Asli Erdogan – Wikipédia



Asli Erdogan , born March 8, 1967 in Istanbul, is a Turkish novelist, journalist, activist for human rights. Arrested on August 17, 2016 and imprisoned in Bakırköy prison in Istanbul, she was released on December 29, 2016 [ first ] , [ 2 ] . She was winner of the 2016 Tucholsky Prize and the Erich-Maria-Remarque Peace Prize 2017 [ 3 ] , which are prizes rewarding the commitment to peace. Aslı Erdoğan also receives the Simone de Beauvoir Prize for Women’s Freedom 2018.

His mother is an intellectual from Salonica while his father is a Circassian who had to abandon his native region [ 4 ] . His parents were detained and tortured by Turkish diets from putschs in the 1980s and 1990s [ first ] .

She learns to read at four years old and is detected gifted. She joined the Robert College by being 6 It is in the entrance exam. She follows physics studies and joined 24 years The European Center for Nuclear Research in Geneva where it becomes the first Turkish student in physics in this research center [ 5 ] . Having become responsible for research in nuclear physics, she interrupts this scientific journey to devote herself to writing [ 6 ] . She makes two suicide attempts, one at 10 years , the other to 22 years old [ 7 ] .

After two years in Latin America devoted to anthropology studies, she returned to Turkey in 1996 and resumed her literary production.

Despite her last name, she has no relationship with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan [ 8 ] .


Aslı Erdoğan écrit last Premier Roman, Shell man ( The shellful man ), In 1993 [ 9 ] . Mandarin miraculous ( Miracle mandarin ) is a collection of short stories in Geneva in which we find some of her recurring themes: impossible love, life in foreign land, danger as a challenge, etc. [ 6 ] , [ ten ] .

Until 2000, she wrote a column in the Turkish left daily newspaper Radical . All of his chronicles are then published in the book When will a journey end? . In 2003, she resided for a few months at the house of foreign writers and translators in Saint-Nazaire, France [ 6 ] . Back in Türkiye, she became a daily collaborator Free Agenda .

Posted in 2009, The stone building ( Stone Building and Others ) is a novel devoted to the prison world [ first ] .

She entrusted in an interview in 2018 that since her exile of Turkey the previous year, she is still not able to recover to write and prefers to focus on literary events where she is regularly invited [ 11 ] . She participated in March of that year in the Paris Book Show where she dialogues publicly with the Algerian writer Kamel Daoud [ twelfth ] .

Awarded many times, ASLı Erdoğan is translated into different languages ​​including Arabic (like only three other Turkish writers) [ 13 ] . She is particularly recognized for her news and her biting tone.

ASLı Erdoğan engages in the defense of human rights, women’s rights (she denounces rapes of young Kurds by the Turkish police) as well as the Kurdish cause and the recognition of the Armenian genocide [ 14 ] .

From 1998 to 2000, it represents Turkey in the committee of imprisoned writers of the Pen Club International [ 15 ] .

In 2014, to denounce the siege of Kobane by Islamic State forces, it was the source of a Writers’ Marche on the Syrian border [ 15 ] .

On August 17, 2016, in a context of purges, it was arrested at the same time as the twenty other members of the editorial staff of the opposition newspaper Free Agenda Due to his support for the Kurdish minority [ first ] . Although not endorsing the violence of the PKK, she has repeatedly defended their right to teaching, or to the creation of a legal political party; She had also denounced the abuses of which members of this minority are victims and publicized several rape affairs committed on Kurdish girls by Turkish police. This support earned him the accusation of “belonging to a terrorist organization”. A few days before her arrest, she had published on her blog a “serious and necessary letter”, where she expressed her fears about public freedoms and on the policy carried out in Turkey after the attempted coup d’etat [ 16 ] .

Following his arrest and the threat of life imprisonment, several international calls are launched, including one in France by the webmagazine Kedistan [ 17 ] , joined by Tieri Briet and Ricardo Monserrat to support her by reading her texts [ 18 ] .

In November 2017 was published in support of the imprisoned writer the book Poet … your papers! , Collection of tests written by 27 authors, including Chantal Chawaf, Venus Khoury-Ghata, Sylvie Germain, Inna Shevchenko and Jacqueline Merveille, on the initiative of editions women -Antoinette Fouque [ 19 ] .

On November 23, the announcement of his release, as well as that of the linguist of 70 years Necmiye Alpay (Tr) (Translator among others of Paul Ricœur, René Girard, Lenin, Wallerstein) [ 20 ] , makes titles of the Turkish and international press [ 21 ] to be denied during the day [ 22 ] , [ 23 ] arousing concern in view of his degraded state of health.

