the start of the tertiary era […] of the lawn Hanging at the top of the ventéed cliffs to the afforestation that tu the foreshore […] of the permanent natural meadow, grazed by the Manex sheep with a red head in the long winter fleece [ first ] » .


The conservatory orchard constitutes a place to safeguard old varieties of endemic fruit species of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques (apple, cherry); In the fall, harvesting, pressing apples, bottling of apple juice and sagarno (Basque cider) are all opportunities for the public to participate in a festive activity.

The area of ​​Abbadia is discovered in compliance with a specific regulation which frames uses. A permanent team of coastal guards ensures its application.

On the top of the Abbadia estate is the Château-Observatoire. “Back from his trips to Ethiopia, the Basco-Irish scientific explorer, Antoine d’Abbadie, called, in 1864, to the architect Eugène-E. Viollet-le-Duc to build his home. For the construction of the castle of Abbadia, they drew from sources of inspiration associating the Middle Ages, science, religion, the East and Ethiopia, composing a real artistic mixing [ 2 ] » .

Further east, in the town of Urrugne and near Ciboure, the natural “Basque cornice” site ( 255 ha ) gradually constitutes itself as the land acquisitions by public entities.

The Basque CPIE coast, co-management of places alongside local authorities and the coastal conservatory invites you to discover these spaces, to understand and protect them.

The coastal path is a pedestrian path which begins in Bidart then, after the crossing of the Bidasoa, wins the Jazquibel to reach Pasajes then Saint Sébastien (Spain). His career in France partially follows the cliffs of the Corniche. Across ten kilometers away, between the district of Socoa and Hendaye, we can appreciate in addition to the panoramic view of the ocean and the mountains, the natural heritage (flora and specific fauna), human activities (breeding, vineyards , algae harvest). The path is also marked by historical testimonies (Fort de Socoa, architecture of old houses, presence of the remains of the Bunkers of the Second World War). A specific site allows both to prepare your visit and have cards interactive hike .
Unfortunately, for reasons of erosion, the coastal path is currently prohibited for any pedestrian traffic from the exit of the town of Ciboure to the crossroads between the departmental road n O 912 and the Haizabia Domaine (East Part) in the town of Hendaye. An alternative journey allows you to appreciate a panoramic view from the first line of hills from the first line before joining, at the Maison de la Corniche – Asporotstipi, The trail traveling the Domaine d’Abbadia.

With the support of local communities, the CPIE Littoral Basque association offers activities, conferences and activities throughout the year to school audiences around environmental themes; Along the path, we meet three houses:

  • ASPOROTTIPI: The Corniche Maison is the reception point and houses a interpretation center;
  • Nekatoenea welcomes artist residences;
  • Larretxa offers a resource center and a documentation center.

It should be noted that in the face of the cornice, 1 to 2 km offshore, is the Reef de Belharra, a high background from 14 to 18 meters deep, a normal time diving spot but above all known to be one of the most renowned big surf spots in the world since 2002, with waves reaching a maximum 20 meters from above. [ 3 ] On operating days, the cornice therefore becomes a preferential site to observe surfers in action, ideally with binoculars.

  • Discovery of the geology of the Basque Country: 220 million years of geological archives of green landscapes and worldly recognized stratotypes/ Basque coastal coast. – Hendaye: Cpie) Basque coast, 2017. – 15 p.
  • Discovery of the Basque cornice / CPIE Basque coast, JUTEAU, THIERRY. – Hendaye: Cpie Littoral Basque, 2014. – 227 p. -. – (ISBN  978-2-953290-73-8 ) .
  • Abbadia A giant rebus / Antoine Foundation of Abbadie Académie des Sciences (Hendaye). – Bordeaux: Cap Sciences, 1997. – 64 p.
  • Antoine d’Abbadie, 1810-1897: from Abyssinia to the Basque Country, Voyage of a Life/ Dercourt, Jean, Director of Publication, editor-in-chief; Hurel, Michel, Scientific Publisher. – Biarritz: Atlantica, 2010. – 1 vol. (205 p.) – (ISBN  978-2-7588-0325-6 )
  • The castle of Abbadia in Hendaye: the ideal monument of Antoine d’Abbadie / Delpech, Viviane; Dussol, Dominique, thesis director; University of Pau and the countries of the Adour, a defense organization; Doctoral School Social Sciences and Humanities ,. – 2012. 570p.
  1. Juteau, Thierry, Discovery of the Basque cornice , Basque coastal coast, , 227 p. (ISBN  978-2-953290-73-8 ) , p. 19
  2. Delpech, Viviane; Dussol, Dominique, thesis director, The castle of Abbadia in Hendaye: the ideal monument of Antoine d’Abbadie , University of Pau and the countries of the Adour, a defense organization; doctoral school social sciences and humanities, , 570 p. ( read online )
