Fortuns of navare — Wikipedia


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Pampelune fortune or Fortún Garcés ,, that the one-eyed ( One eyed ) or the monk ( the monk ), born around 826 and died in 922, is the third king of Pamplona and the last of the íñiguez dynasty (also called Arista). His reign began in 882 and ended his abdication in 905.

Youth [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Wealth is the son of Garcia  I is , king of Pamplona, ​​and Urraque, perhaps a daughter of the King of Asturias, Ramire  I is [ first ] . He is therefore the grandson of Eneko Arista, first king of Pamplona, ​​and the grand-nephew of Musa Ibn Musa says ” great »Or« The third king of Spain », Saragosse Wali of the Banu Qasi and half-brother family of the previous one.

In 845, Fortuné married Aurea (Oria) [ 2 ] , whose origins are discussed, perhaps a Muslim princess of the family of Banu Qasi. Christian Settipani suggests three possible origins for Aurea:

In 860, Fortuné was taken prisoner, with her daughter Oneca, in Milagro during an invasion led by the emir of Cordoba Muhammad  I is . He remains a prisoner for twenty years in Cordoba, where his daughter Oneca married the emir Abd Allah Ben Muhammad.


Reign [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Fortuné returns to Pamplona around 882, shortly after the death of his father [ 6 ] , killed during the defense of the castle of Aibar, attacked by the forces of the still From Saragosse, Muhammad Ibn Lubb, also a member of the powerful family of the Qasi Banu. Muhammad Ibn Lubb continues its conquests in the upper Ebre Valley, ensuring control of Sierra de Santo Domingo, Tarazona, Tudela, Calahorra, Viguera and Nájera [ 7 ] .

Fortuné is already almost 56 years old and he carries out a policy of pacification, particularly vis-à-vis the Qasi Banu. But its action causes the dissatisfaction of a part of the nobility, which supports a reversal of power.

End of reign and death [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 905, wealthy, who is already almost 80 years old, was dethroned by his parent Sanche. This one, son of Count García Jiménez, also has the support of neighboring princes, among which his uncle Raimond I is , Count of Pallars et de Ribagorce, Galindo  II , count of Aragon and Alphonse  III , King of Asturias.

Fortuné withdraws from the Leyre monastery: he won the nickname “monk”. He died in 922 [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] .

From the Union of Fortún and Aurea will be born five children:

The first name Fortún being very frequent among the Qasi Banu and the numerous alliances between them and the family of Fortún Garcés (Dynasty Arista), one might think that his mother Urraca was a Banu Qasi. However, Christian Settipani relates it to the kingdom of Asturias [ ten ] And mentions that Eneko Arista had a brother named Fortún, great-uncle of Fortún Garcés [ 11 ] .

This situation suggests that the Arista and Banu Qasi were already closely related before the latter’s conversion to Islam. As a result, the two husbands of Lady Oneca or Iñiga, mother of Eneko Arista and Musa Ibn Musa, could be cousins ​​or close relatives.

His descendants also continues in Al-Andalus where Muzna’s son will become the Caliph of Cordoba Abd al-Rahman III .

  1. Salazar and Acha 2006, p. 33-34 .
  2. This first name can come from Latin aurea : golden or Arabic Hurricane : Houri OU Rulriyya : freedom. However, the Arabic transcription Awriya tips in favor of the first solution.
  3. Setperations 2004, p. 114 .
  4. Setperations 2004, p. 114 .
  5. Setperations 2004, p. 115 .
  6. Menéndez Pidal 1999, p. 104 .
  7. Menéndez Pidal 1999, p. 105 .
  8. Béatrice Leroy, History of the Basque Country , editions Jean-Paul Gisserot, 2005, p. 19 .
  9. Salazar and Acha 2006, p. 33 .
  10. Setperations 2004, p. 112 .
  11. Setperations 2004, p. 99 .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Evarist Lévi-Provençal. “New on the kingdom of Pamplona in IX It is century “, Spanish bulletin . Tome 55, n O 1, 1953, p. 5-22 .
  • Christian SetPimates , The nobility of the Carolingian South , Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Prosopographical Research, coll.  « Occasional Publications / 5 », , 388 p. (ISBN  1-900934-04-3 ) .
  • (is) Ramón Menéndez Pidal, History of Spain . Tome VII , vol. 2, The Christian Spain of the centuries VIII al IX (718 – 1035). The nucleos pirereico, navarra, aragon, cataluña , Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1999 (ISBN  84-239-8913-5 ) .
  • (is) Jaime de Salazar and Acha, «Urraca. UN NUMBER EGREGIO EN LA ONOMASTICA ALTOMEDIEVAL » , Medieval Spain , n O 1, 2006, p. 29-48 .

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