Lieu-Dieu castle-Wikipedia


The Lieu-Dieu castle is a French castle located in the town of Boulazac in the Dordogne department, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.


The Château du Lieu-Dieu is located in the center of the Dordogne department, less than a kilometer south of Old town de Boulazac, on the edge and slightly below the departmental road 6089 (the old national road 89).

The place originally called bacon [ 2 ] , took its final name after the saints-sacrements of the surrounding churches were put in tabernacle of its chapel. Indeed, this measure was taken to avoid the desecration of the body of Christ present in hosts, bands of English mercenaries ravaging the country in the last times of the Hundred Years War. It was therefore the people of the country who called him in Occitan “Luòc Diu”. The Corpusrication Procession was made from the village church one kilometer from there to the castle until the 1960s. In a note published in the Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgord , p. 38-39 , Albert Dujarric-Descombes pointed out that the name of Lieu-Dieu is old and that Alexis de Gourgues brings it back to 1390.

Fortanier or Forton de Saint-Astier [ 3 ] , Damoiseau of the city of Périgueux, son of Archambaud of Saint-Astier († 1430) mayor of Périgueux in 1428 [ 4 ] and a young lady from Grézignac. He is lord of Bories, Barnabé, Lieu-Dieu, Valmasengeas, born around 1400 [ 5 ] . He occupied the burden of mayor of Périgueux five times, between 1435 and 1462 [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] . He married the first wedding with Aheliz de Lur, and remarried the With Catherine Chabrol, lady of Barnabé, daughter of Hélie Chabrol who was mayor of Périgueux in 1410, 1412, 1416 and 1420. By her will of , she transmitted all her property to him, including the lordship of Lieu-Dieu [ 3 ] , [ 8 ] . The construction of the current castle was undertaken by Forton de Saint-Astier on the site of a noble hideout. It is located near the Grand Font fountain whose water was captured by a Roman aqueduct which fueled Vesunna [ 9 ] , [ ten ] .

The lordship of Lieu-Dieu was crossed by the Manoire and extended to Saint-Laurent. The part of the town being part of this lordship was called Saint-Martin de Ligne. The Saint-Astier said they were lords until 1570. They probably sold this part to the Bertin on this date [ 11 ] .

Antoine de Saint-Astier, to whom his father, Forton de Saint-Astier, bequeathed in 1462 his hotel in Lisle and the High Dieu. Dead without alliance [ twelfth ] . The lordship of Lieu-Dieu went to her brother, Jean de Saint-Astier († 1518), known as Jean le Jeune. He is Lord of Lieu-Dieu, Verzinas and Line. Hôtel de Hôtel de Jeanne de Bretagne, mayor of Périgueux in 1480-1481, 1484-1485, 1490-1491, 1495-1497, married on in Gabrielle de Hautefort [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] . Then Forton II of Saint-Astier, instituted heir to his father by the will of August 2, 1506. Died at Lieu-Dieu in 1557. Forton II of Saint-Astier married in 1519 with Philippe du Puy de la Jarthe [ 3 ] of which he had several children:

  • Jean de Saint-Astier, born in 1524, who succeeded but he died in 1567 without an alliance. He was imprisoned in 1558 for killing Pierre Le Verrier [ 14 ] ;
  • His brother, Geoffroy de Saint-Astier (1536-before 1612) became Lord of Lieu-Dieu in 1567. Lieutenant General for the King of the Government of Verdun and Verdun countries, he established himself in Lorraine [ 16 ] , [ 14 ] ;
  • Barbe de Saint-Astier (1538-1599) married in 1570 with Guillaume de Leymarie, lord of the rat and bourgeois of Périgueux. When the Protestants took Périgueux, on August 16, 1575, Guillaume de Leymarie entrenched himself in the castle of Lieu-Dieu and organized the resistance against them with the help of the notable inhabitants of Périgueux and the soldiers that there was gathered after having evacuated his wife and children. On June 4, 1578, he organized an attack to take over the city of Périgueux, but the Protestants warned by a traitor surprised him and killing him as well as his brother, Jean de Leymarie, and other attackers. Protestants asked a executioner to decide their heads [ 17 ] .

Guillaume-Forton or Forton III of Saint-Astier († 1630) born from the first marriage of Geoffroy de Saint-Astier with Anne de Choiseul, around 1569, succeeded him, married in 1612 to Louise de Jaubert de Coignac. Ordinary gentleman of the king’s room in 1605 [ 14 ] , then Forton IV of Saint-Astier, born in 1620, died after February 1678, made universal heir by his father in his will of 1630. He married by contract passed the With Françoise d’Assligny [ 14 ] , daughter of François d’Aloigny, lord of Puy-Saint-Astier, then his son, Léon de Saint-Astier, lord of Lieu-Dieu, La Meynardie, Bacouliat, etc., married in second marriage, the , with Isabeau de la cropte [ 18 ] . He made his will in 1714. His son, François de Saint-Astier [ 3 ] Was declared universal heir by his father on August 12, 1705. He had no child of his marriage in 1707 with Marguerite de Bayly, daughter of Pierre-Jean de Bayly, Viscount de Razac [ 19 ] , and Marie Faure. Marguerite de Bayly was a widow in 1716. She died around 1755.
His brother, Joseph de Bayly, is lord of Razac, Caruel, Gravelle, etc. He married in second marriage on February 11, 1721, with Marie de Cugnac, daughter of Jean-Louis de Cugnac, lord of Trigonant. The latter was widowed in 1778 and died in 1788:

