The Vault of Secrets — Wikipédia


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The Vault of Secrets ( The secret trunk ) is the second episode of the fourth season of the British science fiction series The Sarah Jane Adventures . To date, the series has never been broadcast in France.

Androvax, the destructive of the world is back on earth, and he asks for help from Sarah Jane Smith to help his people. He is himself chased by men in black.

First part [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

While he took the form of a young teenager, Androvax is arrested by a group of men in black belonging to the Alliance des Shades, who prevent him from accessing a trunk. Androvax realizes that it takes two discs to open it. He tries to return to Sarah Jane Smith, but is noticed by Gita Chandra and Haresh Chandra out of a meeting of fairly gullible ufologists, named the Burpps (The British UFO Research and Paranormal Studies Society) where they got to know Ocean Waters. Once the chandra is the Chandra, Androvax will take the form of Rani to question Mr Smith, but he will be stopped by Sarah Jane. Androvax fled from prison where he was stung by tenacious venom. He asks Sarha Jane his help: he must open a huge trunk where the last descendants of his people are located.

After a meeting with Ocean Water who came to her garden to make surveys, Sarah Jane will be chased by the men in black near the trunk. Invited to Ocean Waters, they will realize that she met the men in very small black, and that he left her one of the records, which she now carries on her permanently. Androvax, in Clyde’s body then seizes the disc before the men in black come back and threaten them.

Second part [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Exchange from Ocean Waters, Androvax takes control of the body of Gita Chandra and fled to the disused hospital where the trunk is located. He was then followed by the small group of Sarah Jane and by the men in black. During prosecution races, Gita was released by Androvax and black men reveal to Sarah Jane that the opening of the trunk will cause the destruction of the earth. Finally, Androvax will succeed in opening the trunk, and locking himself inside. Sarah Jane Smith will succeed in forcing Mr Dread so that he gives part of his energy to sending the trunk in the space where he can deploy properly. Then, he will erase Gita’s memories, before breaking down the battery and being placed in a capsule.


Back in Bannerman Road, Gita no longer believes in the Aliens. Meanwhile, Androvax is looking for a new planet for his people.

  • Clyde compares the fact of staying with people who have eaten beans in an attack by the Slitheens.

Continuity with the Whonisverse [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The episode has many links with other scenarios of Phil Ford, this episode being the continuation of the events of ” Prisoner of the Judoon “And finding Mr Dread, the Shades android, seen in the cartoon of Doctor Who” Dreamland »
  • At the start of the episode, Sarah Jane prevents a NASA robot from discovering pyramids on Mars, which appeared in the 1976 episode ” Pyramids of Mars »
  • After the destruction of Androids, Clyde stings their telescope and says See you, Baby » Like Schwarzenegeer in Terminator 2 , likewise, Mr Dread, exhausted android, exclaims at the end I need a holliday » , tirade that looks very much like that of Terminator In the same film ( I need a vacation » ).
  • Burpps members compare to Mulder and Scully of the series X-Files .
  • Seeing men in black, Rani regrets that one of them is not Will Smith (wink to Men in Black ).
  • The technique used by Androids to erase memory is very similar to that of the men in black in the homonymous film.