On December 29, 2016, after more than four months’ imprisonment, a Turkish court ordered its immediate release under judicial supervision [ 24 ] Pending the holding of her trial on October 31, 2017. She risks life imprisonment [ 3 ] . For a few months, it is prohibited from exit from the territory and then its passport was returned to it in September 2017, in order to be able to seek its peace price Erich-Maria-Remarque in Germany [ 3 ] . She goes to France where she is received by the Minister of Culture [ 25 ] Then on the set of the large bookstore by journalist François Busnel. Since then, she has lived in exile in Frankfurt Sur-le-Main in Germany [ 11 ] .

On February 14, 2020, a court of Istanbul acquired the novelist Turkish from the accusations of “attempt to undermine the integrity of the state” and “belonging to a terrorist group”, and ordered the abandonment of prosecution for “Terrorist propaganda” [ 26 ] , [ 27 ] .

On June 10, 2021, at the request of the public prosecutor, the decision of the acquittal of ASLı Erdoğan was canceled, his file was postponed to the court of first instance for “re -exam” [ 28 ] . She declares that she will not go to Turkey for this new trial, explaining: “If I set foot in Turkey, it is to go to prison” [ 29 ] .

In French [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The shellful man ( Shell man ), 1993, French translation by Julien Lapeyre de Cabanes, Actes Sud, 2018
  • Mandarin miraculous ( Miracle mandarin ), 1996.
  • The city whose cape is red ( City with red cloaks ), 1998.
  • Wooden birds ( Wooden birds ), translated into 9 languages, French translation by Jean Descat, Actes Sud, 2009 [ 30 ] .
  • I appeal to you in the night ( I call you at night ) French translation of Esin Soysal-Dauvergne published in 2009.
  • The stone building (Stone Building and Others) , French translation published in 2013 at Actes Sud.
  • Silence itself is no longer yours , (No longer silence is not yours) Tradition Française Par Julien Lapeyre de Cabanes, Actes Sud, 2017
  • Requiem Pour Une Ville Perdue (in the silence of life), French translation by Julien Lapeyre de Cabanes, Actes Sud, 2020