  • Jean-Louis de Bayly, son of Joseph de Bayly, is instituted legatee of the lordship of Lieu-Dieu by his aunt Marguerite de Bayly in his will of 1749. He is married the to Catherine Marie Charlotte de Lambert [ 20 ] .
    • His son Henri de Bayly (1763-1798) is Marquis de Bayly, lord of Razac and Lieu-Dieu, cavalry captain in the Berry regiment, admitted to the honors of the court. He emigrated in 1791. Without descendants [ 20 ] .
  • Marie-Claire de Bayly, daughter of Joseph de Bayly, married by contract of With Jean Louis de Sanzillon (1728-1806), Marquis de Mensignac, lord of Beaulieu, Lanne and Lieu-Dieu [ 21 ] , [ 22 ] .
    • From this marriage was born Louis-Grégoire de Sanzillon (1767-1831), Marquis de Mensignac and Razac, lord of Lieu-Dieu. He emigrated after the flight of King Louis XVI, in 1791. He was fighting in the army of princes in 1792 before joining the body of Condé. Licensed in 1801, he returned to France in 1802. He married the in Dorothée Pauline de Chabans-Joumard. He died at the Château de Lieu-Dieu on November 15, 1831 [ 23 ] , [ 24 ] .
      • Their eldest son, Emmanuel de Sanzillon († 1864) [ 25 ] inherits the Lieu-Dieu castle. He was mayor of Boulazac between 1855 and 1864. He married Madame Marie-Louise Ernestine de Loÿs (Lausanne, 1829-Périgueux, October 14, 1912), without descendants. The Testament of the Marquis de Sanzillon made the Marquise de Sanzillon the usufructuary of her property who undertook to restore the castle of Lieu-Dieu by the architect Alexandre Antoine Lambert [ 26 ] (1836-1919) from 1868. She adopted her nephew, the Baron de Nervaux-Loÿs [ 27 ] ;
      • His sister, Marie de Sanzillon married in 1840 to Louis Joseph Charles d’Arlot (1807-1891), Marquis de Cumond and Frugie [ 28 ] .

The castle passes through the family of Arlot de Cumond. Charles d’Arlot, Marquis de Cumond, died at the Château de Cumond (Saint-Antoine-Cumond) in 1891. His son, Louis Roger d’Arlot (1841-1924), Marquis de Cumond, married on With Marthe de Mareschal-Vezet. He inherited from the Château de Lieu-Dieu and settled there with his wife. He died there on March 7, 1924 [ 29 ] , [ 30 ] . Their son, Jean d’Arlot (1890-1969), count of Cumond, inherited from the castle where he died. From his marriage to Geneviève de Beaumont-Beyna were born Louis, who died in 1936, Henri, killed during fighting, in 1944, and Bernadette d’Arlot de Cumond, married to François de Reviers de Mauny (1927-2019), who inherited the castle.

This castle has the particularity of having always belonged to the same family since its construction, although the different owners do not always have the same name.

Its construction dates back to XIV It is And XV It is centuries, with modifications to XIX It is century [ thirty first ] .

The castle is surrounded by moats fed by the Manoire, a stream on the left bank of which it is built and on the other side of which its dovecote is established.

It is in the form of a quadrilateral whose angles are located at the four cardinal points, those of the East and South being provided with a circular tower. To the northwest is the main house, three levels high and surmounted by a defense chamber. The northeast and southwest sides correspond to commons. We access the castle in the southeast by a entrance chatelet preceded by a bridge [ 32 ] .

It has been registered in historic monuments since the For the facades, the roofs, the moats and the pigeonnier [ thirty first ] .

