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Alfred Philippe Arthur Roll born the In Paris and died on In the same city, is a French naturalist painter and sculptor.

Alfred Roll was born in Paris 8th (former arrondissement) on March 1, 1846, Joseph Roll (1810-1876) and Angélique Veccheider.

Alfred Roll studies at the School of Fine Arts in Paris where he follows the teaching of Henri Joseph Harpignies, Léon Bonnat and Charles-François Daubigny. He painted his first landscape in 1869, then exhibited The surroundings of Baccarat And The evening in Salon-de-Provence in 1870. He was a lieutenant of militia during the Franco-German war of 1870. It was in 1875 that the public began to take an interest in him with him Flood in Toulouse [ 2 ] . His style is then rather romantic with influences from the Bolonaise school and Gustave Courbet. He exposes Silene’s party In 1877 at the Paris Salon [ 3 ] , canvas for which he receives a gold medal, and his style becomes more naturalistic, while he begins a career as a portrait painter.


On August 16, 1879, when he lived at 63 boulevard de Clichy, he married in Paris 19th with Marie Louise Frédérique Porcher (1845-1898), widow of Jean Baptiste Germenil Manant.

That toile The miners’ strike (1880) met with great success and he became one of the official painters of the Third Republic. He receives numerous orders from the state, performs murals, ceilings and monumental works. We owe him at that time President Carnot in Versailles for the Centenary of the General States [ 4 ] , Tsar Nicolas II and President Félix Faure posing the first stone of the Alexandre-III bridge , The pleasures of life And The youth bonus [ 5 ] .

In 1881, he was built a house-workshop at 41 rue Alphonse de Neuville, which since 1926 became 17 rue Alfred Roll, now replaced by a building, and where he ended his life.

He lost his wife Marie Louise Frédérique Porcher on March 22, 1898, they then live at 73 Avenue Niel.

In 1904, he married the painter and author Henriette Daux in second marriage. The witnesses are the painter Pierre-Emmanuel Damoye and the critic André-Ferdinand Hérold.

He became president of the National Society of Fine Arts in 1905.

  • Avignon, Calvet Museum: Don Juan and Haydée after Byron , oil on canvas.
  • Beauvais, Mudo – Musée de l’Oise: The rising path , 1873, oil on canvas
  • Bois-le-Roi (Seine-et-Marne), town hall: The story (1908), showing Henriette Roll, his second wife, and her son Marcel, in Belle Croix in the Fontainebleau forest [ 6 ]
  • Bordeaux, Museum of Fine Arts:
    • Self -portrait , around 1875, oil on canvas [ 7 ] ;
    • Woman’s portrait (the Irishwoman) , pastel on paper [ 8 ] ;
    • Portrait d’Alfred Smith , 1898, oil on canvas [ 9 ] ;
    • Bathers , 1888, pastel on marouflaged paper on canvas [ ten ] ;
    • The plowman , 1889, charcoal on marouflaged paper on canvas [ 11 ] ;
    • Naked woman in the middle of branches, youth , oil on canvas [ twelfth ] ;
    • The disease , 1897, oil on canvas [ 13 ] ;
    • Youth in pink , 1905, oil on canvas [ 14 ] ;
    • Jean Cabrit Portrait [ 15 ] , oil on canvas [ 16 ] ;
    • The old carrier , 1878, oil on canvas [ 17 ] .
  • Châlons-en-Champagne, town hall, council room: Portrait of Léon Bourgeois , oil on canvas.
  • Cognac, art and history museum: Work , 1885, oil on canvas.
  • Dijon, Museum of Fine Arts:
    • Portrait of the painter Léon Couturier , 1880, oil on canvas, 66 × 56 cm [ 18 ] ;
    • Bathers , 1891, oil on canvas.
  • Gray, Baron-Martin museum: The striker’s wife , oil on canvas, 120 × 86 cm .
  • Le Havre, André-Malraux Museum of Modern Art: Flood in Toulouse , oil on canvas.
  • Lille, Palais des Beaux-Arts:
    • Louise Cattel, nurse , 1894, oil on canvas;
    • Indifference , terracotta.
  • Paris :
    • city ​​Hall :
      • The pleasures of life ;
      • The youth bonus .
    • Museum the orsay: Manda Lametrie, Fermière , 1887, oil on canvas [ 19 ] .
    • Small palace :
      • The , inauguration of the Monument to the Republic , around 1882, oil on canvas [ 20 ] ;
      • Portrait of Jean-Charles-Adolphe Alphand , 1888, oil on canvas;
      • Jane Hading , 1890, oil on canvas;
      • Demonic , 1904, pastel on marouflaged paper on canvas;
      • In June, Amélie Diéterle , 1913, oil on canvas.
  • Valenciennes, Museum of Fine Arts: The miners’ strike , 1880, oil on canvas, largely destroyed.
  • Versailles, Museum of the History of France: President Carnot in Versailles for the Centenary of the General States , oil on canvas.

Alfred Roll is appointed knight in the national order of the Legion of Honor by decree of , promoted to officer by decree of , then commander by decree of and finally raised to the dignity of grand officer by decree of [ 21 ] .

Part of rue Alphonse-de-Neuville in Paris 17th where Alfred Roll lived, at n O 17, took the name of rue Alfred-Roll in his tribute in 1926.
The artery of Bois-le-Roi where its residence is located La Bellandière (At n O 48) is called avenue Alfred-Roll .

  1. » , under the name Roll (consulted the )
  2. Preserved at the Le Havre museum.
  3. Preserved at the Ghent Museum.
  4. Preserved at the Palace of Versailles
  5. These last two paintings are at the Paris City Hall.
  6. Riccardi-Cubitt monique, Bois-le-Roi, art village , p. 59
  7. Self -portrait: Alfred Roll » , on (consulted in ) .
  8. Woman’s portrait (Irish): Alfred Roll » , on (consulted the ) .
  9. Portrait d’Alfred Smith : Alfred Roll » (consulted the ) .
  10. Bathers: Alfred Roll » , on (consulted the ) .
  11. The plowman: Alfred Roll » , on (consulted the ) .
  12. Naked woman in the middle of branches, youth: Alfred Roll » , on (consulted the ) .
  13. The patient: Alfred Roll » , on (consulted the ) .
  14. Youth in pink: Alfred Roll » , on (consulted the ) .
  15. Jean Cabrit: our notables of XIX It is A century: Bordeaux medallions. ( ill.  Louis Blayot), t. III, Bordeaux, Féret et fils, ( read online ) .
  16. Jean Cabrit Portrait: Alfred Roll » , on (consulted the ) .
  17. The old carrier » , on (consulted the ) .
  18. Joconde – Catalog – Dictionaries » , on (consulted the ) .
  19. Alfred Roll » , on Museum’s orsay (consulted the ) .
  20. Notice of the work on the site of the Petit Palais.
  21. The Legion of Honor file » , on The Léonore database of national archives (consulted the ) .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Bénézit dictionary .
  • A-Ferdinand Hérold , Roll , Paris, Félix Alcan bookstore, coll. “Art and aesthetics”, , 117 p.
  • Olivier Bihan , Alfred Roll (1846-1919): Naturalism in question , Paris, Somogy, , 191 p.
  • Monique Riccardi-cubitt « Bois-le-Roi, art village. The artists of the bohemian in the town hall collection. », Fontainebleau, the city’s history review & its region , History Society of Fontainebleau and its region, n O 22, , p. 56-59
  • Monique Riccardi-cubitt , Bohemian’s life in Bois-le-Roi. Art, politics and naturalism , Éditions du Puits Fleuri, , 160 p. (ISBN  978-2867397219 )

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