Audio books [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1990: Yunus Nadi Prize, Türkiye [ thirty first ]
  • 1997: Deutsche Welle literature prize, Germany
  • 2010: Prize knows Faik, Türkiye [ 32 ]
  • 2013: Prix words in the border, norvège [ 33 ]
  • 2016: Tucholsky prize from the Pen Club of Sweden, which rewards authors fighting for peace and freedom of the press in difficult conditions [ 34 ] , [ 35 ]
  • 2017: ECF Princess Margriet Culture Prize, Netherlands [ 36 ]
  • 2017: Prize for the freedom and the future of the media (Prize for Freedom and Future of Media) Germany [ 37 ]
  • 2017: Vincenzo Padula literary prize, Italy [ 38 ]
  • 2017: Prix of the Adriatic Mediterranean, Italy (Premio Adriatico Meditterraneo) [ 39 ]
  • 2017: Prix Bruno-Kreisky, Autriche [ 40 ]
  • 2017: Theodor Heuss Medal, Allteragne
  • 2017: Stuttgart Peace Prize, Germany
  • 2017: Peace Prize Erich Maria Note, Germany [ 41 ]
  • 2018: Simone-de-Beauvoir price for women’s freedom [ 42 ] , [ 43 ]
  • 2018: Knight of Arts and Letters, France [ 44 ]
  • 2019: The Václav Havel Foundation awarded him the 2019 prize for “courageous writer in danger” (Disturbing the Peace, Award to courageous Writer at Risk), United States [ 45 ] , [ forty six ]
  • 2019: Prize for the Norwegian Writers Association (Norwegian Writers Association Award) Norway [ 47 ]
  • 2019: the UPJV (University of Picardy Jules Verne) has honored Madame Asli Erdoğan, Turkish writer, Tuesday, June 4, 2019, by offering him a DOCTORATE Honorary Cause, France [ 48 ]
  1. A B C and D MAMAD KOVMANNA Asli Erdogan, novelist imprisoned in Türkiye », Release , ( read online )
  2. Asli Erdogan: “I was the ideal target, the ‘witch’ that you have to burn” », The new observer , ( read online )
  3. A B and C Asli Erdogan: “In Türkiye, the situation is extremely black” » , on RFI.Fr , (consulted the )
  4. [first]
  5. Conditional freedoms », The mail , ( read online )
  6. A B and C Timor Muhidine, «Erdoğan, Aslı [Istanbul 1967]» , in Béatrice Didier, Antoinette Fouque and Mireille Calle-Gruber (dir.), The universal dictionary of creators , Editions of women, ( read online ) , p. 1439-1440
  7. Annick They limp « Asli Erdogan: “Nothing will ever compensate for a prison day” », The , (ISSN  1950-6244 , read online , consulted the )
  8. Delphine Minoui, “Türkiye, a novelist behind bars”, Le Figaro Magazine , week of September 2, 2016, page 24.
  9. Mehmet Basut, « ASLı Erdoğan: elusive portrait of a young tormented writer », Mediterranean women , ( read online )
  10. Josyane Savigneau, «  Laveggi, Erdogan, two women for a brevity praise », The world , ( read online )
  11. a et b Turkey is “Germany of the 1930s”, accuses the writer Asli Erdogan », France 24 , ( read online , consulted the )
  12. Meeting with Asli Erdogan » , on Women’s space , (consulted the )
  13. By leniency March « The testimony of Asli Erdogan’s editor, Turkish writer imprisoned », The cross , (ISSN  0242-6056 , read online , consulted the )
  14. By Alice Colmart « In Türkiye, the writer Asli Erdogan remains in detention », The cross , (ISSN  0242-6056 , read online , consulted the )
  15. a et b MAMAD KOVMANNA Asli Erdogan, novelist imprisoned in Türkiye », , ( read online , consulted the )
  16., In Türkiye, the writer Asli Erdogan is resolutely captive » , on The cross , (consulted the )
  17. Aslı Erdoğan, three days in December would be a start … » , on Keistan , (consulted the )
  18. Tieri Briet, ” Asli ERDOGAN: CAMPAGNE the URGENCE », Diacritics , ( read online )
  19. Poet … Your papers for Aslı Erdoğan » , on Women , (consulted the )
  20. By 06/09/2016 at 11h11 « In Türkiye, the arrest of a free spirit », The cross , (ISSN  0242-6056 , read online , consulted the )
  21. Türkiye: Justice decides to release Asli Erdogan and Necmiye ALPAY », News , ( read online , consulted the )
  22. Türkiye: the novelist Asli Erdogan remains in prison », Telerame , ( read online , consulted the )
  23. Türkiye: the novelist Asli Erdogan remains in detention », , ( read online , consulted the )
  24. Turkey: Justice orders the release of the author ASLI Erdogan », The , (ISSN  1950-6244 , read online , consulted the )
  25. Asli Erdogan received by Françoise Nyssen » , on FIGARO , (consulted the )
  26. Le Figaro with AFP « Turkey: the novelist Asli Erdogan acquitted in a trial for “terrorism” », Le Figaro , ( read online , consulted the )
  27. Marie Jégo, ” In Türkiye, the novelist Asli Erdogan acquitted », The world , ( read online )
  28. Valérie Marin la Meslée , ASLI Erdogan: The continuous nightmare » , on Point , (consulted the )
  29. Jean-Jacques Régibier, ” France is preparing to expel a Kurdish activist threatened with prison in Türkiye. », Humanity , ( read online )
  30. Cécile Oumhani, ” Birds of wood, Asli Erdogan », , ( read online )
  31. (EN-GB) Awards » , on Asli Erdogan (consulted the )
  32. (Tr) Darüşşafaka Society » , on Darüşşafaka Society (consulted the )
  33. (nb) Words in the Grenseland Prize to Asli Erdogan » , on The Norwegian Writers’ Association , (consulted the )
  34. (in) Aslı Erdoğan Receives Tucholsky Pize » , Bianet – Independent Communication Agi , ( read online , consulted the )
  35. ASLı Erdoğan, The Prize for Solidarity » , on Keistan , (consulted the )
  36. (in) 2017 Princess Margriet Award » , on European Cultural Foundation , (consulted the )
  37. European Centre for Press and Media Freedom , Asli Erdoğan: “For all the journalists with their tongues cut out, solidarity is important“ » , on European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (consulted the )
  38. (it) Roberto Tasty , National Prize V. Padula. In conversation with Erdogan asli … which risks prison for life » , on Acri point info , (consulted the )
  39. Adriatic Mediterranean 2017 | XI Edition | Mediterranean Adriatic Association » , on (consulted the )
  40. Bruno Kreisky Human Rights Prize » , on (consulted the )
  41. Valérie Marin la Meslée , Leaving Turkey, Asli Erdogan is the guest of “La Grande Librairie” » , on Point , (consulted the )
  42. Asli Erdogan, Simone de Beauvoir Prize for Women’s Freedom 2018 », News , ( read online , consulted the )
  43. 2018 -Asli Erdogan, eleventh Simone de Beauvoir prize for the freedom of (…) – Simone de Beauvoir Prize for the freedom of women » , on (consulted the )
  44. Françoise Nyssen decorates Asli Erdogan in the Order of Arts and Letters » , on Weekly books (consulted the )
  45. (En-Eu) Vaclav Havel Library Foundation Announces Asli Erdogan as the 2019 Winner, Disturbing the Peace, Award to a Courageous Writer at Risk – The Vaclav Havel Library Foundation » (consulted the )
  46. (En-Eu) Vaclav Havel Library Foundation Announces Asli Erdogan as the 2019 Winner, Disturbing the Peace, Award to a Courageous Writer at Risk – The Vaclav Havel Library Foundation » (consulted the )
  47. (En-Eu) Gerard Taylor , Turkish writer, Asli Erdogan, gets the authors’ freedom of speech award » , on Norway Today , (consulted the )
  48. Luc Barizoni , UPJV – Honoris Cause PhD » , on UPJV (consulted the )