  1. Contact details on geoportail
  2. “Lieu-Dieu”, in Topographic dictionary of France. , Topographic dictionary of the Dordogne department , Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1873, p. 178 ( read online )
  3. A B C and D Guy Sheepish , Périgord Biographical Dictionary , Périgueux, Fanlac, , p.823 .
  4. Albéric de Saint-Astier, “chronological list of mayors of the city and city of Périgueux from 1200 to the present day”, in Noble and biographical historical review , 1872, p. 32 ( read online )
  5. Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Jullien de Courcelles, Universal Nobiliary of France or general collection of historic genealogies of the noble houses of this kingdom , Paris, 1872, tome 17, p. 69 ( read online )
  6. L. Pasquet BSHAP 1902, p. 333
  7. Forton de Saint-Astier was mayor of Périgueux in 1435-1437, 1443-1445, 1450, 1454-1455, 1461-1463 (Albéric de Saint-Astier, “Chronological list of city mayors and city of Périgueux from 1200 until ‘nowadays “, p. 32 ). During his mayor mandates, he moved many times, in 1436, to Ségur to speak with the Lieutenant of the King, in 1437, in Estissac to release prisoners, and in Grignols to negotiate a truce, in 1455, in Plazac, twice, once in the meeting of the States of Périgord to discuss the sizes, another for the case of the shroud of Cadouin (Jean Maubourguet, “the shroud of Cadouin”, in Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgord , 1936, Tome 63, p. 354 ( read online ) ), in November 1461, to discuss with the governor of Guyenne Jean d’Armagnac to defend the freedoms of the city (Arlette Higounet-Nadal, “Voyages and missions of the Périgueux Consulateux XIV It is And XV It is centuries ”, in Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgord , 1979, Tome 106, 3 It is delivery, p. 210-211 ( read online ) )
  8. Alfred de Froidefond de Boulazac, “Chabrol or Chevrol”, in Armorial of the nobility of Périgord , Imprimerie de la Dordogne, Périgueux, 1891, volume 2, p. 37-39 ( read online )
  9. Wandel Migeon, “Saint-Laurent-sur-Manoire-Grand-Front”, Archeology of France. Aquitaine, 2008 ( read online )
  10. Jacques Lagrange, The Périgord of a thousand and one castles , p. 62
  11. G. Bussière, “Henri Bertin and his family: the minister’s nobiliary production, his ancestors, his Lyon stewardship, his ministries”, in Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgord , 1905, Tome 32, p. 230-232 ( read online )
  12. Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Jullien de Courcelles Nobiliaire Universel de France, p. 76
  13. Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Jullien de Courcelles Nobiliaire Universel de France, p. 110
  14. A B C D and E Penaud 1999, p. 824.
  15. Alfred de Croisfondfond de Boulazac, Armorial of the nobility of Périgord . Tome 1, p. 441
  16. Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Jullien de Courcelles Nobiliaire Universel de France, p. 114
  17. A. de Froidefond, “Memoir for Guillaume de Leymarie de la Roche, 1628”, in Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgord , 1891, Tome 18, p. 292-298 ( read online )
  18. Penaud 1999, p. 825.
  19. The land of Razac was given to Hugues de Bayly by Jean de Châtillon in 1451. Hugues de Bayly was a lieutenant of the Sénéchal du Périgord in 1459 when he set up a report noting the fall of the Bergerac bridge in 1454/1455. It is present for the first time in the States of Périgord among the lords, in 1464 (Count of Cumond, “States of Périgord”, in Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgord, 1876, volume 3, p. 482-484 ( read online ) )
  20. a et b Penaud 1999, p. 82.
  21. Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Jullien de Courcelles Nobiliaire Universel de France, p. 200
  22. Penaud 1999, p. 846-847
  23. Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Courcelles, Genealogical and heraldic history of the peers of France , Paris 1826, tome 6, p. 14 ( read online )
  24. Penaud 1999, p. 847.
  25. Penaud 1999, p. 846.
  26. Elec : Lambert Alexandre, Antoine
  27. Canon C. Prieur, “Necrology. Madame la Marquise de Sanzillon ”, in Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgord, 1913, volume, p. 97-100 ( read online )
  28. Aymar de Saint-Saud, Descendants of Arlot and Fayolle , General printing house of the South West, Bergerac, 1934, p. 18 ( read online )
  29. Gérard de Fayolle, “Necrology: the Marquis de Cumond”, in Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgord , 1924, Tome 51, p. 175-178 ( read online )
  30. Penaud 1999, p. 39.
  31. a et b Lieu-Dieu castle » , notice n O PA00082389, Mérimée Base, French Ministry of Culture , accessed October 2, 2020.
  32. Guy Penaud, Dictionary of Périgord castles , p. 160 , Sud Ouest editions, 1996, (ISBN  2-87901-221-X )

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Alfred de Froidefond de Boulazac, “de Saint-Astier”, in Armorial of the nobility of Périgord , Imprimerie de la Dordogne, Périgueux, 1891, volume 1, p. 439-441 ( read online )
  • L. Pasquet, “Château de Lieu-Dieu”, in Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgord , 1902, Tome 29, p. 332-336 ( read online )
  • Guy Penaud, Dictionary of Périgord castles , Sud Ouest editions, Bordeaux, 1996, p. 160 , (ISBN  978-2-87901-221-6 )
  • Jacques Lagrange, “Lieu-Dieu (Boulazac)”, in The Périgord of a thousand and one castles , Driver 24, Périgueux, 2005, p. 61-63 , (ISBN  978-2-912347-51-0 )

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