Brebon breweries – Wikipedia


THE Bourbon breweries is the only big producer of Reunion beer. This French overseas department was formerly known as Bourbon Island.


It is an integral part of the Reunionese landscape and the history of the island for over 50 years, notably thanks to the production of the famous Bourbon beer, also called the “dodo”.

Bourbon breweries now belong to the Heineken international group and are led by Eugène Ubalijoro.

In the 1960s, a quality local beer brewed in an artisanal way. A local entrepreneur, a certain M.V.K Stevenson , then decided in 1962 to found the brewery. With the help of master brewer Gérard Avanzini, installation plans and equipment provided by the German brewer Brauhaase, he develops an unprecedented recipe. By dint of testing and after difficult beginnings – for lack of qualified labor – the first “dodo” (today called Bourbon beer ) ends up leaving the barrels on And is put on the market in 75 cl bottles under the name “Dodo-Pils”.

Heineken entered the capital of the brewery in 1986. The Bourbon breweries then took advantage of the group’s know-how and has more efficient new machines which provide better yields.

In 1997, the brewery was ISO 9000 certified and was preparing to receive ISO 14000 certification in order to meet more strict environmental protection standards.

In 2000, several employees and union representatives with over 30 years of seniority were dismissed on the basis of false testimonies [ first ] .


In 2004, a politico-financial scandal broke out when the Heineken group decided to move the breweries. The move, initially planned towards Saint-Paul will be towards the town of the port with the downstream of the General Council. Alain Bénard, UMP mayor of Saint-Paul and the PCF mayor of the port revolt and speak of collusion with the cabinet of the Élysée [ 2 ] .

Dodo beer house

In the middle of 2005, the Bourbon breweries inaugurated in Saint-Denis a Dodo beer house, a museum that bet on the development of industrial tourism.

The , the director general and the company’s financial director are seriously injured by bullets in the middle of the end of the year by a former employee licensed in 2003 and who wanted to take revenge. The criminal is killed by police the same evening while one of his victims of Dutch nationality died from his injuries a few days later.

The Bourbon Brasseries group benefits from a strong local support from residents and investors and has built a solid reputation on the island. He pursues innovation efforts. New products regularly emerge from channels and also produces major international brands of alcoholic and non -alcoholic beverages ( See Details of the products offered below ).
He also participated in the social life of Reunion, thanks to an active sponsorship policy or within prevention associations.
It also supports the cultural development of the island and plays a major role in the island economy.

The company is spread over 3 different sites:

  • Western quay of the Saint-Denis river: production and administrative services,
  • Sainte-Marie Gillot: northern distribution of the island and commercial services,
  • Zac my rest: southern distribution of the island.

In November 2003, the brewery had 291 permanent employees including:

  • 224 workers and technicians;
  • 40 supervisors;
  • 27 executives.

In 2004, Fabrice Boyer, hitherto operator of fermentation from 2000 to 2001 and then brewing team leader, became master brewer of Bourbon breweries in 2004.

The brasserie produces 30,000 bottles per hour
  • In 2002 there was 531,046 hl of drinks (including sodas) products:
    • Beers: 203,173 hl,
    • Refreshing drinks: 326 935 hl,
    • Others: 938 hl.
  • According to the breweries of Bourbon, 34 to 35 liters of beer are bus by Reunionese per year. To give an order of magnitude the consumption of a resident of Belgium or Germany exceeds 100 liters (figures given by the brewery).
  • On average the brewery produces 30,000 bottles per hour, nearly 330,000 bottles per day.
  • 95% of Bourbon beer is sold in bottles.
  • In 2002 the turnover of the Bourbon breweries was 59 million euros.
  • In 2005, 85.4% of the capital belonged to Heineken, 2.1% to the Bourbon group.

The first product of the brewery, the best known and the best -selling is a blonde beer called Bourbon beer and nicknamed the “dodo” in reference to the dodo, the bird today disappeared [ 3 ] which is a logo. It is a blond beer, a pils type lager that title at 5% alcohol volume.

The Bourbon beer recipe was developed with the help of a master brewer called Gérard Avanzini by the one who founded the Bourbon breweries in 1962, Vernon King Stevenson. The first dodo comes out of the barrels . It is first marketed under the name of Dodo-Pils , in bottles of 75 cl.

The drink took the name of Bourbon beer in 1970, but the change of identity is a failure, the customers continuing to use the name dodo . The brewery then decides to communicate on this unofficial name and to enhance the sympathetic profile of the large bird as much as possible which appears on the label.

Also, this brightly colored advertising emblem today appears very often on the walls of traditional Reunionese businesses accompanied by the slogan ” The dodo lé the “, which means ” The dodo is here »In Creole. In the middle of 2005, a museum with its glory was inaugurated by the producer in Saint-Denis, the House of Dodo beer. Many advertisements painted directly for « Dodo » Cover the walls on Reunion Island.

Others products [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bourbon breweries also produce or distribute other beers and drinks for international groups:

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